Christians and tattoos

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Re: Christians and tattoos

Post by Bootstrap »

karpos wrote:
Bootstrap wrote:I don't know. Jesus hung out with a whole lot of people that fine religious people could not tolerate - some of them were sinners whom he came to redeem, some of them simply did not fit into the self-righteous religious boxes that the Pharisees liked.
ive heard this argument to support "christian rock" and Jesus was this very contemporary person and would dress like a rock musician in order to reach people that listened to rock music, had long hair and body piercings...I dont buy it.
I don't think Jesus was a contemporary person. Not a contemporary rock star, not a contemporary plan Anabaptist, not a contemporary Catholic or Protestant, certainly not a contemporary white American.

But I do think that New Testament Christianity was mostly about the things that the New Testament is about. If the Bible is the core and we read it in light of what Jesus said and did, then the things that are central in his life should be central in ours.

I haven't seen a solid argument that tattoos are one of these things. To me, this feels like really strong judgment about something peripheral at best to New Testament teaching. If you can teach me to understand the Bible better on this front, please do.
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Re: Christians and tattoos

Post by gcdonner »

Bootstrap wrote:[
I haven't seen a solid argument that tattoos are one of these things. To me, this feels like really strong judgment about something peripheral at best to New Testament teaching. If you can teach me to understand the Bible better on this front, please do.
I don't think we have a specific passage that bans the use of tattoos, but a principle that I believe applies is the fact that scripture says we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
2Co 6:14  Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 
15  And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 
16  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 
17  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, 
18  And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. 
Can we rationalize that putting graffiti on the Temple of God is acceptable? Do tattoos in any way enhance our fellowship with God? Do they in any way attract attention to Him?

Can we construe tattoos as defiling the Temple of God?
1Co_3:17  If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
I personally think it is a defilement of the body that God has given us, and into which He has chosen to dwell and abide with.
I am also reminded of another passage that quotes Jesus:
Mat 7:13  Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: 
14  Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

I wonder if I have made the way too broad in my teaching and preaching, and in my own life. I am concerned that the things that I may allow, may cause someone else to miss the blessings of heaven. For me, the greatest torment that I could suffer would be to know that I led others astray.

Do tattoos enter into the arena of modesty? While scripture speaks directly to women about outward adornment (I Pet 3:1-7), we men need also to be concerned with modesty.
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Re: Christians and tattoos

Post by Neto »

Bootstrap wrote:
karpos wrote:
Bootstrap wrote:I don't know. Jesus hung out with a whole lot of people that fine religious people could not tolerate - some of them were sinners whom he came to redeem, some of them simply did not fit into the self-righteous religious boxes that the Pharisees liked.
ive heard this argument to support "christian rock" and Jesus was this very contemporary person and would dress like a rock musician in order to reach people that listened to rock music, had long hair and body piercings...I dont buy it.
I don't think Jesus was a contemporary person. Not a contemporary rock star, not a contemporary plan Anabaptist, not a contemporary Catholic or Protestant, certainly not a contemporary white American.

But I do think that New Testament Christianity was mostly about the things that the New Testament is about. If the Bible is the core and we read it in light of what Jesus said and did, then the things that are central in his life should be central in ours.

I haven't seen a solid argument that tattoos are one of these things. To me, this feels like really strong judgment about something peripheral at best to New Testament teaching. If you can teach me to understand the Bible better on this front, please do.
This would be a bunny trail if it gets much response, but when I mentioned divining for water some months ago, then all the same arguments came out, and no one could show me where in the Scripture the idea can be supported that the Satan is even capable (let alone willing) of giving anything good, like pure water that was located using a couple of sticks or copper wires. It seems to me that based on Scriptural principles an injunction against piercings & tattoos is much more clearly justified than is a statement that "water witching" (as it is apparently called here in the East) is "of the devil".

I do want to make it clear, however, that I do not think that getting a tattoo condemns a person. But I do think that it is very much unadvised. (I also have taken a position that I will not hire anyone to search for water using sticks or wires, because some of my brethren have strong feelings about it. I do urge them to think it through, and ask where in the Scriptures does it suggest that the Satan can or does give good things, but for their sakes I will not be involved in it, and for fellowship, which is of greater importance to me than my freedom to use such services.)
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Re: Christians and tattoos

Post by Bootstrap »

I used to feel much more the way you do, George. But I have seen that many tattoos really do not have the kind of meanings that some people are bringing up here. I have had many requests to verify the spelling of Greek scriptures that people had tattooed on them. I regularly see people with tattoos on their wrists, often crosses or pretty flowers to remind them that their life is precious and they should not harm themselves, they are often people who once attempted suicide. I have a close friend with a tattoo of a dove, with Mennonite associations.

I think tattoos can mean a whole lot of different things to different people, and the meaning of tattoos varies by country and culture and generation.

Some tattoos really are associated with rebellion and ungodliness. Some definitely aren't, if you are going by the meaning the wearer expresses and most people in their peer group associate with it.

For instance ...





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Re: Christians and tattoos

Post by PastorRich »

gcdonner wrote:
PastorRich wrote:I've got three of them. Each one holds a special meaning. Has lead to many meaningful conversations concerning my Christian faith. Been a Christian for thirty years and just got them about two years ago. I am thinking of getting a woody the woodpecker tat next! :laugh
What is your biblical reason for having tattoos?
Having special meanings is not the same as scriptural support.
I dont need a biblical reason to have one. I also never said having special meaning equates scriptural support. Your age is showing ole man!
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Re: Christians and tattoos

Post by PastorRich »

Isaiah 49:16 Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of my hands... hummm....sounds like a tattoo to me.
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Re: Christians and tattoos

Post by Reflecting »

PastorRich wrote:
gcdonner wrote:
PastorRich wrote:I've got three of them. Each one holds a special meaning. Has lead to many meaningful conversations concerning my Christian faith. Been a Christian for thirty years and just got them about two years ago. I am thinking of getting a woody the woodpecker tat next! :laugh
What is your biblical reason for having tattoos?
Having special meanings is not the same as scriptural support.
I dont need a biblical reason to have one. I also never said having special meaning equates scriptural support. Your age is showing ole man!
If scripture or even if only brethren would seem to not endorse / advise against / reject tattoos, then it seems to me, before I would be comfortable moving ahead with it anyway, want to have a REALLY good reason for feeling differently than my Christian brother ei biblical reason as stated by ole Mr George. ;)
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Re: Christians and tattoos

Post by PastorRich »

Revelation 19:16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written... hummm...
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Re: Christians and tattoos

Post by gcdonner »

Bootstrap wrote:I used to feel much more the way you do, George. But I have seen that many tattoos really do not have the kind of meanings that some people are bringing up here. I have had many requests to verify the spelling of Greek scriptures that people had tattooed on them. I regularly see people with tattoos on their wrists, often crosses or pretty flowers to remind them that their life is precious and they should not harm themselves, they are often people who once attempted suicide. I have a close friend with a tattoo of a dove, with Mennonite associations.

I think tattoos can mean a whole lot of different things to different people, and the meaning of tattoos varies by country and culture and generation.

Some tattoos really are associated with rebellion and ungodliness. Some definitely aren't, if you are going by the meaning the wearer expresses and most people in their peer group associate with it.

For instance ...





Well said, Bootstrap (may I call you by your given name???), except that they still are drawing attention to themselves and are still adornment and still are "graffiti" no matter the theme. Railroads have outlawed graffiti, no matter the subject matter as a matter of defacing their rolling stock, can we say less about the temple of the Holy Spirit? It is not the way God created it.
I'm surprised that no one has used Deut 6:8 as justification for tattoos...
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Re: Christians and tattoos

Post by gcdonner »

PastorRich wrote:
gcdonner wrote:
PastorRich wrote:I've got three of them. Each one holds a special meaning. Has lead to many meaningful conversations concerning my Christian faith. Been a Christian for thirty years and just got them about two years ago. I am thinking of getting a woody the woodpecker tat next! :laugh
What is your biblical reason for having tattoos?
Having special meanings is not the same as scriptural support.
I dont need a biblical reason to have one. I also never said having special meaning equates scriptural support. Your age is showing ole man!
You said it, I didn't. You will have to answer for your graffiti, not me, but don't say you weren't warned.
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