Problems with Public Schools

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What's the main problem with public school?

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Re: Problems with Public Schools

Post by KingdomBuilder »

Not necessary, but good thought. ;)
Just asking to get things back to the OP after the minor tangent, which was partly my fault.
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Re: Problems with Public Schools

Post by temporal1 »

KingdomBuilder wrote:Not necessary, but good thought. ;)
Just asking to get things back to the OP after the minor tangent, which was partly my fault.
no problem.
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Re: Problems with Public Schools

Post by Valerie »

A few days ago at my work, a customer told me he was from the bay area of California- I explained I was a native Californian, and wanted to get my children out of the state- we moved to Ohio in 1992- what was being taught in public schools was a part of the problem- namely- evolution as 'truth' and Creation- was taken out of the text book- (when I was in 3rd of 4th grade, Creation was at least in the text book as one of the 'theories'. Also when I was young, we were allowed to sing real Christmas carols at school, even had the Christmas play- the nativity, at school (I played an angel in the Christmas play :lol: ). By the time my children were in school, none of this was even allowed.

The customer from California was explaining how he no longer can stand California-- for several reasons- but one thing he said "they're even teaching transgender to first graders". Well no surprise there- they were dressing kids up in some schools like Muslims- too- they will not teach 'Truth' but they will teach lies. The man said, ever since they took prayer out of school, it's continued to go down the wrong path. I agree with him. I pray almost daily, my granddaughter's parents will keep her out of public school when it is time and she will be allowed to go where teachers are allowed to teach the Truth. Not just academics, and certainly not theories that are not true- and sexual orientation/alternatives that are against the teachings of the Lord.
Ohio, hasn't abstained from these changes, they were just slower to get here- I get a lot of teachers at the store I work at, from 2 elementary schools close by, the close junior high, and the only high school in town- and things they share leave me feeling sometimes, if they are an influence on children's minds, that a Christian parent has a lot of work to do to combat this influence. There may be Christian teachers in the schools, I don't know- I'm not meeting those who I feel have faith in Christ. I enjoyed visiting an Amish school 'example' as a tourist once where we learned that God is in their text books. In many subjects. I KNOW also that the peers will be a negative influence because Christianity in my area is not abstaining from worldliness, and there are many occultic influences that have crept in, even to the young- this fascination with skulls really baffles as well as young ones being drawn to the 'scarey'. Children influence other children- it's not their fault, when the parents are drawn by things anti-Christ- what do we expect? Maybe Christian teachers will make a difference in public schools but it would be very challenging to say the least.
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Re: Problems with Public Schools

Post by Josh »

KingdomBuilder wrote:
Josh wrote:Public schools are a reflection of the overall morals of parents and society, not the other way around.
What implications do you see from this?
It means if society is embracing things like pursing mindless entertainment, materialism, striving for higher social status etc then schools will eventually reflect this too.

The reason schools are dens of immorality is because society at large is.
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Re: Problems with Public Schools

Post by Bootstrap »

Josh wrote:
KingdomBuilder wrote:
Josh wrote:Public schools are a reflection of the overall morals of parents and society, not the other way around.
What implications do you see from this?
It means if society is embracing things like pursing mindless entertainment, materialism, striving for higher social status etc then schools will eventually reflect this too.

The reason schools are dens of immorality is because society at large is.
I agree. One thing public schools will never be: a prophetic witness against the culture.
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Re: Problems with Public Schools

Post by KingdomBuilder »

Absolutely agree, Josh
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