How I beat my Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)

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How I beat my Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)

Post by JohnHurt »


About 5 years ago, I started seeing sparkles in my right eye. Within a day, this turned into a large white snowball that blocked my vision in my right eye.

I went to my eye doctor, and he diagnosed it as a Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO), where there is a blockage in the artery feeding the eyeball that causes the artery to expand so that it presses against the returning vein to close it. This means that blood can enter the eye, but not leave. This happens in the back of the eye, in or near the lamina cribosa.

The eye doctor sent me to a specialist, who wanted to inject the RNA from a mouse spleen into my eye (I said "no" because of Leviticus 11). I asked him how this mouse spleen shot would remove the blockage, and he said it wouldn't, but it would keep new veins and arteries from growing in my eye, so that the problem would not be any "worse" than it was right now. This Nimrod didn't have a clue. He made a ton of money by telling people to "look up", and sticking a needle in bottom part of their eye, and shooting a mouse spleen into the eyeball. You also had to sign a waiver with him that if you developed glaucoma from all of the added pressure inside your eye that he produced from his shot, that he as a "doctor" would not be held liable for what he did to you. He wanted $5,000 a shot for the "good stuff", and $50 for the shot that may not work. So everyone got a shot in the eye. What a racket!

So I went home and did research with my good eye, and found that CRVO usually comes back in the other eye in a few years if you don't fix what is causing the problem. If I did not fix this, then I would be completely blind and unable to make a living as a programmer.

On day 3 of my problem, I got out my Champion Juicer and started juice fasting, and got immediate relief. I lived off carrot juice, and apples and pears, for 6 weeks, with no other food. The juice lowered the viscosity of my blood, and I immediately got relief from the "snowball" in my right eye. It stopped growing.

I started juicing ginger, and garlic which was really nasty, and celery which was hard to swallow. I was trying anything to avoid being blind.

I found out about Japanese Natto, and bought soybeans from Laura's Soybeans, got a sample of Natto shipped overnight and refrigerated, and used this as my "starter" for making Natto in an Insta-Pot. I saw how to do it on YouTube. The fermented soybeans makes a liquid like the white of an egg yolk, it is gross and it tastes like dirty socks, but the Japanese like it. A Japanese researcher put Natto in a petri dish with a blood clot, and the clot dissolved. That is how they found out that Natto dissolves blood clots.

Now I use Nattokinase - which is the active ingredient in Natto, it comes in capsules, and seems to work just as well.

The other thing I used was EDTA for chelation. This can be taken in very small amounts orally, but you have to be careful because it can pull the "good" minerals out of your body. EDTA bonds to the metal ions in your bloodstream, and has been used for heavy metal poisoning, like if a child ate lead paint chips.

The metal ions that everyone is exposed to will attach to the inside of your arteries, and the metal ions have an ionic charge that makes plaque build up over them. When the EDTA bonds with the metal ions, it pulls it out of the artery wall and they are both excreted through the urine. This makes the plaque lose the ionic charge, and plaque disengages from the artery wall and is excreted as well.

After 3 weeks of using Natto and EDTA, my CRVO disappeared. My retina had separated from my eye because of the blood in my eye that could not get out and got behind the retina, but without this added blood, the retina started to reattach itself. I was lucky to resolve my CRVO problem before my retina became ischemic, or dead.

When the retina re-attached itself, I noticed that straight lines, like looking at a telephone pole, would have a "wiggle" in them. As time has gone on, my brain has somehow resolved this issue.

I am completely cured. When I told the "shot in the eye" doctor of my progress, he dismissed it. He made too much money to ever consider a cheap cure. What they want are expensive "treatments", and not cheap "cures". I am certain he would love to treat me for glaucoma, too. Modern Medicine is still in the Dark Ages.

I continue to take EDTA just on Saturdays, one day a week, and take two capsules of Nattokinase every day. If I don't, my right eye will become foggy, and I can tell something bad is starting to happen. Natto and EDTA are clearing the plaque out of not just my eye, but my entire cardio vascular system. I feel very, very healthy for 65 years young. I don't get tired as much, and I seem to have more mental activity.

I also understand that Nattokinase and EDTA are effective against the Spike Protein in the COVID shots that is causing these massive blood clots found in the cadavers. I hope this helps anyone that has taken these shots.

God protects us in so many ways.

Exodus 15:(26) And said, If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

God has been very faithful in keeping His promises. He is our healing. He can show us the way. There is no way I could have figured this out on my own. God provided just what I needed. Praise His Name!

John Hurt
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Re: How I beat my Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO)

Post by temporal1 »

0 x
Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
with even modest attempt at presenting balanced facts from the start.

”We’re all just walking each other home.”
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