Iran - Israel War? Iran's state-run news agency says Iran has fired ballistic missiles at targets inside Israel

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Re: Iran - Israel War? Iran's state-run news agency says Iran has fired ballistic missiles at targets inside Israel

Post by Ken »

Josh wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2024 2:44 pm If organisers and an organisation openly call for economic “blockade” then they should receive a bill for the amount they cost everyone else with their theatrics.

For what it’s worth, America is trying to do a lot to broker a peace deal, including fixing the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. I don’t see how blockading people in Washington State accomplishes any goal except making a lot more people unsympathetic with them.
I agree 100%. The reason protesters do this is because no one pays attention to them if they just go to some out of the way park and protest. But no one in Seattle or anywhere else in the US really has the power to affect any change outside of perhaps the White House. And so all they become is an annoyance.

This is in contrast to other protests like for Black Lives Matter or pro-Life marches where the intent is to actually change the minds of ordinary citizens on a topic. Then at least one can argue that you might be changing minds. This sort of protest about the events in distant countries is frankly more pointless.
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Re: Iran - Israel War? Iran's state-run news agency says Iran has fired ballistic missiles at targets inside Israel

Post by RZehr »

The version of events from the Tehran Times. ... r-April-14

Israel has been downplaying Iran’s attack claiming that only 1% of the fired projectiles managed to hit their targets. To prove that, it has been filming only specific parts of the affected areas while banning the distribution of any other footage captured during or after Iran’s offensive.

In a video released by the Israeli regime, a Persian-speaking member of the Israeli military can be seen standing next to a missile booster claiming it to be an “Iranian missile that missed the aim”. “This shows that despite the Islamic Republic’s claims, Israeli bases suffered no damage,” he said, seemingly unaware that boosters are designed to separate from the missile before the warhead reaches its target.

Other videos Israel has published to demonstrate the “minor damage” inflicted on its military installations have also raised doubts. One clip shows a rather small hole in the ground with soil and dirt perfectly accumulated in one spot next to it. Another exhibits the aftermath of 1-tonne warheads in an area, where small pipelines are remarkably left fully intact. Notably absent from the footage provided by the authorities are any indications of explosions or fire. Furthermore, viewers are conspicuously deprived of any wide-angle shots depicting the targeted bases.

Military analysts have also challenged Israeli claims of a 99% success rate in downing Iranian missiles and drones. It is believed that the three highly protected military sites Iran targeted have either been destroyed or suffered heavy damage.

The undeniable success of Iran’s operation, dubbed True Promise, came while Israel and its allies had been preparing for a standoff for over 12 days. Tehran allegedly, also informed regional countries about its imminent attack, 72 hours before it took place. With all the time in the world as well as the help of the U.S., the UK, France and Jordan, Israel still did not manage to stop Iran from precisely hitting the bases involved in the regime’s April 1 attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus.

The Iranian attack on the occupied territories seems to have once again debunked Israel's lies about its invincibility after the regime failed to “eradicate” Hamas over a six-month war in Gaza.

Operation True Promise was massively hailed by people across Arab countries. Some Arab citizens even took to the streets to celebrate the fact that for the first time in the past 6 months, Palestinians in Gaza could let out a sigh of relief, knowing the projectiles lighting up the skies were not meant for them.

Strong anti-Israeli public sentiments in the Arab world and the new-found popularity of Iran could mean that Arab states will have to rethink the idea of growing intimate with Israel, which began with the introduction of the Abraham Accords in 2020.

“The U.S. has been trying to persuade regional countries that a deal with Israel could ensure security for them. That importuning is going to stop now that the true capabilities of Israel have been revealed. Arab rulers will no longer feel obliged to form ties with Israel in order to protect themselves,” said Saedollah Zareie, a senior expert on West Asia.
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Re: Iran - Israel War? Iran's state-run news agency says Iran has fired ballistic missiles at targets inside Israel

Post by RZehr »

"The cause of these sounds is still unknown“
Explosions were heard in Iran after Israel launched missile strikes in retaliation for a barrage of more than 300 drones and missiles fired by Tehran over the weekend, three U.S. news organizations reported.

Iran's semi-official Fars news agency said on Friday local time that explosions were heard near the airport at the central city of Isfahan. ABC, CBS, and NPR, each citing at least one unnamed American official, reported that Israel was responsible.

Citing three Iranian officials, the New York Times reported that a military airport near Isfahan had been targeted.

"The cause of these sounds is still unknown, and investigations continue until the exact details of the incident are determined," Fars reported. An unidentified Iranian official later told Reuters that the explosions came from local air defense systems, adding that no missile attack had been carried out. The brief report made no mention of Israeli drones. ... 53974.html
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Re: Iran - Israel War? Iran's state-run news agency says Iran has fired ballistic missiles at targets inside Israel

Post by RZehr »

Sounds like Iran is looking for an off-ramp.
Air defenses fire at suspicious objects in Isfahan

Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi said more details will be released by the relevant authorities in the coming hours.

U.S. media have quoted anonymous American officials as saying that Israel has launched an attack on the Iranian territory. Some Israeli mouthpieces have also reported that an Iranian Army airbase known as the 8th Tactical Air Base has been targeted. Israeli officials have yet to make any comments.

Footage taken by civilians shows unidentified objects getting intercepted in the air. No explosion or damage has been recorded on the ground. Reports by Iranian media also show that cities across Isfahan Province are in a normal situation, with people carrying on with their daily lives.

Earlier General Siavash Mihandoost, the Army’s senior official in Isfahan province, said the relatively loud sound of the explosion that was heard in the eastern parts of Isfahan on Friday morning was the result of shots fired at “suspicious” objects by the air defense units, Tasnim reported.

He said there have been no damages or specific incidents.

"The sound was related to Isfahan's air defense systems firing at suspicious objects and we have not had any damage or accident," Mihandoust said. ... in-Isfahan
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Re: Iran - Israel War? Iran's state-run news agency says Iran has fired ballistic missiles at targets inside Israel

Post by RZehr »

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian has downplayed the significance of Friday’s drone attack on the country, saying that it was minor in scale and involved primitive hardware.

The claims by some media outlets that explosions in the skies above the Iranian city of Isfahan, which hosts a major airbase, were a retaliatory strike by Israel are “not accurate,” Amirabdollahian said in an interview with NBC News on Saturday.

“What happened last night was not a strike,” he insisted, adding that the attack involved just two or three small UAVs, which “were more like toys that our children play with, not drones.”

The UAVs “took off from inside Iran, flew for a hundred meters and then they were struck by our air defense,” the minister added.

Israel, which typically neither confirms nor denies operations on foreign soil, declined to comment on whether it was involved in the Isfahan attack. ... s-isfahan/
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