Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Christian ethics and theology with an Anabaptist perspective
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Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Post by Sudsy »

Valerie pointed out this series of videos regarding Amish life and I thought it might be interesting to talk about what we think are the pros and cons of this lifestyle. For some of us that were not raised around these folks, this is a very interesting lifestyle and for me, one I find quite appealing even though I see some drawbacks.

Here is the first in that series (currently I am taking this windy, wet and cool day to watch all 6 parts) -

For starters one thing I really like is that when they pray (before meals, barn raisings, etc) they do it together but quietly and privately. To me, this avoids anyone 'leading out in prayer' and praying some prayer meant to impress others. That would be a pro in my thinking. I wonder if the early church had our most common practise today of someone leading in prayer and everyone else sort of 'amening' quietly or audibly as they prayed. Those of you who know early church history perhaps could help here.
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Re: Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Post by Sudsy »

For some reason these videos make me weep. I think one reason is the kindness being shown by these Amish folks for those who view life differently. Haven't got through them all yet but I wished when the bible was given to the English girl it was suggested that she begin reading either in the Gospel of Mathew or John.

I love their caring for their animals and am a bit surprised at the references to the bible. I guess I had some mis-understandings of them in that area.

Perhaps I should be commenting more on each video. I especially liked the spirit of the first couple and how they dealt with these English folk. The fruit of the Spirit that jumped out at me was gentleness.
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Re: Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Post by Valerie »

Sudsy thank you for starting this. I think it would be a great idea if you would take each video and see if anyone has time to watch these, one at a time and discuss each one- as you suggested. My mom was so fascinated and encouraged by them that all she wants for Mothers Day is the family to watch these.

I like you was so encouraged the young lady wanted a Bible and decided she wanted to be a Christian (what a shock!) but it seemed to me she needed more guidance/mentoring and I agree- for her to start reading Genesis on her own, I have a feeling starting there going through Old Testament as a first exposure, and that by herself- well I HOPE someone there had given her a better plan. I think I still have the producers email address in my contact list- I will try to find out if there's been any updates on these young English- I was reading the comments from people on each youtube and you can see the positive things outsiders are saying.
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Re: Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Post by Sudsy »

OK, Valerie, video one. As I mentioned -
I especially liked the spirit of the first couple and how they dealt with these English folk. The fruit of the Spirit that jumped out at me was gentleness.
What else ?
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Re: Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Post by Valerie »

Sudsy wrote:OK, Valerie, video one. As I mentioned -
I especially liked the spirit of the first couple and how they dealt with these English folk. The fruit of the Spirit that jumped out at me was gentleness.
What else ?
Sudsy it doesn't look like there is interest in watching these- perhaps because we didn't grow up surrounded by the Anabaptist people (indeed I never heard of "Anabaptists" till my 50's!) this is not something people who be as hungry to invest time in gleaning from-

Regarding the first episode- some things I appreciated- the honesty of the British youth, they were able to convey their thoughts so that these dialogues were REAL- they were able to speak their questions and I believe the Amish couple handled them beautifully (as well as their friends) there is so much I could glean from this first episode all by itself- that I would SO love the world to watch this because it shows how far we've left so many things of God & Creation and turned to other distractions. Each British youth on this seemed hungry for something they wished to know about the Amish way of life-

I also appreciated the GENUINE hospitality of this Amish couple and how they didn't show the slightest judgemental attitude.
The tears shed by the Amish man when James was conveying his respect & thanks to him- well that made me puddle up as well-
It is so strange for these youth- the idea of 'real' WORK that they were so obviously spared of in their upbringing. Seems I could write a chapter on this first episode- so much in it! Did you notice that the discussion of 'individuality' came up? You can really see the 2 kingdoms collide here- Oh, and I loved that they went to visit Aunt Erva who had left the Amish for 18 years and then returned- seems she was very instrumental in speaking into their lives- as she had 'tasted' of the outside- but then returned. These are brilliantly done!
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Re: Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Post by Sudsy »

I so agree with what you shared on the first video.

Perhaps some here consider these youtube videos as they do watching TV. Personally I have learned much from youtube videos and am glad some of my favourite preachers are there to watch and listen to. Imo, a great ministering tool even though one must control what else is available here.

Busy at the moment but I plan to comment more on these Amish videos. I have now watched all 6 of them. Can't see anything in them that a Christian could not benefit from but that is my opinion.
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Re: Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Post by TeleBodyofChrist »

I have not watched the whole thing yet. I watched some of the beginning, and skipped to the end to see the outcome.

I am kind of jaded towards these type of videos as some others I have seen were fake and just a novelty. There are some things that were strange with the idea that families involved were okay/their communities were okay with this documentary.

This might be why there has not been a lot of participation. It could also be that the videos are 47 minutes long. I can not watch them that fast; I keep getting interrupted.

I plan to watch the first one all the way through tomorrow.
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Re: Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Post by Sudsy »

Watching the second one again -

There is such an emphasis on hard work. I wonder, can hard work be an idol ? To me, it sounds at times that hard work and long hours is placed extremely high in importance. I remember when that was the high in importance for myself but in a city setting and I believe it did become an idol. At another time in my life, it was sports. I called those areas idols mainly because I couldn't turn them off in my mind when I was not directly doing them. It sounds at times like for the Amish hard work itself is being worshipped or at least highly praised. But I do see them resting on Sunday and in other ways.
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Re: Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Post by Josh »

TeleBodyofChrist wrote:I have not watched the whole thing yet. I watched some of the beginning, and skipped to the end to see the outcome.

I am kind of jaded towards these type of videos as some others I have seen were fake and just a novelty. There are some things that were strange with the idea that families involved were okay/their communities were okay with this documentary.

This might be why there has not been a lot of participation. It could also be that the videos are 47 minutes long. I can not watch them that fast; I keep getting interrupted.

I plan to watch the first one all the way through tomorrow.
I would really like to watch this, but I would feel like a hypocrite when our church asks its young people to avoid watching dramas / funny videos / etc. on YouTube. I imagine someone like RZehr is in the same situation.

I will pass it to people I know who do watch YT and just see what they think about it.
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Re: Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Post by Valerie »

Josh wrote:
TeleBodyofChrist wrote:I have not watched the whole thing yet. I watched some of the beginning, and skipped to the end to see the outcome.

I am kind of jaded towards these type of videos as some others I have seen were fake and just a novelty. There are some things that were strange with the idea that families involved were okay/their communities were okay with this documentary.

This might be why there has not been a lot of participation. It could also be that the videos are 47 minutes long. I can not watch them that fast; I keep getting interrupted.

I plan to watch the first one all the way through tomorrow.
I would really like to watch this, but I would feel like a hypocrite when our church asks its young people to avoid watching dramas / funny videos / etc. on YouTube. I imagine someone like RZehr is in the same situation.

I will pass it to people I know who do watch YT and just see what they think about it.
Thanks Josh- honestly there are several of us that it brought to tears- I would not compare this series to those in the U.S. who exploit the Amish for entertainment purposes. Having viewed them, I do believe the conversations I had with the producers years ago- were honest- they claimed to be trying to use the Amish as an 'influence' on their youth in the U.K. and the way these come across- supports that- I was truly blessed.

As far as the concern about why these Amish or Mennonite would allow themselves to be 'in' these films- because they were presented as a project to be used to 'help' the youth in the U.K., the Amish & Mennonites stepped out of their own comfort zones in hopes to be used of the Lord- to help others. That is one of the tremendous blessings I got out of this too.
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