Prayer Request

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Once Again

Prayer Request

Post by Once Again »

Please pray for my son. I will not go into particulars about the situation, but he is troubled about the different teachings he is getting at home as opposed to what he is hearing at church in regard to non-resistance.
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Re: Prayer Request

Post by temporal1 »

i have continued to pray and wonder how this has been unfolding for you and your family.

i want to ask for similar prayer, for my granddaughter, and all children, exposed to things they can know nothing about. your son is more of an age where he can begin to learn, but, all children and young people are affected by (lies.)

recently, my daughter and i were quite shocked to hear her innocent 9 year old reciting awful things about President Trump .. and, with such ease and confidence! "Trump is a doofus!" etc.

they have no tv, no newspapers, do not discuss politics, do not belong to political parties or groups, none of it. the child has attended a faith based school, the teachers TRY to keep the children away from adult matters .. however, we know, children bring what they learn at home into the school.

we asked her about what she was reciting.
she named one friend, in particular .. but, went on to say,
"everyone knows! it's everywhere! it's in the air!"

we began talking with her about how Trump is our president, he is working for the people of our country, but that he is being treated very badly by a lot of people.

in her school, serious attention is given to responding in grace, respect, love, with reasons why, from a Christian pov. each month, children receive "Heart of Gold" recognitions that recognize grace and respect toward others. this begins in preschool. it means a lot to her.

so, this is a true departure from all she's been taught, and what has been meaningful to her.
i.e., it's ok to bully and speak badly about someone you know nothing about.

she mentioned more yesterday. this time, mentioning North Korea. :shock:
again, with another Trump put-down.

again, we spoke with her about how NK has been threatening violence for a number of years, and, this is very bad. again, we asked, "where did you hear this?" school is not in session. she is an avid reader, misses nothing. we think she might have read headlines in stores where we have shopped.
they are at her eye level.

we told her President Trump wisely worked with other countries to convince NK to stop threatening violence, and, things seem better now, for now. immediate crisis averted.
we told her this problem is not solved, that lots of people live in bad circumstances because of wars, that we hope we will not have to experience such things here, but, there is no certainty.
we must pray for peace, and live in gratitude for every day as it comes.

as i write this, now i recall being a child during The Cold War. it was "in the air," certainly.
my folks watched the 6pm news half-hour (10 minutes, taking into account weather and sports) .. people discussed it, it was discussed in public schools.

i recall my mother sympathizing with "the people" of Russia - not commonly heard.
she said it was politicians who caused wars, then "people" had to die in them.

she lamented how Russia lost so many men in wars, a terrible crisis. at that time, reports showed Russian women doing men's jobs out of necessity while putting their children in gov childcare/schools. it looked awful. we were so glad to have our mothers at home. grateful.

today's women in the U.S. clamor+fight to take those jobs, while demanding gov take their children. :(
people freely vote for it. the very things we empathized with others for having to suffer. :-|

prayers are needed.
everyone's children+grandchildren will have to deal with "all this." at every age.
too much of it well before they could possibly be prepared.

i have not noticed one word about Trump's success in negotiating with other countries to get NK to end threatening Guam. for a week or two, NK was "all" the news-noise. since last Saturday, crickets, replaced with other noise. i would think there could be a bipartisan word of thanks.
the governor of Guam was appreciative. not widely reported.

my granddaughter, evidently, has not heard/read anything. :?
Last edited by temporal1 on Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prayer Request

Post by Valerie »

Temp you share the burden of my heart as well- I have a 3 year old granddaughter and it's hard not to almost stress and get discouraged over the world she's inheriting - their parents are raising her in southern California, which is where I chose to get my children 'out' of and moved. But with schools, internet, t.v. etc no matter where children live they are exposed to way more than I would hope for- I am so happy for the children being raised in more sheltered environments with parents that are wise to keep them from the 'ways' of the world. Most Christian parents I know, are not wise to do that- I wasn't as wise about it as I should have been which explains where my children are today
All things lawful but not all things profitable- nor edifying-

Keeping ALL in prayer is a good thing to do, we need to be salt & light and keep sharing the Truth- and praying the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, will comfort these young ones who are surrounded by so much that could cause them anxiety. I don't know a lot of adults around me, who do not rely on medication to help them with anxiety-

Reminder to self and others (Colossians 3:2:

1Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.…
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Re: Prayer Request

Post by temporal1 »

thank you, Valerie.
i find myself frequently wondering where they might move to have a less stressful life, but as you say, technology is succeeding in evenly spreading "the bad news" everywhere. families in rural areas, small towns, all are challenged. drug abuse is rampant in rural areas! it's shocking beyond belief.

one red flag is the continued high suicide rate, in the military, and in the general population.
this represents generalized hopelessness.

antidepressants are widely used, often, in attempt to prevent suicide, but, i read, sometimes they worsen problems. (i am not opposed to using necessary medication.)

Jesus is The Way, He offers hope.
the suicide rate reflects a world without hope, without Jesus Christ.
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Re: Prayer Request

Post by temporal1 »

Once Again wrote:Please pray for my son. I will not go into particulars about the situation, but he is troubled about the different teachings he is getting at home as opposed to what he is hearing at church in regard to non-resistance.
i'm here, "once again." :)
i thought of you, and this thread, again today.
my grdaughter is now in 4th grade, public school. (i'm here with them for a bit longer.)

this week, she brought a paper home about "student council." :shock: (repeat: 4th grade.)
i would not have expected this to come up until middle school or high school.
there it is, with all the political bells+whistles imaginable.
a sample speech is included. "i vow to do my best to represent you," etc. :(

imho, the sample speech was written by an adult, the content should not be interesting to this age group, or within their ability to understand. just because one is able to read words does not mean they can understand meanings, especially not implications!

i discussed my misgivings with my daughter. she has no objections to it.
she believes it to be innocuous.
i reiterated to her i have been thankful for all she has done to protect the child from (growing up too quickly.) but, i feel this is akin to "throwing her to the wolves."

it's not my decision.
all i can do is hope she is not chosen.
if chosen, i hope she will not like it, and will not continue.
in the least, that she will choose other things to occupy her time. she has many interests+abilities.

prayers for everyone's children. what a world they face.
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Re: Prayer Request

Post by temporal1 »

this is to "fill out" what's in front of us. (not looking for discussion here.)
without knowing for sure, this "sample" speech appears to be written by an adult, for 4th grade.
to me, not appropriate.
[i'm also wondering if they are learning about plagiarism? -
which i do believe children this age should be introduced to. (i have not yet heard that word here.)]
"This election presents us all with a clear choice. It is a choice between continuing things the way they have always been done or electing leaders who can bring fresh ideas and perspectives.

I believe my experience and personality will help me offer new ideas. Above all, I believe my most important job will be to listen to you and to communicate with you regularly.

This morning I am asking for your vote. Here are a few ideas I believe we can achieve together:
(blank) List up to 3 ideas here.

As you can see, the future depends on our ability to work together. Cooperation and teamwork will get us far. If you elect me as your ______________ I vow to lead with openness and honesty.

I will lead with your best interests in mind. I welcome all ideas of your ideas (not a typo) for making our school better.

I know voting for someone requires a lot of trust. I am willing to work hard every day to earn your trust. I humbly ask this morning for your vote. Together we can achieve great things."
i believe my grdaughter, with her mother (a university graduate) changed 3 adjectives, and they are calling this "in her own words." :-|

if this morphs into a lesson on plagiarism, i will be comforted.

Once Again, i hope you see this. i'm hoping for your insights.
if discussion is wanted, a new thread could be started. this being a prayer request thread.

i just had no idea how such young children were being politicized, as now seems to be the case.
i presume, and hope, this varies by area/school. i have no real grasp on it.

praying for God to show us His direction, not the school's, not ours ..
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Once Again

Re: Prayer Request

Post by Once Again »


Voting and politics are also things that my children hear conflicting viewpoints about. Most people at the church we attend and the homeschool coop we participate in are staunch political conservatives, as well as all their close family members. I now believe that attending a church that teaches nonresistance and is against political involvement is essential for all Kingdom Christian families with children. But for various reasons, so many of us non-Mennonites can't. It's tough. Prayer is needed for all our children and grandchildren.

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