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Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Posted: Mon Apr 11, 2022 11:15 am
by temporal1
JACOB FUNCK 1695-1746
Another Mennonite ancestor, recorded as buried in the
Mennonite Cemetery, Strasburg, Shenandoah County, Virginia, USA.
Find A Grave: 59183510 / ... acob-funck

Does anyone know where this cemetery/graveyard is? Or anything about it?
Find A Grave is usually informative, often with photographs of cemeteries. Not this one.

Find A Grave / Mennonite Graveyard ... -graveyard

Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2022 12:45 pm
by temporal1
temporal1 wrote: Wed Feb 23, 2022 2:06 pm 10 agonizing days since i “made a move.” ^^ it feels like 10 months.

today, i took the next step. i was NOT dismissed with screams. this is progress. i hope.
hopefully, another positive step tonight.

i read today:


in general, when people speak/behave badly, there is underlying pain.
wounded animals lash out. it can become a way of life.

Continuing in this protracted difficulty.

i was viewing this tape of Sully Sullenberger when i realized, this intense event that demanded everything from him, from his entire life experience, is an analogy for what i’ve been trying to navigate, increasingly over years, intensified in recent months, about to “crash into the Hudson,” since Easter.

i want to land with all passengers intact. “not a crash landing.” “a water landing.” :-|
i’m out of my league. but, “in that seat.” (on “a wing and a prayer.”) a rhetorical wing, literal prayers.

“Captain Sully's Minute-by-Minute Description of The Miracle On The Hudson” | Inc. / 12+min

This flight may crash+burn at any moment, but, unlike Sully’s, may continue on in some form for days, weeks, months, years.
Crash+burn is easy. i want to land this damaged craft with “all souls intact.” Like Sully. somehow ..

Husbands+fathers are so important. Sometimes their “mere” presence prevents chaos.

Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Posted: Thu Jun 30, 2022 11:52 am
by temporal1
Robert wrote: Thu Jun 30, 2022 11:03 am
These go together quite nicely.



Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:23 am
by temporal1
Thank you, appleman.
i want to add your post here, it reflects my experiences with life+death, rambling through ancestries+geneaologies.
a few forum members have found ancestry in Charlemagne (ohio jones, Joy, at least one more, and myself) .. there are articles about how he had wives and concubines, he left quite a DNA legacy. (If articles are correct, it’s likely many or most on this forum could be traced back to Charlemagne!) Cousins! :lol:

The onset of DNA has deeply affected how “we all” think of ancestry; for example, even before DNA, the discovery that men determine the sex of their children, also made a big difference in perceptions of how that works. In history, wives were held responsible for producing male heirs, if they didn’t, they could be abandoned, divorced, executed .. science changes things!

(Unfortunately, contemporary science allows sex-selection abortions, reported to be a thriving business in some settings.)
appleman2006 wrote: Mon Sep 19, 2022 6:34 pm Recently my son-in-law who love's researching things like this discovered that I am 15th cousin to the now late Queen Elizabeth.

And no I did not get a big head over the knowledge especially since my line came down through what was very likely an older illegitimate half-sister to the line that the Queen descended from.

There are two points that this discovery made more clear to me.
First is the fact that as a society we really are more closely related to each other than we often are willing to acknowledge.
Once you go back 20 generations are more you are actually often related to 10's of millions of people and from there on each generation can more than double that. The point being that if you think you are anyone special because of bloodlines and such think again.

Secondly as it relates to the queen and as has been stated by others on here she certainly did not choose this position and I suspect often wondered why it had to be her. I suspect there were many times where the easier thing to do would have been to just quit and live out her life in obscurity. We can argue all day as to whether or not that might have been the better thing for her to do. Many people think so.

But after watching the events of the last week or so I am not so sure.
It seems to me that she lived a life of service and in some ways sacrificially to an extent most of us would know nothing about.
You could argue that she was well paid for it but over the years in watching her life I have decided there is not enough money or prestige in the world for me to take on that job even if it was offered to me. And while she made many mistakes
I am sure I think I would have made more.

I know Americans like to laugh at the role the monarchy plays as being of so symbolic nature as to be less than worthless.
But as I watch the messiness of politics I am more convinced all the time that having someone in their role plays an essential part if for no other reason in that it symbolically at least sets an example of what servant-hood leadership really should be about.

And in a sense it is a position that transcends the political divisiveness and self-serving and desire to hang on to power at all costs.

I thought the key speaker at the funeral today made good use of his opportunity as he spoke so some 100 heads of state in calling them to a sense of service rather than power seeking and using the Queen's life as an example.

The Queen has now met her maker and I am sure she will be judged justly by him as we all will be. I leave that to him.

Again some of you may laugh at those of us in the commonwealth who have spent a lifetime of fascination with the royal family.
I especially enjoyed Piers Morgan's response to a rather arrogant American he was interviewing who was almost scoffing at the way Brits were paying homage to the Queen. Piers responded that it seems that all people tend to need someone they can look up to. He said "We have the Royal family. You have the Kardashians."

Just before the coffin was lowered into the crypt today I watched a ceremony that I have obviously never seen before in my almost 60 years where the crown and the royal scepter representing power were taken off the casket and placed on the altar. We were told that it was signifying that in death she was recognizing that everything she had was bestowed upon her by God and that she was again symbolically placing them back on the alter recognizing it was not hers to keep. She was going to face her maker and give an account of the stewardship of what she had been given.

All I can say is that while it might be easy to say I would have done better in her shoes it is hard for me to believe that myself.

And so again I leave her to God the one who sets up Kings and brings them back down.
And I continue to fear that God and try my best to honour the kings he sets up. Sometimes that is pretty easy. Other times not so much.
May God truly save the King and may he reign wisely and righteously.
That is my prayer.
The current status of England’s monarchy, that it is not allowed to be political, is its great advantage.
This allows the freedom to be role models, and for others to have them as role models.

For decades, my family had annual reunions, and large gatherings for weddings and funerals ..
one hard rule was “no politics allowed.”
i’ve long guessed this was a result of the U.S. Civil War, my elders (still) carried the grief of division and loss that horrible time represented. Nearly all those elders are gone now.

The pandemic probably was the final blow to these reunions. History is forgotten.
In the U.S., hollywood has too much replaced families, teachers, role models; in the least, ‘way too much influence without much to offset. England’s royals are not flawless, for sure! Plenty of palace intrigue.

i agree with you. “living that royal life” - for life, would be a burden hard to imagine.
i pray they remain aloof from politics. and hollywood. appreciation for a servant’s heart would be sacrificed.
the pressure is on. i hope they resist.

Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2023 7:26 pm
by temporal1

Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 11:56 am
by temporal1
23andMe indicates trace DNA ancestry:
My daughter signed me up. (No Ethiopean names or details. General info)
.. We detected traces of the following populations in your DNA.
Read more about trace ancestry in the FAQ.

Ethiopian & Eritrean 0.1% ..

Despite recent conflict, Eritreans and Ethiopians were united under the powerful Kingdom of Aksum for almost 1,000 years until its collapse in 940 CE, and their DNA reflects that shared history. The region has also served as a crossroads between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula for tens of thousands of years. Today, most Ethiopians and Eritreans have both East African and Arabian ancestry and speak Afro-Asiatic languages, including Oromo, Tigrinya, Arabic, and Amharic. ..

.. Unlike your Ancestry Composition, identity isn’t based on science.
Of course, there are many ways you may choose to identify with your Ethiopian & Eritrean ancestry, and this sampling of aesthetics, flavors, and traditions may inspire you.

DNA History
Today’s DNA tests can identify individuals with near complete certainty.
Introduction to DNA Testing History
Human identification has not always been conclusive. Before DNA tests, the scientific community used other biological tools to identify people and determine biological relationships. These techniques—which included blood typing, serological testing, and HLA testing—were useful for some tests, but they were not conclusive for identification and determining biological relationships.

With the introduction of DNA testing in the late 1970s and early 1980s, scientists saw the potential for more powerful tests for identification and determination of biological relationships. Thanks to the DNA testing, we can now determine the identity of individuals and their biological relatives with unprecedented precision. Here’s a quick overview of DNA history. ..

i was a young adult when DNA began reflecting that humans originated in Africa.
This was revolutionary at the time. Personally, i see science often supporting scriptures. i pray for guidance.

(i anticipated) this notion, the African Eve, would be helpful for folks to grasp human interconnectivity .. i believe it has. (outside profiteering race baiters determined to divide+conquer.)

Maybe similar impact of the scientific revelation that males, not females, determine the sex of their children?
Not mentioned, in history, women were often blamed for not producing males, sometimes divorced+replaced, or murdered.
i’m not aware of blaming mothers for the sex of their children anymore. (of course, not to ignore the present chaos/madness over sex/gender that probably eclipses historical ignorances.) mercury in the drinking water?

Nettie Stevens / Chromosones

Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 2:27 pm
by RZehr
temporal1 wrote: Sat Jan 28, 2023 11:56 am 23andMe indicates trace DNA ancestry:
My daughter signed me up. (No Ethiopean names or details. General info)
.. We detected traces of the following populations in your DNA.
Read more about trace ancestry in the FAQ.

Ethiopian & Eritrean 0.1% ..

Despite recent conflict, Eritreans and Ethiopians were united under the powerful Kingdom of Aksum for almost 1,000 years until its collapse in 940 CE, and their DNA reflects that shared history. The region has also served as a crossroads between Africa and the Arabian Peninsula for tens of thousands of years. Today, most Ethiopians and Eritreans have both East African and Arabian ancestry and speak Afro-Asiatic languages, including Oromo, Tigrinya, Arabic, and Amharic. ..

.. Unlike your Ancestry Composition, identity isn’t based on science.
Of course, there are many ways you may choose to identify with your Ethiopian & Eritrean ancestry, and this sampling of aesthetics, flavors, and traditions may inspire you.

DNA History
Today’s DNA tests can identify individuals with near complete certainty.
Introduction to DNA Testing History
Human identification has not always been conclusive. Before DNA tests, the scientific community used other biological tools to identify people and determine biological relationships. These techniques—which included blood typing, serological testing, and HLA testing—were useful for some tests, but they were not conclusive for identification and determining biological relationships.

With the introduction of DNA testing in the late 1970s and early 1980s, scientists saw the potential for more powerful tests for identification and determination of biological relationships. Thanks to the DNA testing, we can now determine the identity of individuals and their biological relatives with unprecedented precision. Here’s a quick overview of DNA history. ..

i was a young adult when DNA began reflecting that humans originated in Africa.
This was revolutionary at the time. Personally, i see science often supporting scriptures. i pray for guidance.

(i anticipated) this notion, the African Eve, would be helpful for folks to grasp human interconnectivity .. i believe it has. (outside profiteering race baiters determined to divide+conquer.)

Maybe similar impact of the scientific revelation that males, not females, determine the sex of their children?
Not mentioned, in history, women were often blamed for not producing males, sometimes divorced+replaced, or murdered.
i’m not aware of blaming mothers for the sex of their children anymore. (of course, not to ignore the present chaos/madness over sex/gender that probably eclipses historical ignorances.) mercury in the drinking water?

Nettie Stevens / Chromosones
You are as much Ethiopian as Elizabeth Warren is Native American.

Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 4:30 pm
by temporal1
You are as much Ethiopian as Elizabeth Warren is Native American.
i knew there was a pithy message in there somewhere! :lol:

Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 9:49 am
by temporal1
temporal1 wrote: Sun Feb 13, 2022 2:30 pm i made a move.
i procrastinated on it for about a month. or, some months. since November, i suppose. .. ..

.. .. It’s so much easier to do nothing.
i have a headache. :-|
i devoted 3 weeks to “making risky moves.” i wasn’t expelled. :)
some tangible progress has begun.

time will tell. a work in progress, i pray.

Re: omnium-gatherum part deux

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 10:53 am
by temporal1
i’m hoping for a book delivery today, before i leave for the airport:

Denny Emerson / Begin and Begin Again: The Bright Optimism of Reinventing Life with Horses ... dIEAAAQBAJ


From what i’ve read about it, i expect it to be an analogy for what Jesus offers, as only He can. (Even if an unintended analogy!)
How to make your beginning with horses easier…and how to make it harder.

How having the right horse versus having the wrong horse can affect a beginning…or mean you should begin again.

The importance of a team (family, friends, trainers, coaches) you trust and rely upon.

Ways to identify how you learn, see, hear, and feel, and how to apply that knowledge with horses.

The need for knowing how far you want to go and how much are you willing to give up to go there.
Chapter 1: Begin for the First Time
Chapter 2: Begin to Appreciate the Here and Now
Chapter 3: Begin a Different Discipline or Activity
Chapter 4: Begin Facing your Fears
Chapter 5: Begin to Educate Yourself
Chapter 6: Begin to Accept Change
Chapter 7: Begin to Train with Intention
Chapter 8: Begin to try the Impossible
Chapter 9: Begin Your Bucket List
Chapter 10: Begin to Embrace What Still Could Be
He quotes C.S. LEWIS:
You can’t go back and change the begining,
but you can start where you are and change the ending.
One of my life’s revelations was learning, unlike what is fact and taught in math, “the shortest distance between 2 points is a straight line;” with humans and animals, in real life, the shortest distance between 2 points is OFTEN a zig-zag path.

This can require patience. As Jesus is patient. His kind of patience.
All credit to the Holy Spirit.