Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Christian ethics and theology with an Anabaptist perspective
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Re: Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Post by Valerie »

TeleBodyofChrist wrote:Video 3:

The girls and boys were split between houses this time. The boys stayed with a diary farmer and the girls stayed on a chicken farm.

The headphone situation happened right away. If I remember, correctly at each home the teens were told in the beginning what was allowed at that community. For example, the first couple went around with a basket explaining their views on technology and collecting it from ALL of them.

The other communities something was always different and I sure it was confusing for the teens because every community is DIFFERENT. With most denominations most churches within the denomination are generally the same. I have found the Anabaptist denomination to be the most confusing because they do not adhere to a specific set of rules for all churches.

I find this is the hardest aspect of Anabaptism to explain to outsiders- I am sure it confused them as well, even if they could glean from each one-

This situation that happened with the headphones should have been addressed as it was the first episode. Asking all the teens not singling out one. I do not think James was being disrespectful because how was he to know what would be accepted there yet? They had not told him until that very moment and then it was just him which usually puts people on the defensive.
Agreed- I really felt sorry for James regarding how that was handled- I guess the ones who seemed to offer the most tenderhearted patience, were the Old Orders- which probably would surprise most people-
Outside of that the boys generally did not complain about much.

There was a scene where Jordan was talking to an engaged fellow and the subject of waiting until marriage came up. Particularly, no touching at all. It was interesting and I felt that Jordan was respectful in his reaction to the concept. Most people think the Duggars are extreme because they do not kiss. However, the Duggars do allow them to touch. Jordan did make a comment that has actually come up here in a different thread. Jordan said he does not get aroused from just touching a girl's hand. Where as, the Amish fellow did not want to touch his fiance for worry of going further. This shows the major difference in sensitivity between cultures Christian or non Christian.

This varies a great deal among even Old Order Amish, and also the strictest Amish- (some even do 'bed courtship' which is not having intimacy but to me it's almost like playing with fire). I thought the teens were very respectful in the way they asked questions and replied- especially to things so alien to their culture

I was surprised the Amish fellow that told James about his headphones shared something so personal. I think it helped James greatly. I think he had the impression that nothing like that could happen there in the Amish community. It is actually, a tendency for a lot of people think the Amish are holy and perfect and not recognize that they are human. They can sin no matter how many rules or how they appear just like any one else. It happens.

Indeed it does- they are human! I was glad James & the man could be so honest with each other

I was blessed by how the community continued to treat the Amish family that had this happen. There was not any difference in fellowship as far as could be seen. Unfortunately, I can not say the same for the community by us as I know families who children fell and the treatment received was not forgiving at all. The whole family was looked at as having something spiritually wrong. Very judgmental.

The girls seemed to hate the chicken farm well, except for Charlotte. The smell was a lot for them and they had to get air. Now, I am a city girl and I am not use to the farm, but I did not see anything wrong with those chicks. I am not sure what Siana was talking about. What did she think went on at farms? This is not Babe. I can not remember if she is a vegetarian or not but most people eat meat and animals have to die in order to have meat. It is nothing personal. I found it rude for her to imply they were in a bad situation because she was ignorant of what a bad farm actually looked like. The family seemed like they tried hard to make the chicks' short life tolerable.

Agreed- but I think a lot of young city girls would have struggled the same way in seeing the situation-

For some reason, the courtship discussion the girls had with the engaged couple was cut off. I tried a couple of different links for this video and it was the same so, I do not know what was said there. Probably the same thing I suppose.

Hannah came out and said she was already sleeping with her boyfriend and the relationship was only four months long. The Amish teen girls did a good job not showing judgment but at the same time they told her the truth. What frustrates me about Hannah is she already knows this but has chosen to dismiss as not for today. If you are going to sin just own it do not lead others down that path by twisting scripture. Another problem Hannah might be facing is most teens around her do not wait. It is harder to stand for what you know is right when you are the only one. It is not impossible and takes unshakeable faith. I wonder if the situation was switched and the Amish teens were surrounded by sexually active teens if they would hold strong or let doubt in?
Very good points- a LOT of people her age these days have this same attitude- 'the Bible was written 2000 years ago'- but I think surely what she said "God created sex" to enjoy- I think a lot of people really don't see it as sexual immorality if you think you love the person- yes it is twisting scripture!
Did anyone notice how Siana and Hannah seemed to pay more attention to Charlotte's eagerness to immerse herself fully in the experience? I noticed it too, but I think that is her personality. When she is doing something she immerses herself in it whether it is looking good or taking care of chickens. However, there is a negative with this personality type... they tend to go from flower to flower never sticking to any one thing for long. I think Charlotte even said something to the effect that she finds it hard to stick to and finish things. It would be interesting to know what she is doing now.

Yes, I found her to be a precious young lady-she could admit her own faults instead of defend them, humble that way- admitting her needs- unless she was mentored, I imagine it would be easy for her to drift away from what she started-
I think Siana has some definite pride issues that would hinder her from embracing what she was witnessing-she realized she wasn't experiencing what Charlotte was- probably maybe even bothered by that inside?

The yodeling scene was interesting. What caught my attention was the instruments. This is a perfect example for how James would not know what is accepted from one community to the next. The community by me does not allow instruments for musical accompaniment and they are more liberal than the community these teens were in. I would not think an Amish community would allow guitars and the like. Honestly, solo singing was frown upon so the yodeling would be surprising as well.
Amish are all over the place on instruments these days- well you have Old Order, New Order, New New Order, and New New New Order- (oh and the stricter like Swartzentruber & Dan's Amish) so I wonder what they think of such a variety of differences? How does one explain that- in groups where they do not embrace 'individualism' each group is so different than the other- why? What conclusions could they draw from that alone?
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Re: Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Post by Josh »

Amish are all over the place on instruments these days- well you have Old Order, New Order, New New Order, and New New New Order- (oh and the stricter like Swartzentruber & Dan's Amish) so I wonder what they think of such a variety of differences? How does one explain that- in groups where they do not embrace 'individualism' each group is so different than the other- why? What conclusions could they draw from that alone?
If you're looking for a denomination that has it all figured out exactly right down to the letter and zero variation beyond congregations, you'll have to find something with a rigid conference structure and which also believes, for some reason, that their particular church group has it all right (and everyone else has it wrong, in some way).

Such congregations and churches do exist; I happen to be part of one. But it seems unreasonable to expect every Amish district and congregation to be completely identical. The world around us is changing and each of us have to choose how to react to it.
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Re: Living With The Amish Youtube Series

Post by TeleBodyofChrist »

Josh wrote:
Amish are all over the place on instruments these days- well you have Old Order, New Order, New New Order, and New New New Order- (oh and the stricter like Swartzentruber & Dan's Amish) so I wonder what they think of such a variety of differences? How does one explain that- in groups where they do not embrace 'individualism' each group is so different than the other- why? What conclusions could they draw from that alone?
If you're looking for a denomination that has it all figured out exactly right down to the letter and zero variation beyond congregations, you'll have to find something with a rigid conference structure and which also believes, for some reason, that their particular church group has it all right (and everyone else has it wrong, in some way).

Such congregations and churches do exist; I happen to be part of one. But it seems unreasonable to expect every Amish district and congregation to be completely identical. The world around us is changing and each of us have to choose how to react to it.
This is where I disagree. I do not think is unreasonable to expect some consistency. The practices being so different between churches who claim to be in fellowship/conference/affiliated with each other causes confusion.

It makes it hard for people coming from structured denominations to find a church home quickly. Leaving them to bounce around from church to church, and often ending with them giving up on Anabaptism all together.

The communities know that this is a problem with bringing in folks from other denominations and backgrounds. There have even been seminars on the subject of how to successfully bring and keep NMBs.
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