Amp - 1 Cor 14:1Pursue [this] love [with eagerness, make it your goal], yet earnestly desire and cultivate the spiritual gifts [to be used by believers for the benefit of the church], but especially that you may prophesy [to foretell the future, to speak a new message from God to the people].
So was this one of those areas that was for the early church but not for today ?
And although the Amplified suggests prophesy is to 'fortell the future' others regard it as 'forth-telling' (as in preaching the scripture). Still others say it can be either as the Spirit choses to lead.
I believe there will be what appears to be or is supernatural occurrences amongst those who believe in the supernatural active today but we are also told to test the spirits to see if they are of God and one of the gifts of the Spirit is discernment of spirits. Perhaps what is lacking today are those who will eagerly desire the discernment of spirits and are willing to speak out when the Spirit tells them that certain things are not being generated by the Holy Spirit.
I think many Christians have been scared off from expecting God to still be active in supernatural ways due to activity that was sourced by the influence of other spirits and the flesh. I believe if a church earnestly desired that they have those in their group with the discerning of spirits and acknowledged those with the gift of the discernment of spirits to guide supernatural phenomena, things might be quite different and in order.
I have wondered if the understanding of freedom in the Spirit has been the problem when this 'freedom' does not allow for controls to be in place to ensure the supernatural is of God and not man or other influencing spirits. Spiritual gifts as seen in scripture was to be conducted in a controlled way and not just any way I feel like. I think I mentioned this before but I only recall one experience in a charismatic setting where the pastor, after someone spoke out in tongues, asked for an interpreter. When no one interpreted, he asked the tongues speaker to, according to scripture, not do this again.
Sadly, imo, many churches today show nothing of a supernatural nature obvious in their meetings. Many are not seeing obvious, supernatural, born again experiences. When was the last time we saw something we believed to be without doubt supernatural where we have attended church ?