Today ...

A place to relate, share, care for, and support one another. A place to share about our daily activities and events around the home.

Re: Today ...

Post by Sunbeam »

I am just here finishing off a stick of "Wisconsin Snacking Cheese".
Whatever that is.
And crackers.
What I really want is some really real cider.
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Re: Today ...

Post by Signtist »

Today we bid farewell to Daniel,the Minor Prophets and Leviticus in Sunday School. Many thanks for the good discussions you afforded. But, um, part of me is happy we are moving on!
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Re: Today ...

Post by lesterb »

Back in Alberta. Feels good. Or it will feel good after I get some sleep.
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Re: Today ...

Post by MaxPC »

Today we're resting and visiting with cg neighbors. We're all going to do an impromptu pot luck at the camp pavilion: it seems everyone has leftovers :lol:
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Re: Today ...

Post by lesterb »

Colonoscopy today. :-|
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Re: Today ...

Post by temporal1 »

Tomorrow is December 1.
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Re: Today ...

Post by gcdonner »

Another dentist appointment tomorrow and it is snow flurrying today. The dentist assured me I will have my complete smile back before the holidays. Right now I look like a vampire with only two canine teeth showing on the jaw. It is difficult to chew...
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Re: Today ...

Post by temporal1 »

quiet around here today.
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Re: Today ...

Post by gcdonner »

temporal1 wrote:quiet around here today.
Here too!
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Re: Today ...

Post by lesterb »

Went to a funeral today of an older man we've known for about 10 years, give or take. His wife is a good Christian woman who is a member with a conservative Pentecostal kind of church. He was embittered years ago by the death of a child and he and most of his children turned their back on God. She has faithfully prayed for him for 30 or 40 years, but as far as I know, her prayers were never answered. He died of a massive stroke with no time to reflect.

Sad. The minister talked some about the kind of person he was, then preached a good salvation message. He never mentioned anything about the deceased being ready to die. I was glad that at least he didn't try to preach him into heaven.
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