Bible Translations...

Place for books, articles, and websites with content that connect or detail Anabaptist theology

Re: Bible Translations...

Post by Josh »

ohio jones wrote:This is much easier to understand in The Message:
Josh wrote:
Bootstrap wrote:Can we go back to the topic?
No way, Josè.
Sorry, I should have mentioned Dr Fuller is an expert on biblical texts and has influenced the scholarship behind current translations.
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Re: Bible Translations...

Post by MaxPC »

Josh wrote:
MaxPC wrote:
Josh wrote:
At the leading Roman Catholic university I used to be a part of, these sources were not preferred either by the theologians in the theology department nor the on-site convent of lay religious sisters.

The last time I can remember a Bible reading, the Message was used.
Which university and what year, Josh? You keep citing this one experience repeatedly and I'm curious to know who, where and when.

Keep in mind that one experience at one university does not an expert make. No more than going to a few Mennonite fellowships would make a non-Mennonite an expert on Mennonite culture and theology. :mrgreen:
I'll let you go first to list your qualifications, but it's obvious where I went and what years on my LinkedIn, which is public.

The person I remember the best was Virginia Rodee.
Wrong place, Josh. A few months in a non-faculty position at a Catholic college does not give you the background to make general statements about Catholic Biblical translation panels. BTW, those panels take place in Rome under the aegis of the Vatican with input from protestant and Catholic linguistic experts. It seems you are only trying to start an argument here and that's not very compliant with 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. Looks like I'll have to block you again since you have trouble with this attitude. I feel sorry for you and will pray for you; the forum realizes by now you like to take jabs at others so there's no point in my attempting to converse with you when all you've shown is antagonism and negativity. Shaken and done.
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Re: Bible Translations...

Post by Bootstrap »

Do we need another thread for wrangling about credentials?
Bootstrap wrote:In this thread, the topic is Bible translations. If anyone has expertise, why not use that expertise to shed light on this subject, and not to exalt yourself or put others down? I do think it's important to correct misconceptions as they arise, and sometimes to clarify who knows what, but I don't know how credentials became the subject of this thread.

Can we go back to the topic?
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Re: Bible Translations...

Post by Josh »

“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! The sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, passive homosexual partners, practicing homosexuals, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, the verbally abusive, and swindlers will not inherit the kingdom of God. Some of you once lived this way. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:9-11‬ ‭NET‬‬
What are you saying, Max?

Are you questioning my salvation?
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Re: Bible Translations...

Post by Josh »

MaxPC wrote:
Josh wrote:
MaxPC wrote: Which university and what year, Josh? You keep citing this one experience repeatedly and I'm curious to know who, where and when.

Keep in mind that one experience at one university does not an expert make. No more than going to a few Mennonite fellowships would make a non-Mennonite an expert on Mennonite culture and theology. :mrgreen:
I'll let you go first to list your qualifications, but it's obvious where I went and what years on my LinkedIn, which is public.

The person I remember the best was Virginia Rodee.
Wrong place, Josh. A few months in a non-faculty position at a Catholic college does not give you the background to make general statements about Catholic Biblical translation panels. BTW, those panels take place in Rome under the aegis of the Vatican with input from protestant and Catholic linguistic experts. It seems you are only trying to start an argument here and that's not very compliant with 1 Corinthians 6:9-11. Looks like I'll have to block you again since you have trouble with this attitude. I feel sorry for you and will pray for you; the forum realizes by now you like to take jabs at others so there's no point in my attempting to converse with you when all you've shown is antagonism and negativity. Shaken and done.
I was there for years, not months, and this was a leading Roman Catholic university, under the full oversight of the Diocese of San Diego. We also had a parish located in the middle of our campus.

Over half our student body was Catholic as well.

Nonetheless, I'm no expert on Catholicism. I'd be glad to hear your own credentials, Max. I shared my own experiences.
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Re: Bible Translations...

Post by Bootstrap »

Has anyone on this thread said something that requires formal credentials? If someone is saying something that can only be trusted if they have proper credentials, who? Anyone who stresses the importance of credentials needs to start by telling us what their credentials are. In a way that lets us verify them. If you won't do that, please don't expect that of others.
Bootstrap wrote:On the whole, Mennonites don't care about formal credentials, and we stress life in obedience to God.

We really need to be on guard against exalting ourselves by stressing our own knowledge or credentials. We also need to be on guard against putting other people down by attacking theirs. I've seen too much of that on the forum, and only a few people do that.

Usually, the best way to do that is to discuss the topic in a thread and avoid bringing in opinions about ourselves or others.
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Re: Bible Translations...

Post by Sudsy »

[bible]2 corintians 3,6[/bible]

I wonder if the power that we are missing today to shine forth as Jesus followers is partly due to our reliance on the accuracy of the letter (with all the side tools we have today) and not the Holy Spirit who brings real life - salvation, hope, joy, peace, love, etc. Perhaps on looking at what is printed we need to seek more what is between these lines of print to allow the Holy Spirit to translate what we read into the language of the Spirit.

My bible for some years now is a NIV Life In The Spirit Study Bible. However, I have no real preference. My scripture memory work was primarily at an earlier age using a KJV which I also used in leading people to the Lord. Even though it was not modern language, the Holy Spirit was able to use these NT, KJV verses to speak and convict sinners unto repentance, proving to me it is the Spirit who gives life.
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Re: Bible Translations...

Post by lesterb »

My goal for this thread was for people to share their favorite translations for reading and for studying along with their reasons for liking them. Part way into it, I also added favorite study aids and reference material. I was thinking of resources for people who don't know Hebrew and Greek, though I might not have said that. I don't have anything against people who know Greek and Hebrew. I'm grateful for those who do and who have willingly written books or MN posts to share their knowledge with others.

That is still my goal. Thanks to everyone who contributed to those goals. I've picked up several resources from this thread that will be helpful.

Maybe we've worn out the subject?
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Re: Bible Translations...

Post by lesterb »

Erika wrote:I have always had the KJV as my preferred translation. I have used most of the other translations but have always returned to the KJV. I find that the scripture passages from the KJV, 'stick', in my memory much better than the newer translations. I have found that Rodney Yoder's, 'The Story Behind the Versions' , (ClP, 2012), a good insight. I would have to agree with him that the ESV is a good alternative to the KJV. I use a lot of Howard Bean's devotional material to get the best out my Bible reading.
I use the KJV as a base translation because most of my life experience has been with it. I can often remember a phrase used by the KJV which helps me to find the verse. Then I use other translations to help me understand it. Sometimes this is helpful and sometimes it isn't. For my own inspiration I tend to use the ESV. For trying to decide between various translations, I like to use the NET notes to see why the difference exists. It is seldom significant from a doctrinal perspective but may make a difference from an inspirational perspective.

I reviewed Rodney's book before CLP published it. He is a bit on the "conservative" side with it, but he worked under the constant constraint of knowing who his audience would be and the criticism that would face a book like his. I've got lots of experience with such constraints.
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Re: Bible Translations...

Post by haithabu »

For the last 10 years I have used NKJV and prior to that the NASB (1977). I like both because both follow the original text fairly closely and leave more of the interpretation to the reader than do the more popular modern translations.

Just as a minor example, NIV leaves out the "and" which connects many of the Gospel passages. The translators evidently saw the word as a divider between passages rather than a connector and therefore omitted it because the same purpose could be served by a paragraph break. I don't like the practice, first on principle and second because I can see a thematic flow between many passages which are connected by "and", whereas the omission of the word encourages the reader to view them independently.

I think NJKV's language flows a bit better than NASB because it tends to use a more compact sentence structure consistent with King James English. NASB is a bit wordier in parts on account of that.

I'm aware of the documentary issues which separate the KJV variants from other translations but I'm not fussed by it because in my view the jury is still out and a good study Bible will give the alternate wording in the margin anyway.
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