Quid pro quo

Events occurring and how they relate/affect Anabaptist faith and culture.
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Quid pro quo

Post by temporal1 »

Quid Pro Quo
(kwid pro kwoh) Latin for "this for that."
A quid pro quo is what each person in a deal expects to get from the other. .. ..
Ben Shapiro / “Did Joe Biden Just Commit An Impeachable Offense?” | Ep. 1591 / first 15min (44 total)
“Joe Biden threatens the Saudis after begging them to pump more oil in advance of the midterms;
the new inflation numbers come in hot; and the January 6 committee votes to subpoena Donald Trump.“
^^Ben S. brings in valid questions about the Abraham Accords. :-|

Gravitas: “Biden promises 'consequences' for Saudi Arabia following decision to cut oil production” / -9min

^^The Saudi diplomat, 5min mark, has interesting response.
(His accent suggests he was raised and educated in the U.S.?) Many are.

One question:
When a request is made, declined, then followed with threats -
was this ever a request? - Or, a demand? :shock:
0 x
Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
with even modest attempt at presenting balanced facts from the start.

”We’re all just walking each other home.”
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