Global Warning/Climate Change

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Re: Global Warning/Climate Change

Post by MaxPC »

ken_sylvania wrote:Peer review is an important part of the scientific process, but it can also have the effect of being peer pressure which can suppress science that challenges the dominant scientific view. I do think that the scientific community is better suited to the task of analyzing climate change than are most news reporters.
Yep. Peer reviews have been manipulated by pressure such as the threat of the loss of grant monies, etc. Academic politics threaten tenure, research grants, and publication opportunities which can make or break scientists' careers. Academic blackmail is common. Seen it. Experienced it. Deplored the lack of integrity. God is in control. He always sides with integrity and truth so it's a matter of time and patience as the perpetrators of dishonest science fade into history, both administrations and false data. Those who voted for Obama will deny this most recent case because they put their trust in government and man instead of God. May God reach their hearts with conversion to truth.
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Re: Global Warning/Climate Change

Post by Bootstrap »

MaxPC wrote:Those who voted for Obama will deny this most recent case because they put their trust in government and man instead of God. May God reach their hearts with conversion to truth.
No, I just trust peer reviewed journals a lot more than I trust politics or political factions (or The Daily Mail, for that matter). Obama didn't do the science, scientists were reaching these conclusions before Obama, and scientists in other countries were reaching the same conclusions.

And Obama didn't tell scientific agencies they cannot communicate directly with the public, without first going through a political filter. That's unprecedented in recent history. And worrying. Sad when scientific questions become political hot buttons. Even sadder when you imply that a Christian who agrees with mainstream science needs to be converted to truth.
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Re: Global Warning/Climate Change

Post by ken_sylvania »

Bootstrap wrote:
ken_sylvania wrote:
Bootstrap wrote:Do you not believe that peer review and the scientific process followed in scientific communities eventually brings out the truth?
I think it's about as good as we are likely to get overall. However, I happen to believe that the peer review and scientific process has done a woefully poor job of bringing out the truth about the origin and ancient history of the earth. I don't think the scientific method is especially well suited to discovering ancient history.
Partly because it's hard to do experiments in which we create the earth, then create life on it.
Right on!
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Re: Global Warning/Climate Change

Post by Valerie »

Bootstrap wrote:The political narrative seems to be that the bulk of mainstream science cannot be trusted - but the scientists hired by lobbyists and politicians and political movements can. And it's part of the general scheme of dismissing all conventional sources of truth that might disagree with a political agenda. There's probably no point in discussing the data, because the nature of the discussion shows, time and time again, that people won't discuss the data if they don't like what it says.

Climate change is not about any one study, it's about the entire body of literature in a scientific discipline.

So now there's a gag order on scientists who work for many branches of the government, they can no longer blog or tweet or communicate directly with the public, they need political appointees to decide what things can be said about science. I agree with this blogger.
Merely five days into Donald Trump’s presidency, the administration is silencing the agencies tasked with protecting our environment, our health, and our food supply. This gag order sets a dangerous precedent and is sending a chilling message to civil servants throughout the country.

“We knew the Trump administration would go beyond President George W. Bush’s administration in attacking science and suppressing research, but we didn’t know it would happen so fast and so egregiously. Suppressing public servant scientists from communicating with the American public is a dangerous move that sets us on a path where policy decisions are divorced from reality.

“Scientists at the agencies should know that we have their backs. They have a right to speak freely and duty to share their research publicly. Even if the Trump administration doesn’t respect science, the American public does.”
Thank the Lord for this- people have been brainwashed by science. Brainwashed against Creation. Brainwashed to believe in the extreme warnings of Global warming. Brainwashed to believe people are born gay.

ALL of these things are contrary to what Scripture teaches. People speaking into President Trump's life right now- know this.
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Re: Global Warning/Climate Change

Post by KingdomBuilder »

It's unnecessary to try and defuse others opinions on this by claiming one side is against Scripture... bible verses on climate change, anyone? Sounds about as legit as telling me taking blood or vaccines isn't biblical (as JW's do).

As someone who is pursuing a future as a science educator, I'm just not too fond of such hasty connections being drawn between issues like this and my faith. There's plenty of science, psychology, and literature I disagree with. You know what I do? I let it go and don't let Satan use it as an instrument to drive a wedge between me and someone who I could rather be witnessing to.

*Edit: "science" is wayyyy too vague. There's a reason we specify disciplines. Those researching/ funding/ publishing genetics, geoscience, chemistry, medicine, etc. are totally different. Believe me, the various scientific establishments disagree plenty; they're not a homogeneous body of folks working to corrupt the world. Some may be, but certainly plenty aren't.
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Re: Global Warning/Climate Change

Post by MaxPC »

KingdomBuilder wrote:It's unnecessary to try and defuse others opinions on this by claiming one side is against Scripture... bible verses on climate change, anyone? Sounds about as legit as telling me taking blood or vaccines isn't biblical (as JW's do).

As someone who is pursuing a future as a science educator, I'm just not too fond of such hasty connections being drawn between issues like this and my faith. There's plenty of science, psychology, and literature I disagree with. You know what I do? I let it go and don't let Satan use it as an instrument to drive a wedge between me and someone who I could rather be witnessing to.

*Edit: "science" is wayyyy too vague. There's a reason we specify disciplines. Those researching/ funding/ publishing genetics, geoscience, chemistry, medicine, etc. are totally different. Believe me, the various scientific establishments disagree plenty; they're not a homogeneous body of folks working to corrupt the world. Some may be, but certainly plenty aren't.
Good points. As one who spent his career in the sciences I can agree to a point about your last paragraph. I will add that there are disciplines in the sciences that are much more vulnerable to political pressures than others. Climatology is the latest victim of those political pressures. Other disciplines vulnerable to political pressures are stem cell research, pharmacology, and various medical specialties.
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Max (Plain Catholic)
Mt 24:35
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Re: Global Warning/Climate Change

Post by Valerie »

KingdomBuilder wrote:It's unnecessary to try and defuse others opinions on this by claiming one side is against Scripture... bible verses on climate change, anyone? Sounds about as legit as telling me taking blood or vaccines isn't biblical (as JW's do).

As someone who is pursuing a future as a science educator, I'm just not too fond of such hasty connections being drawn between issues like this and my faith. There's plenty of science, psychology, and literature I disagree with. You know what I do? I let it go and don't let Satan use it as an instrument to drive a wedge between me and someone who I could rather be witnessing to.

*Edit: "science" is wayyyy too vague. There's a reason we specify disciplines. Those researching/ funding/ publishing genetics, geoscience, chemistry, medicine, etc. are totally different. Believe me, the various scientific establishments disagree plenty; they're not a homogeneous body of folks working to corrupt the world. Some may be, but certainly plenty aren't.
I'm sorry that you took it that way, but I cannot help but believe that the enemy of our soul uses science to brainwash people against believing in God- when I was young, Creation WAS in the text book! Evolution has taken over. Forgive me if I find that upsetting, many children are not being brought up in Christian homes to be exposed to the truth. Jesus is the one who said "When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith in all the earth?" (Luke 18:8)
I'm thankful to hear Christians getting involved in Science that will be influencing the minds of children-since I am exposed to lots of young people- I know that unless they have been brought up in the faith, they don't even believe in God as Creator- I hear it all the time (I work among many teenagers and young adults). Well in fact, I worked with a Methodist lady years ago, who was surprised I still believed in Noah's Ark- Science has explained away so much that people don't believe in Creation by God- believe that many things the Bible calls 'sin' is actually 'disease' because science has taught that- (example alcoholism, homosexuality) even my niece brought up in a Christian home NOW believes science verses Scripture, regarding homosexuality.
Global warming? Well prophetically speaking- I don't worry about it too much because I know the end of the Book- this world will not be destroyed by Global Warming- but I just see too much hypocrisy about it- those who have such strong politics about it, don't live like the Amish who are about the only people not contributing to the problem.
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Re: Global Warning/Climate Change

Post by temporal1 »

scientists are fully human. :)
am i jaded to believe even many Christ-believers' heads could be turned, waving $20 Billion(s) under their noses? .. much less those who have no instructions from Jesus to impede their thoughts?

not to mention, existing billionaires must find some source to support their ongoing wealth .. mansions and yachts, fleets of private jets, cost money!

there has been a bit of discussion of "logic holes:"
Horse diapers -

The alarming cost of climate change hysteria / Forbes 2011 ... bd6d66f701

apparently, NYC's mayor decided $20 Billion was chump-change for his city, alone: :shock:

New York lays out plan / Reuters 2013 ... 0120130612

Back in the 70's, before the ultra-wealthy figured out how to seriously pirate public funds -
we lived through the predicted coming Ice Age, and, it was not funny! - it was C-O-L-D.

we were cold, and we were scared - and, it did not cost $20 Billions to get there.

1970's Global cooling alarmism / Popular Technology 2013 ... rmism.html

will MN offer a pirate icon, for use in political discussions? :)

1. i respect science, i do not worship it.

2. scientists are fully human, billions of dollars "effect" change (let's not be delusional.)

3. how much massive new pollution would be generated by billions invested?! -
that money is not going toward biodegradable shopping bags for grandma.

4. when will the ultra-wealthy begin to show personal signs their lives are in threat? -
'cause, when this happens, priorities change, folks tend to move right away from being
(let's say, agnostic) .. to seeking Christ ..

Warren Buffet / Freedom from religion foundation ... en-buffett

Zuckerberg Sues Hawaiians to Force Sale of Land for his $100 Million Estate / 2017 ... on-estate/

Romans 14:11
For it is written: As I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow to Me, and every tongue will give praise to God.

Having said all that ^^^^ :blah:
Christians do have responsibility to be good stewards of God's created earth and all He created therein, to not be wasteful, negligent, irresponsible .. with no responsibility to follow the lost as they seek-after earthly riches.

Genesis 2:15
The LORD God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it
and watch over it.
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Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
with even modest attempt at presenting balanced facts from the start.

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Re: Global Warning/Climate Change

Post by ken_sylvania »

KingdomBuilder verses on climate change, anyone?
2 Peter 3:10 - Biblical support for extreme global warming, triggered by human activity. :P
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Re: Global Warning/Climate Change

Post by Bootstrap »

Valerie wrote:I'm sorry that you took it that way, but I cannot help but believe that the enemy of our soul uses science to brainwash people against believing in God.
Satan also quotes Scripture, he even quoted Scripture to Jesus in the desert. He will twist any source of truth.

But we shouldn't respond by dismissing every source of reliable truth.
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