The next MC USA movement: promoting abortion

Christian ethics and theology with an Anabaptist perspective

Re: The next MC USA movement: promoting abortion

Post by HondurasKeiser »

Josh wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 2:44 pm
Judas Maccabeus wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 9:36 am
cooper wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 9:22 am I kind of wish Lancaster Conference would have stayed. Had they stayed, the vote on LGBT inclusion would have gone differently. Had they stayed, I think over time the denomination would have grown more conservative. (Based on the assumption progressive churches are more likely to close than orthodox churches.) On the other hand, Lancaster has saved themselves a lot of grief by leaving in 2016. Denominational infighting is very costly in terms of distracting from doing the work of the church.
The reverse, of course, could have occurred, and was, in fact, already occurring. At current rate of decline, MCUSA will likely effectively cease to exist within the lifespan of people in leadership now.
Speaking of which, another area conference just voted to depart. They’re caucusing with Lancaster now and will form a new district with them. Lancaster is on track to be bigger than MC USA and MC Canada combined, if present trends continue.

Lancaster is also caucusing with Evana, forming an even larger network when it comes to resources shared on things like mission activity, domestic and urban outreach, and so on.

What I hear from some Lancaster folks is they are glad to not be bothering with denominational infighting anymore and instead can focus energy on the things they care about. And they aren’t really missing out on anything by not being part of MC USA anymore.
It does make me sad though that Mosaic (Formerly Franconia Conference) has seemed to drift in such a liberal direction. It used to be that Lancaster and Franconia could be counted on to hold essentially the same line with some minor variations.
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Re: The next MC USA movement: promoting abortion

Post by Bootstrap »

Judas Maccabeus wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:50 pm If you are talking about the 2003 statement on Abortion, I would call it masterfully done, as it gives guidance that moves our theology from abstract principles to the real world. It also admits that we have left couples and healthcare providers "on their own" during ethical/medical crisis. This should not be, but happens all too often.
Here's my dilemma - and that of many in MC-USA churches.

To me, the 1995 Confession of Faith, the 2003 statement on Abortion, and many other things really are masterful, and close to the way I want to live out my faith. I want a church that looks like that.

That's not the same as what Plain Anabaptists teach and do. And it's not the same as Evangelicals. I have a lot of respect for both Plain Anabaptists and Evangelicals, but neither is the path I have found best according to my own understanding and life experience. I have been in churches that lived out this kind of faith, and it has enriched my life. My congregation can do that. My district does pretty well at that. Virginia Mennonite Conference has a lot of congregations like that.

Officially, MC-USA still holds to these things, but a lot of the people currently coming out of seminaries and even quite a few pastors do not. More and more room is being made for people who do not believe in the fundamental commitments of our official documents.

So for now, we do local church. And we wait to see what will happen with other churches. We will sort that out later.

The blanket attacks on MC-USA churches really aren't helpful. Different people and different congregations really do come from very different places.
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Re: The next MC USA movement: promoting abortion

Post by Josh »

Bootstrap wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 6:00 pm
Judas Maccabeus wrote: Wed Aug 21, 2024 3:50 pm If you are talking about the 2003 statement on Abortion, I would call it masterfully done, as it gives guidance that moves our theology from abstract principles to the real world. It also admits that we have left couples and healthcare providers "on their own" during ethical/medical crisis. This should not be, but happens all too often.
Here's my dilemma - and that of many in MC-USA churches.

To me, the 1995 Confession of Faith, the 2003 statement on Abortion, and many other things really are masterful, and close to the way I want to live out my faith. I want a church that looks like that.
Evana’s explicit plan is to follow the CoFIaMP and they seem to be sticking with it. They also are open to dual affiliation. A good plan for a church that wants to do that would be to seek more harmony with the rest of Evana, I think.
That's not the same as what Plain Anabaptists teach and do. And it's not the same as Evangelicals. I have a lot of respect for both Plain Anabaptists and Evangelicals, but neither is the path I have found best according to my own understanding and life experience. I have been in churches that lived out this kind of faith, and it has enriched my life. My congregation can do that. My district does pretty well at that. Virginia Mennonite Conference has a lot of congregations like that.

Officially, MC-USA still holds to these things, but a lot of the people currently coming out of seminaries and even quite a few pastors do not. More and more room is being made for people who do not believe in the fundamental commitments of our official documents.

So for now, we do local church. And we wait to see what will happen with other churches. We will sort that out later.

The blanket attacks on MC-USA churches really aren't helpful. Different people and different congregations really do come from very different places.
I always nuance what I say to say some entire conferences are not aligned with the people currently running the show (basically, Central District).
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Re: The next MC USA movement: promoting abortion

Post by temporal1 »

CoFIaMP .. ?
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Re: The next MC USA movement: promoting abortion

Post by Bootstrap »

Josh wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 6:43 pm Evana’s explicit plan is to follow the CoFIaMP and they seem to be sticking with it. They also are open to dual affiliation. A good plan for a church that wants to do that would be to seek more harmony with the rest of Evana, I think.
One person from our church who evaluated Evana felt that it looked more Evangelical than Mennonite.

I have no idea how true or false that is. I also have no idea what CoFIaMP means.
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Re: The next MC USA movement: promoting abortion

Post by JimFoxvog »

temporal1 wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 6:59 pmCoFIaMP .. ?
Confession of Faith In a Mennonite Perspective ... -of-faith/

I think this is a very good doctrinal statement also.
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Judas Maccabeus

Re: The next MC USA movement: promoting abortion

Post by Judas Maccabeus »

Bootstrap wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 6:00 pm
The blanket attacks on MC-USA churches really aren't helpful. Different people and different congregations really do come from very different places.
It is not an "attack" on any local church. It is an observation of an organization that has clearly gone amok. I am part of a conference that left the Lancaster conference when it joined MC-USA. It was the right move than, it would likely be the right move now.
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Re: The next MC USA movement: promoting abortion

Post by HondurasKeiser »

HondurasKeiser wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 4:03 pm
Josh wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 2:44 pm
Judas Maccabeus wrote: Thu Aug 22, 2024 9:36 am

The reverse, of course, could have occurred, and was, in fact, already occurring. At current rate of decline, MCUSA will likely effectively cease to exist within the lifespan of people in leadership now.
Speaking of which, another area conference just voted to depart. They’re caucusing with Lancaster now and will form a new district with them. Lancaster is on track to be bigger than MC USA and MC Canada combined, if present trends continue.

Lancaster is also caucusing with Evana, forming an even larger network when it comes to resources shared on things like mission activity, domestic and urban outreach, and so on.

What I hear from some Lancaster folks is they are glad to not be bothering with denominational infighting anymore and instead can focus energy on the things they care about. And they aren’t really missing out on anything by not being part of MC USA anymore.
It does make me sad though that Mosaic (Formerly Franconia Conference) has seemed to drift in such a liberal direction. It used to be that Lancaster and Franconia could be counted on to hold essentially the same line with some minor variations.
I wrote too soon:
Leaders of Mosaic Mennonite Conference, one of Mennonite Church USA’s largest conferences, are recommending withdrawal from membership in the denomination while continuing in “partnership and collaboration” with it.
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