Article: Welcome to our new ‘bespoke realities’

Things that are not part of politics happening presently and how we approach or address it as Anabaptists.
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Article: Welcome to our new ‘bespoke realities’

Post by RZehr » ... ithms.html
I’ve known conspiracy theorists my entire life. In fact, there’s probably a little bit of conspiracy theorist in each of us, myself included. (Don’t get me started on Game 6 of the 2002 N.B.A. Western Conference Finals.) We’re naturally drawn to mysteries, rumors of secret backroom deals and tales of intrigue. Some dive in more deeply and recklessly than others, but showing an interest in the story behind a story isn’t just human nature, it can also be a sign of healthy skepticism, and an unwillingness to take official or conventional explanations at face value.

When I was growing up, the father of one of my friends was fascinated by the J.F.K. assassination. Another friend’s dad devoured accounts of U.F.O. encounters. They weren’t weird or worrisome or dangerous men, just quirky and interesting. Under no circumstance were they a threat to American democracy.

But in recent years I’ve encountered, both in person and online, a phenomenon that is different from the belief or interest in any given conspiracy theory. People don’t just have strange or quirky ideas on confined subjects. They have entire worldviews rooted in a comprehensive network of misunderstandings and false beliefs.

And these aren’t what you’d call low-information voters. They’re some of the most politically engaged people I know. They consume news voraciously. They’re perpetually online. For them, politics isn’t just a hobby; in many ways, it’s a purpose.

There is a fundamental difference between, on the one hand, someone who lives in the real world but also has questions about the moon landing, and on the other, a person who believes the Covid vaccine is responsible for a vast number of American deaths and Jan. 6 was an inside job and the American elite is trying to replace the electorate with new immigrant voters and the 2020 election was rigged and Donald Trump is God’s divine choice to save America.

Such individuals don’t simply believe in a conspiracy theory, or theories. They live in a “bespoke reality.” That brilliant term comes from my friend Renée DiResta, the technical research manager at the Stanford Internet Observatory, and it refers to the effects of what DiResta calls a “Cambrian explosion of bubble realities,” communities “that operate with their own norms, media, trusted authorities and frameworks of facts.”

It’s not just Twitter and Facebook. It’s not just cable channels or talk radio. It’s ubiquitous. Take YouTube, for example. DiResta writes that in 2019, YouTube hosted more than 8,000 channels with more than a million subscribers apiece. This means YouTube alone is sending a tsunami of content into the public square, algorithmically curated to provide subscribers with exactly the videos it predicts they’ll like.

Combine vast choice with algorithmic sorting, and we now possess a remarkable ability to become arguably the most comprehensively, voluntarily and cooperatively misinformed generation of people ever to walk the earth. The terms “voluntarily” and “cooperatively” are key. We don’t live in North Korea, Russia or the People’s Republic of China. We’re drunk on freedom by comparison. We’re misinformed not because the government is systematically lying or suppressing the truth. We’re misinformed because we like the misinformation we receive and are eager for more.

The market is very, very happy to provide us with all the misinformation we like. Algorithms recognize our preferences and serve up the next video or article that echoes or amplifies the themes of the first story we clicked. Media outlets and politicians notice the online trends and serve up their own content that sometimes deliberately and sometimes mistakenly reinforces false narratives and constructs alternative realities.

Then, as consumers interact with one another in these like-minded online spaces, they not only form new communities, they also begin shared journeys of discovery that construct, brick by brick, their new political, social and religious realities.

As DiResta writes in her upcoming book, “Invisible Rulers: The People Who Turn Lies Into Reality,” “Bespoke realities are made for — and by — the individual.” Americans experience a “choose-your-own-adventure epistemology: some news outlet somewhere has written the story you want to believe, some influencer is touting the diet you want to live by or demonizing the group you also hate.”

In a media ecosystem so large and full of nooks so precisely tuned to your biases and desires, you can always find evidence, real or imagined, to validate your priors. Just as important, you’re also protected from receiving any information that might cause you to question those priors.

Countless people have asked me, for example, why Republican voters remain so loyal to Trump in spite of his eye-watering displays of corruption and misconduct. And while there are certainly some people who support Trump even though they know chapter and verse about his misdeeds, vast numbers of others are shockingly ignorant of all that he’s done. Their bespoke reality simply doesn’t include that information.

But don’t think for a moment that bespoke realities are confined to the right. On Wednesday, video segments raced across the internet featuring utterly bizarre public statements from a City Council meeting in Oakland, Calif. The council was debating a resolution to call for a cease-fire in Gaza and, in response to a suggestion that it include a condemnation of Hamas, far-left progressives took to the mic to make a series of astonishing claims, including that Israel “murdered their own people on Oct. 7” and that those who opposed them were “old white supremacists.”

Sometimes bespoke realities can yield a false consensus across partisan lines, even if different communities make the same mistakes for different reasons. For example, consider the fascinating reality that huge percentages of Americans have extremely negative views about the economy in spite of a considerable amount of good economic news. Americans are far more negative about the broader economy than they are about their own personal finances.

Republicans of course receive a steady stream of negative information about “Bidenomics.” They’re constantly told that the economy is in a state of crisis. But what of everyone else? Republican disapproval alone can’t fully explain why consumer confidence is roughly at the same place as it was at the height of the Great Recession, even though the economy is growing, unemployment is low and inflation is slowing. During the Great Recession, by contrast, the economy was shrinking, unemployment was soaring and there was real concern that the entire global financial system was on the verge of collapse.

But if you’re a politically active progressive, your curated feeds may be full of critiques of “late capitalism” and examples of economic failure and injustice. As a result, both Bidenomics-hating Republicans and socialism-curious progressives are shockingly negative about an American economy that certainly has problems but is still the envy of most of the world.

In fact, I’d argue that the more politically engaged you are, the harder it is to avoid bespoke realities. The most politically engaged of us are going to spend a disproportionate amount of our spare time perusing political media, much of it online. And each algorithm will notice our political preferences and try to feed us content that matches those preferences.

Understanding this dynamic helps us better understand one of the most interesting and troubling studies of our modern political moment. In June 2019, the group More in Common released a study demonstrating that Americans are wrong about their political opponents in a particularly destructive way: They believe them to be more extreme than they really are. Moreover, those who consume political media were more wrong about their political opponents than those who consumed no media at all. Those who follow the news “most of the time” were roughly three times as wrong about their opponents as those who follow the news “hardly at all.”

Bespoke realities help explain why many of my peers describe friends and parents as “lost” or “gone.” They may be physically present, but they’re psychologically and intellectually in a different world entirely — so much so that their kids and confidants have a hard time relating to them.

It’s important to recognize that no person or movement is immune to the temptations of bespoke reality. We’re all vulnerable, including me, and we should not presume that we possess the innate character, wisdom and insight to avoid the comfortable falsehood in favor of the difficult truth. Rather, I recognize that I’m vulnerable and take specific steps to try to challenge my priors.

That means following as many or more people who disagree with me as agree with me. That means reading the best and smartest people I can find who disagree with me. These practices help both challenge me and humanize my opponents.

Unless we strive to be self-aware, and sometimes even when we do, we fall prey to our own human nature and the algorithms designed to feed us our expressed preferences. Bespoke reality is the path of least resistance. It’s what feels natural. It’s what feels comfortable. Understanding the real world, by contrast, requires effort. It requires us to challenge ourselves. And it requires us to accept an alarming reality: In the midst of this “Cambrian explosion” of information and outlets, our own curiosity and quest for insight — the very tools on which we’ve relied to dig for the truth — can instead lead us astray.
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Re: Article: Welcome to our new ‘bespoke realities’

Post by MaxPC »

Good article, RZehr. Some of my colleagues have been commenting on the clans or bubbles that are influencing people thanks to those algorithms. It certainly reaffirms our choice to avoid social media such as Facebook, etc.
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Max (Plain Catholic)
Mt 24:35
Proverbs 18:2 A fool does not delight in understanding but only in revealing his own mind.
1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is folly with God
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Re: Article: Welcome to our new ‘bespoke realities’

Post by MaxPC »

The behaviors described in this article parallel another discussion recently in which trolling or scoffing infects the internet in general and social media in particular. It reminded me of a Bible verse that addresses this behavior:
Jude 1:16 -19
These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud-mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage. But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit.
Then I did a search on the term "scoffers" in the Bible and found quite a few verses address this behavior. Not a complete list but here are some that turned up in the search:
Proverbs 21:24  “Scoffer” is the name of the arrogant, haughty man who acts with arrogant pride.

Proverbs 24:9 The devising of folly is sin, and the scoffer is an abomination to mankind.

Proverbs 15:12 A scoffer does not like to be reproved; he will not go to the wise.

Proverbs 14:6 A scoffer seeks wisdom in vain, but knowledge is easy for a man of understanding.

Proverbs 9:7 Whoever corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse, and he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury.
It is quite an indictment of this behavior which elicits the instruction:
Acts 17:30-31 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.”
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Max (Plain Catholic)
Mt 24:35
Proverbs 18:2 A fool does not delight in understanding but only in revealing his own mind.
1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is folly with God
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Re: Article: Welcome to our new ‘bespoke realities’

Post by Ken »

RZehr wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 12:31 amIn a media ecosystem so large and full of nooks so precisely tuned to your biases and desires, you can always find evidence, real or imagined, to validate your priors. Just as important, you’re also protected from receiving any information that might cause you to question those priors.

Countless people have asked me, for example, why Republican voters remain so loyal to Trump in spite of his eye-watering displays of corruption and misconduct. And while there are certainly some people who support Trump even though they know chapter and verse about his misdeeds, vast numbers of others are shockingly ignorant of all that he’s done. Their bespoke reality simply doesn’t include that information.

But don’t think for a moment that bespoke realities are confined to the right. On Wednesday, video segments raced across the internet featuring utterly bizarre public statements from a City Council meeting in Oakland, Calif. The council was debating a resolution to call for a cease-fire in Gaza and, in response to a suggestion that it include a condemnation of Hamas, far-left progressives took to the mic to make a series of astonishing claims, including that Israel “murdered their own people on Oct. 7” and that those who opposed them were “old white supremacists.”
Yep, it's not just Trumpers clinging to the belief that their leader can do no wrong. Or that he actually won the 2020 election.

One of the more ridiculous things we have seen in the past couple months is even local school boards wasting enormous amounts of time debating and passing Gaza resolutions. Are there seriously no education-related problems left to solve in your own jurisdiction that you have to go 10,000 miles way to find them in Gaza?

One of the things that makes it so difficult to criticize social media is that every single user has an entirely different experience. My Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. pages are going to be entirely different than yours or anyone else's. Everyone has their own unique set of algorithm-driven experiences that are different from everyone else's. Which is entirely different from traditional media like the NYT or FOX News or CNN where we all see the same exact thing and can evaluate and criticize it from the same common ground.
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr
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Re: Article: Welcome to our new ‘bespoke realities’

Post by barnhart »

"Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.”

But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower the people were building. The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”

So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. That is why it was called Babel—because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world.
Genesis 11

What was old is now taking place again.
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Re: Article: Welcome to our new ‘bespoke realities’

Post by Grace »

Interesting article. Just in recent days we saw a glaring example of "bespoke reality". In the last three years the cognitive decline of the 81-year-old President has been glaring. From falling, mumbling, stumbling, shuffling in his walk, talking to dead people, forgetting the name of Hamas, lying constantly etc. A man who was aware that he had forbidden classified documents in his garage and other unsecured areas, in 2017 but didn't turn them over to the authorities. And he can't be charged for those violations because his mental acuity is so poor. And just like some followers of Trump think he can do no wrong, the president's followers still think the 81 year old can perform like a 40 year old. Even the White House press secretary's touts that any claims about the obvious decline of the President's mental acuity, is "just not reality". I suppose that is her "bespoke reality".
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Re: Article: Welcome to our new ‘bespoke realities’

Post by Ken »

Grace wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:02 pm Interesting article. Just in recent days we saw a glaring example of "bespoke reality". In the last three years the cognitive decline of the 81-year-old President has been glaring. From falling, mumbling, stumbling, shuffling in his walk, talking to dead people, forgetting the name of Hamas, lying constantly etc. A man who was aware that he had forbidden classified documents in his garage and other unsecured areas, in 2017 but didn't turn them over to the authorities. And he can't be charged for those violations because his mental acuity is so poor. And just like some followers of Trump think he can do no wrong, the president's followers still think the 81 year old can perform like a 40 year old. Even the White House press secretary's touts that any claims about the obvious decline of the President's mental acuity, is "just not reality". I suppose that is her "bespoke reality".
Or maybe the fact that you believe all of that is an example of “bespoke reality” :lol:
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr
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Re: Article: Welcome to our new ‘bespoke realities’

Post by Josh »

Ken wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:13 pm
Grace wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:02 pm Interesting article. Just in recent days we saw a glaring example of "bespoke reality". In the last three years the cognitive decline of the 81-year-old President has been glaring. From falling, mumbling, stumbling, shuffling in his walk, talking to dead people, forgetting the name of Hamas, lying constantly etc. A man who was aware that he had forbidden classified documents in his garage and other unsecured areas, in 2017 but didn't turn them over to the authorities. And he can't be charged for those violations because his mental acuity is so poor. And just like some followers of Trump think he can do no wrong, the president's followers still think the 81 year old can perform like a 40 year old. Even the White House press secretary's touts that any claims about the obvious decline of the President's mental acuity, is "just not reality". I suppose that is her "bespoke reality".
Or maybe the fact that you believe all of that is an example of “bespoke reality” :lol:
What of what Grace said isn’t factual?
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Re: Article: Welcome to our new ‘bespoke realities’

Post by Grace »

Ken wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:13 pm

Or maybe the fact that you believe all of that is an example of “bespoke reality” :lol:
The article talks about "bespoke reality" as a reality based on algorisms and other factors from media. It is true that when I watch Biden on You Tube, making speeches, walking on and off stages, listening to him talk, being led by his wife, led by VP Harris, or led away from little girls by an Easter Bunny, it is a media source. However, the videos don't lie. Anyone with ears to hear and eyes to see can see he lacks mental acuity. For those who claim otherwise, well, the best conclusion is that they have a "bespoke reality".
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Re: Article: Welcome to our new ‘bespoke realities’

Post by Ken »

Grace wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:28 pm
Ken wrote: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:13 pm

Or maybe the fact that you believe all of that is an example of “bespoke reality” :lol:
The article talks about "bespoke reality" as a reality based on algorisms and other factors from media. It is true that when I watch Biden on You Tube, making speeches, walking on and off stages, listening to him talk, being led by his wife, led by VP Harris, or led away from little girls by an Easter Bunny, it is a media source. However, the videos don't lie. Anyone with ears to hear and eyes to see can see he lacks mental acuity. For those who claim otherwise, well, the best conclusion is that they have a "bespoke reality".
Right. It is so weird that YouTube feeds you that version of reality

When I log onto YouTube what I see is microbiology and cell biology tutorials.

Apparently we have different "bespoke realities"
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr
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