omnium-gatherum part deux

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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by Peregrino »

temporal1 wrote:December 13, 2016: The Cold Moon ... -cold-moon

i wandered out a bit late to get mail, not 5:30, already mostly dark ..
was amazed to see a bright full moon, AND, across from it, "a star so bright," i had to stare.

on nights like these, i wonder how differently people must have viewed the world, esp before gas lights/electricity, esp living in tents, year-round. it would have been natural to always be watching the skies, to have the skies interwoven in all of daily life.
It was most likely Venus that you saw in the west.

If you look up the sky at about a 10 or 11 o'clock angle from Venus (if that makes any sense), you will see a reddish star. That is the planet Mars.

A month or so ago, Saturn was also visible in the west right at first dark. The children and I enjoyed looking at it through the telescope.

I, too, have often thought about that, how we are so separated from the skies. The ancients seem to have had an obsession with sky gazing, judging by the number of ancient observatories and astronomically oriented buildings that have been discovered around the globe. I have read speculation that this may have been because some global cataclysm (Noah's flood?) might have been powerful enough to change the earth's axis and possibly even speed of rotation. So they were very serious about trying to figure out exactly what was going on in the heavens and what all had changed. Who knows, just something interesting to think about when staring up into space.

I have also read that the body's hormones are affected by our unnatural use of artificial light. Being isolated from the sky has thrown our bodies completely out of sync with the daily, monthly, and yearly light cycles that keep us, especially ladies, on an even hormonal rhythm. Our current house has master bedroom windows facing southeast and southwest, so we can enjoy the moonlight streaming in all night long. But we bask in fluorescent light long past God's lights-out time, so we're probably still out of sync. :D
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

It was most likely Venus that you saw in the west. :D

If you look up the sky at about a 10 or 11 o'clock angle from Venus (if that makes any sense), you will see a reddish star. That is the planet Mars.

A month or so ago, Saturn was also visible in the west right at first dark. The children and I enjoyed looking at it through the telescope.
it was in the west! it was so big and bright, even with the sky not fully dark.

when i searched for the full moon, i also searched for stars that night, all i found were notes about stars to the east .. i knew that couldn't be it. should have searched for planets, too. there was a meteor shower later that night, too. i did not go back to see it.
I, too, have often thought about that, how we are so separated from the skies. :)
The ancients seem to have had an obsession with sky gazing, judging by the number of ancient observatories and astronomically oriented buildings that have been discovered around the globe.

I have read speculation that this may have been because some global cataclysm (Noah's flood?) might have been powerful enough to change the earth's axis and possibly even speed of rotation.

So they were very serious about trying to figure out exactly what was going on in the heavens and what all had changed. Who knows, just something interesting to think about when staring up into space.
it's interesting to try to imagine. they knew/learned a lot by watching the skies, the skies were dominant in their lives, not incidental. add to that all the natural world on earth ..
as you say, the skies were important to all peoples around the world
I have also read that the body's hormones are affected by our unnatural use of artificial light.
Being isolated from the sky has thrown our bodies completely out of sync with the daily, monthly, and yearly light cycles that keep us, especially ladies, on an even hormonal rhythm.

Our current house has master bedroom windows facing southeast and southwest, so we can enjoy the moonlight streaming in all night long.

But we bask in fluorescent light long past God's lights-out time, so we're probably still out of sync. :D
i read about this, too. :)
even when i was much younger, i would think, they say the earth is covered in 75% water, the moon controls the tides. our bodies are 75% water. how can we not be affected by the natural world?

there's a lot of thought about the lack of dark skies now.

we had a friend drive from chicago for a family gathering.
she was mortified to learn, outside of chicago, no lights along the highways! :shock:
she drove by herself, was so afraid!

interesting. lights or no lights, i refuse to drive in chicago! :lol:
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

This thread, Page 2:
temporal1 wrote:Page 3 / The Russian Hacking Story
appleman2006 wrote:I am not complaining so much as trying to state ways that I think they could do better.
Call it an appeal if you wish.
In that I am simply following Paul's example and I think I am in comfortable company there. ;)
more -
Gene wrote:As a counter, may I offer the saga of John the Baptist and Herodias?
Of course the governmental reaction in this case was somewhat worse than an unjustified IRS audit, perhaps leading to a bit of hesitancy on the part of anyone else inclined to critique the morality of the ruling class.
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

From this thread, Page 17:
Robert wrote: :arrow: Several of the ones she positioned in (the) center were outed in the wikileaks as colluding with the DNC and Clinton.

:arrow: It really surprises me that some can continue to trust those who were shown to be biased and manipulating their coverage.

:arrow: If Fox News was doing this with the RNC, they would have been hung out to dry, justifiably.

:arrow: I just can not understand why those who did these things are not being held accountable or to a higher standard.
you are a bit younger than me (and Gene) so, likely, you may not have been aware of the "remarkable" gasp-worthy twist Bill Clinton put on "truth as relative," particularly as human law might serve as a handy tool to (weasel one's way) out of tight situations.

he did keep SNL busy while in office. he was a gold mine for them.
Phil Hartman had a genius for portraying him (before his wife shot him for philandering, i believe.)

the former attitude/semblance of attitude, of leaders to be held accountable, or hold themselves accountable, was formally replaced with:
do whatever you can while twisting legal language to get you there, and, be proud of it. :-|
shame became passe.'
this has had a broad ripple effect throughout politics, law, media, private citizens. education. :-|

by now, there are no absolutes, everything is relative (according to what one can twist out of human law/reasoning.) the bar is low.

(to me) it goes back to scriptural lessons on headship.

leaders are important. no matter what level, humble or grand. secular or godly.
there are ripple effects, positive or negative.

i believe this is core to why we are instructed to pray for our leaders. they need prayers!
their temptations are great!
1 Timothy 2:2
1First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be offered on behalf of all men

2for kings and all those in authority, so that we may lead tranquil and quiet lives in all godliness and dignity.

3This is good and pleasing in the sight of God our Savior,…
thankfully, what negatives humans wield will be overturned by God's Truth.
what may seem like "forever" is most-certainly-not.
they are all merely temporal afflictions.
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

Phil Hartman as Bill Clinton, 1992
Somalia is reviewed toward the end .. :( ... 0361?snl=1

Phil Hartman portrayed Clinton in numerous episodes.
Darrell Hammond then replaced PH.

i watched parts of SNL in the 90's, mostly the opening sketches.
it had comedic moments, but often laced with offensive garbage. i did not view in whole, even then.

i do not view at all, anymore. occasionally, i will see an out-take.
overall, like nearly all so-called "entertainment," it's not viewable. it's not entertaining.
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

From Page 1:
MaxPC wrote:Will pray for a job to come your way, T1 :hug:
in truth, at this moment, i'm glad i was not offered one of those jobs. with ice-covered roads, i would be very stressed right now, whether venturing out, not wise, or staying home, feeling i should be at work!

last year, i had a full time temp job, Thanksgiving through December, 2nd shift, but the weather was ok, roads ok. this year's winter conditions are starting a bit early. no one should be driving on this stuff/glare ice.
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

to avoid bunny trailing mike's thread -
Wade wrote:Where there was tension between a grown son and father in a setting, I had a minister(one with grown children eager to serve the Lord) say very soberly to me to win your children's hearts when they are young because it is not as likely to happen when they are grown.

I have also been told then by a deacon with very nice grown children that it is better not to make a rule than to fail to back it up. As Children are also going to test our consistency. Where if you set a guideline you had better follow it through with correction because if you do not then the person or child the guideline was set for will learn to not trust you...

It seems like when children are very young they have our affection. So what happens if later they don't have it? Maybe a mix of many small mistakes more than a few big ones?

:arrow: I do like the thoughts shared about being humble and apologizing about mistakes.
hi wade,
a parenting watershed moment came for me when i was thinking of how to talk with our young ones about .. the first commandment, OT and NT.

it dawned on me, i had spent my life thus far loving my parents first, before God.

i was startled. maybe frightened, a little sick. i realized, quickly "reviewing" my life, that in my mind, i "sort of" silently thought scriptures had "gotten that part wrong," that parents were first, then God ..

that sounds absurd, of course. :?
i never shared this thought, maybe it wasn't an officially-formed thought .. but, i realized, this was the order of love and respect, in my child and young adult mind.

i had to wrestle a bit with it, but, thankfully, once i got there, ^^^, it didn't take me a terribly long time to wiggle my thinking around, to not only accept the correct order, but to be comfortable with it. then, to not only be comfortable, but grateful, and comforted.

thankfully, i was able to work through all this, then, i was better-able to approach our children with the important Truth that would carry them through life: we are your father and mother, but, God comes first. for us, and for you.

as parents, we are not perfect, we will let you down, we will make mistakes. our parents/your grandparents, were not perfect .. they surely SEEM perfect! but, no, as parents, they made mistakes, too.

only one perfect God.
only one who will never fail you, or any of us.

so, with God at center, we continued as parents and children.
my daughter just turned 41, my son is 33, my granddaughter is 9.
God at center.

none of us knows how long we will have with our children.
it's important to give them the most valuable tools for life we're able, from their youngest years.

if we're not here, what do we want you to know, above all?

i can't think of any more valuable tool to give them than to share with them the Truth about where they should turn for all their questions in life, no matter their age or circumstances.

:arrow: God at center. no other gods.

i give credit for this personal "watershed moment" to the Holy Spirit. it's an example of how a bit of Light is able to get-through to us, to help us along the way. it can be a bit of a shock, then, surviving that, we are better able to move forward with better direction.

this was a special time, it preceeded my baptism.
it was a period (of years, really) when scriptures "came to life" for me, the pages became full of Light as never before.

again, i credit the work of the Holy Spirit for the change.
i can't imagine it was anything i did on my own.
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by Wade »

I like what you said about
temporal1 wrote:
i can't think of any more valuable tool to give them than to share with them the Truth
Reminds me of a general manager at one place I worked always telling me that I cannot expect something from one of my apprentices/employees unless I have properly provided 3 things for them:
- The training to do the job
- The tools to do the job
- And a clear understanding of what is expected of them

If these conditions were met then I was free to discipline if necessary.
Disciplining could be quick and easy but it never really accomplished much of anything as compared to putting in the extra effort to build someone up.
I think we can relate this to parenting effectively when we focus on the 3 things we need to provide to serve them in order to help them succeed.
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

Wade wrote:I like what you said about
temporal1 wrote:
i can't think of any more valuable tool to give them than to share with them the Truth
Reminds me of a general manager at one place I worked always telling me that I cannot expect something from one of my apprentices/employees unless I have properly provided 3 things for them:
- The training to do the job
- The tools to do the job
- And a clear understanding of what is expected of them

If these conditions were met then I was free to discipline if necessary.
Disciplining could be quick and easy but it never really accomplished much of anything as compared to putting in the extra effort to build someone up.

I think we can relate this to parenting effectively when we focus on the 3 things we need to provide to serve them in order to help them succeed.
marvelous. :D
it's amazing what profound impact good leadership in the workplace can make.
part of leadership is a gift, as well, skills can be learned.

your manager fairly described how Jesus led His disciples. we inherited that responsibility, to share Truth, and to abide in it.

the urgency i feel on this comes from knowing my dear father-in-law's story. he passed in 1996.
he was born in 1908. he was only 5 years old when his mother died. his father placed him+siblings in a nearby orphanage. i found their names in Census records. in those days, orphans were labeled, "inmates." i was shocked to see his name listed with that label.

he had many life experiences! i won't belabor.
by today's western culture thinking, he had extreme challenges.

bottom line. he sought after Jesus and Truth in his life. this carried him.
he harbored no ill-will or resentment. he was grateful for his life experiences, including the orphanage.

he lived to achieve a lot, but, he remained humble, sometimes saying, wistfully, "we must never forget where we came from."

he credited his mother!
he described having only 2 memories of her .. the first, that she had long hair; the second, that she took (them) to Sunday School.

as a parent, i thought a lot about his life.
"what if i only have this short time with them?! what can i do or say that would be of lasting value?"

it's humbling. it's reality. no one knows how much time they have, or others have, even our children. share God's Truth. this is what is of highest value, it won't erode, can't be stolen.

i've shared about these things before, on MD. i'm repeating myself. :-|
these are some key "guideposts" in my experience, they might resonate with others.
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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Post by temporal1 »

here is an observation i'd like to share, but, i'm not seeking response.
it's "thinking out loud." i'm still thinking.

on this forum, nearly 6 years now, i have enjoyed so many virtual friends, i've met a couple in real life, i've been invited to meet some .. i've learned and enjoyed, and, loved. this forum is a virtual extended family-community for me.

since MaxPC joined, i have found myself "paired-off" with Max, over+over+over.
this is not inherently a bad thing. however, the "pairing" seems to be of a critical nature, which is unpleasant, to say the least. it is what it is. time passes, instead of subsiding, it continues.

strangely, of all the LONG-TIME virtual friends i have here on this forum, and, many who have left, i don't recall ever being "paired-off" with any, especially not with a critical, accusing tone. "you and max, this, you and max, that" .. :cry: what? :?

never, "you and appleman, you and ohio jones, you and mike, you and Joy, you and lester, you and wayne, you and wade, you and kingdombuilder" .. the list goes on, too long for me to recall each member i have enjoyed, supported, shown interest in, learned from .. for years+years.

max comes along, i enjoy him - as i enjoy others .. SLAM! - "you and max!" ..
this is allowed, it's been going on since soon after max joined (last year?)

max and i agree on a lot. not on everything. imho, pretty much as all other members agree+not on this forum.

this is a "safe" forum? .. for whom? :?

my questions are rhetorical. i am not seeking answers, agreement, rejection, or other.
just thinking out loud. in this "odd thoughts" thread.
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