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Re: Today ...

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 10:48 pm
by Wade
KingdomBuilder wrote:
ohio jones wrote:
KingdomBuilder wrote:Going to use it for making salves.
Please be careful and stay out of jail! ;)
Why would I go to jail? I just made a salve that cures TB, cancer, and AIDs! It's yours for $29.99 :mrgreen:
Where do I order from?

Re: Today ...

Posted: Fri Dec 01, 2017 10:12 pm
by Wade
Been taunted by a packrat wrecking the shop and tearing things apart in it for a while... Went in today to more mess. He comes through a hole in the wall by the electrical panel and I was thinking about setting up a live wire to electrocute him ... :roll: Then I spotted him in the room and I was between him and his only exit. He walked a couple feet from me. The moment was tense and then the door flung open... My wife comes in not realizing what she was walking into with the dog she picked up from the dog shelter recently. :P
He was eager to help.
Good dog. :D
And no more rat!

Now helpfully he doesn't do that to the chickens when we get some... :-|

Re: Today ...

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 9:49 am
by MaxPC
Wade wrote: He was eager to help.
Good dog. :D
And no more rat!

Now helpfully he doesn't do that to the chickens when we get some... :-|
Sounds like your new dog has found a way to earn his keep, Wade. :clap:
We've had all kinds of dog personalities in our lifetime and the best ones came from a shelter. Sometimes a dog can be trained to guard chickens. Sometimes not if the dog is a natural hunter: those tend to go after the chickens too. We just kept the chicken run well fenced. We took a section of sturdy wire fencing and connected it tightly to the upright fencing and had it laid on the ground and anchored. It's like an L with the leg of the L outside the perimeter. This deters dogs, coyotes, raccoons and many other predators from digging under the fence and getting into the chicken run. The run had fencing over the top to keep predators from climbing over the fence too.

A well built run keeps out predators for years. The one that's on the farm now is made of chain link fencing and it's been there 22 years. It used to be a large dog kennel and the new owners of a home in town gave it to us for free because they're cat people, not dog people.

We also attached tightly woven hardware wire inside the lower half of the pen fence to keep the chicks from wandering through the chain link.

Re: Today ...

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 9:05 pm
by Wade
Can't make it to an event where numbers will be quite reduced with the absence of our children...

Or should I say won't? Sickness is in the house and it seems right to not go unless we did go to the hospital and stopped on the way...

Feeling deflated with always seeming to let others down when I am not sure how to change things...? or is it even my responsibility to?!
:blah: :blah:

Re: Today ...

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2017 9:23 pm
by silentreader
Wade wrote:Can't make it to an event where numbers will be quite reduced with the absence of our children...

Or should I say won't? Sickness is in the house and it seems right to not go unless we did go to the hospital and stopped on the way...

Feeling deflated with always seeming to let others down when I am not sure how to change things...? or is it even my responsibility to?!
:blah: :blah:
Wade, sometimes won't is good.

Re: Today ...

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 9:39 am
by MaxPC
silentreader wrote:
Wade wrote:Can't make it to an event where numbers will be quite reduced with the absence of our children...

Or should I say won't? Sickness is in the house and it seems right to not go unless we did go to the hospital and stopped on the way...

Feeling deflated with always seeming to let others down when I am not sure how to change things...? or is it even my responsibility to?!
:blah: :blah:
Wade, sometimes won't is good.
I agree. It's a good sign you can make the tough decisions in favor of your family. Keeping you all in prayers: how's the little one at the hospital?

Re: Today ...

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:51 pm
by Wade
MaxPC wrote:
silentreader wrote:
Wade wrote:Can't make it to an event where numbers will be quite reduced with the absence of our children...

Or should I say won't? Sickness is in the house and it seems right to not go unless we did go to the hospital and stopped on the way...

Feeling deflated with always seeming to let others down when I am not sure how to change things...? or is it even my responsibility to?!
:blah: :blah:
Wade, sometimes won't is good.
I agree. It's a good sign you can make the tough decisions in favor of your family. Keeping you all in prayers: how's the little one at the hospital?
He didn't have to stay over night and they gave him Ventolin and steroids. A first for us that he maybe asthmatic and until he is better he requires a puffer about every hour for now. He'll be one on Friday. :P

Re: Today ...

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2017 2:31 pm
by MaxPC
Wade, I'm glad your wife and son made it back home safely. We'll pray for him that he outgrows his health problems and for you all.

Re: Today ...

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 11:22 pm
by Wade
12 years of marriage.
It's the Lord's day.
Went caroling.
Met someone for the first time that seemed to really love the Lord.
Wood stove is warm.
Just shoveled nearly six inches of fresh snow with my oldest son. Still coming down heavily.

It's a good day and we'll rejoice in it, but these things are only possible and worth while through Him. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift!

Re: Today ...

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 9:38 am
by MaxPC
Wade wrote:12 years of marriage.
It's the Lord's day.
Went caroling.
Met someone for the first time that seemed to really love the Lord.
Wood stove is warm.
Just shoveled nearly six inches of fresh snow with my oldest son. Still coming down heavily.

It's a good day and we'll rejoice in it, but these things are only possible and worth while through Him. Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift!