What are you reading?

When it just doesn't fit anywhere else.
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ohio jones

Re: What are you reading?

Post by ohio jones »

ken_sylvania wrote:To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
"He might have hurt me a little," Atticus conceded, "but son, you'll understand folks a little better when you're older."
I'd recommend also reading Go Set a Watchman to find out if Scout's understanding of people actually does improve with age.
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by Sudsy »

Just ordered to my Kindle - God At War by Greg Boyd. Watch some panel reviews on youtube and looking forward to this book as our teaching pastor is about to start a series on spiritual warfare. Anyone read this book ?
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by KingdomBuilder »

francis wrote:Under the Banner of Heaven by John Krakauer, which is about the dangers of fundamentalism, specifically within the Mormon church.
I'd like to read a book on the dangers/ influence of fundamentalism. Anyone have any other titles related?
May pick this book up, but not looking for too much on Mormonism.
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by gcdonner »

I am presently reading, "The Jews in the Time of Jesus", by Stephen M Wylen
He is a Jewish rabbi, writing as a historian. Enlightening.
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by JimFoxvog »

I'm reading Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson. This is by the founder of Equal Justice Initiatve, a legal practice dedicated to defending the poor and wrongly condemned. There are many stories in it about abuse and wrong condemnation in the US legal system. It's very moving.
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by lesterb »

The Allure of Gentleness,
Defending the faith in the manner of Jesus.

By Dallas Willard

Topic: Apologetics, gentle answers to life's big questions.
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by Heirbyadoption »

Currently reading: The Writings Of Pilgram Marpeck by Klassen. Next on the list, Jorg Maler's Kunstbuch: Writings of the Pilgram Marpeck Circle.

Anybody else on here ever read much of Marpeck or his writings?
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by gcdonner »

The Temple: It's Ministry and Service by Alfred Edersheim
A classic work
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by lesterb »

gcdonner wrote:The Temple: It's Ministry and Service by Alfred Edersheim
A classic work
Have your read The Life and Times of Jesus, the Messiah? That's his magnum opus. It was originally published in several books, but you can get it as a reprint in one book (about a thousand pages). He has tremendous insight.
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Re: What are you reading?

Post by gcdonner »

lesterb wrote:
gcdonner wrote:The Temple: It's Ministry and Service by Alfred Edersheim
A classic work
Have your read The Life and Times of Jesus, the Messiah? That's his magnum opus. It was originally published in several books, but you can get it as a reprint in one book (about a thousand pages). He has tremendous insight.
Not yet, I have it in my bible program but am looking for a print copy to read when I get done with this current book. Thanks Lester.
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