
Messages, Lectures and talks that relate, or connect to Anabapatist theology.
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Post by Heirbyadoption »

Seeking anecdotes, personal opinions, etc. Yours truly has been asked to speak one evening to the youth group gathered at our church conference this spring. Mythoughts are revolving around the fact that these young people will be sitting there as part of a distinct Plain group with not only religious freedom, but able to hold and engage in various Scriptural and beneficial practices. If it's not stretching too far, my thoughts are vaguely grasping at the concept of "heritage and consequences", both spiritually and culturally, and to encourage them to NOT be ashamed of who they are, but to use it for God's glory and as a tool/springboard through which to share the Gospel.

Every action has a reaction/consequences. Because men and women went into hiding/exile, into prison, to the stake, to the sword, to the river, etc, rather than compromise truths, we have received much. My question is primarily for those who still see value and/or interact within your Plain heritage (yes, I recognize there are varying degrees). What stories from history, or particular individuals, stand out to you who made choices that have subsequently allowed you to have what you have today? I'm not trying to glorify past martyrs and ancestors, just asking who you see as having had direct effect on what you have now.
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Hats Off
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Re: Heritage

Post by Hats Off »

Dirk Willems is probably the most noted example. More current examples would be easier for today's teens to relate to. Stories of older people who have not accepted the Social Security benefits they might have been entitled to and could easily have used. In Canada, a family with 6 children under the age of 18 could receive over $40,000 in government benefits. Many families are choosing to forgo that because of their heritage. Today when struggling to make ends meet, this is a very real consequence of choosing to honour their heritage. I am sure with a bit of help you can find many more examples of this.
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Re: Heritage

Post by Haystack »

This might not be the example you're looking for as it's not connected spiritually, but culturally it might help youth of various backgrounds.

I think the best way to express the importance of heritage is the saying "the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence". What I mean by that is people don't always realize what they have because they have their eyes set on what they could have instead. They want something different, something new, and exciting, because they lose sight of what they were gifted with. This could be anything from religion, to a family store/business, to geographical region they live in, etc. Almost anything can be an example of this because we take these things for granted.

I would try to explain to these kids the importance of who they are and how truly blessed they are to have been born into this culture. There are a lot of people out there who wish they had the same opportunities as they do which I'm sure they might not even be aware of. Anyone without a Anabaptist background can join a congregation and theoretically become a Mennonite or a Brethren, and technically they would be one, but they won't have the same culture. The family history, the name, opportunities within the congregation, etc. Perhaps the knowledge that someone else would like what they have is a strong enough message to realize they are apart of something special. To be apart of something that they can trace their roots back for hundreds of years and keep the traditions going is an incredible opportunity that shouldn't be taken lightly. I know this wasn't the best way to explain my thoughts, but I was having a hard time putting them into words.
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Re: Heritage

Post by Heirbyadoption »

Hats Off wrote:More current examples would be easier for today's teens to relate to.Stories of older people who have not accepted the Social Security benefits they might have been entitled to and could easily have used. In Canada, a family with 6 children under the age of 18 could receive over $40,000 in government benefits. Many families are choosing to forgo that because of their heritage. Today when struggling to make ends meet, this is a very real consequence of choosing to honour their heritage. I am sure with a bit of help you can find many more examples of this.
Perhaps, but I'm looking more for historical references. Contemporary ones lend themselves too easily to patting ourselves on the back, or relate more to one group than another...
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Hats Off
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Re: Heritage

Post by Hats Off »

Makes sense - Martyr's Mirror would have many stories. Then there are the Anabaptist stories of meeting in caves or in bad weather to avoid authorities - stories of losing their lands or homes, being driven out of their native country. I have a headache tonight and can't think of the best sources for these stories.
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