Joe Biden Time Capsule

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Joe Biden Time Capsule

Post by Bootstrap »

This thread is a time capsule thread, like the Donald Trump Time capsule thread.

What are your predictions? What do you think Joe Biden will do, and how will it affect the United States? What are your hopes, your fears, or things you want to keep an eye on to see what he does? No debate, please, and please do not quote what anyone else says. Just make your own predictions. No more than one post per person per day.

If Robert has good backups, we will revisit this in four years. And perhaps a few times along the way.
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Re: Joe Biden Time Capsule

Post by barnhart »

As Mark Twain once said, "it's difficult to make predictions, especially about the future". I see a lot gridlock in the next four years, particularly if one or both of the GA senate seats go to Republicans. So big sweeping legislation is likely off the table. He will likely try to govern from the middle as that seems to be his comfort zone in the past, but that rarely works unless you are Bill Clinton. All in all, I say the next four years will be forgettable, but I could be wrong. I don't expect him to run again as his coalition is shaky and he is too old for another term.
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Re: Joe Biden Time Capsule

Post by RZehr »

Maybe another war to feed the M.I.C.
Wouldn't surprise me to see him pass away before his first term is finished due to natural causes, or Covid.
Mild advancement of the homosexual agenda, since this cultural war is done anyway.
Mild environmental over reach again.
Higher income taxes.
More outreach and coalition building with traditional allies, the decadent Western powers.
Hopefully some sane immigration policies are enacted with Republican input.
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Re: Joe Biden Time Capsule

Post by MaxPC »

RZehr wrote:Maybe another war to feed the M.I.C.
Wouldn't surprise me to see him pass away before his first term is finished due to natural causes, or Covid.
Mild advancement of the homosexual agenda, since this cultural war is done anyway.
Mild environmental over reach again.
Higher income taxes.
Plus reduction in religious freedom through litigation forcing religious groups (against their belief systems) to support abortion, birth control and homosexual couples in their employee benefits. Biden has already said as much. Hopefully that can be stopped but he can still write executive orders.
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Max (Plain Catholic)
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Re: Joe Biden Time Capsule

Post by Bootstrap »

I expect Biden to focus quite a bit on rebuilding things. As a long-time senator who has had strong, life-long relationships with senators of both parties, I think he will work with Mitch McConnell to try to find areas of agreement and restoring the role of Congress. I expect him to spend a lot of time and effort negotiating and building relationships with the other leaders in government. I expect Biden to work to strengthen congressional oversight of the Executive branch.

I think he will start his term with a very strong focus on Covid, and I think he will follow the lead of the scientists. I think he will also have a strong focus on economic recovery. I do expect him to raise taxes on people earning more than $400,000 / year, but not to raise taxes on the middle class or below. Ι also expect him to work to strengthen Obamacare, but without radical changes.

I expect Biden to restore relationships with our traditional allies and to try to rebuild alliances that have frayed.

I think Biden will continue to be a liberal Catholic whose beliefs are different from mine, but I don't expect him to persecute Christians. I expect him to defend the rights of Christians to preach the Bible but also to push for the gay rights community to have the same kinds of civil rights and freedom of speech as Christians. The Supreme Court will also be wrestling with this. It's going to be messy and difficult.

I don't think of Biden as an ideologue. He is the kind of guy who was invited to speak at Strom Thurmond's funeral. He has been widely criticized by left-wing Democrats because he builds relationships across ideological lines. In general, I think he respects people's rights to strongly hold various opinions.

I think we will hear a lot less from Biden than we have from Trump. I don't think we will see him dominating the news the way Trump did. I think there will be more white papers and fewer headlines. I think there will be more bipartisan legislation and fewer executive orders. I think there will be more speeches to all Americans and more press conferences and fewer tweets and campaign rallies.

And no, I don't expect any gulags. I don't expect preaching against homosexual acts to become illegal.

We don't know much yet, we haven't seen him in action as President, we can only go by what he did in the Senate and as vice president and in his campaign. But based on that, this is my best guess.

This is a time capsule. If I'm wrong, we can go back and see what I wrote and what I got wrong.
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Re: Joe Biden Time Capsule

Post by TruthSeeker »

“Dignifying our Differences”—compelling title of a presentation recently offered by The Parish Resource Center. Likely this is but another way of framing a Biden term objective.
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Re: Joe Biden Time Capsule

Post by Grace »


Biden probably will codify Roe v. Wade, a move that would make the right to abortion a federal law, removing the issue from the courts and preventing states from passing laws to limit the practice.

He has promised to "rescind the Mexico City Policy" that Trump reinstated upon taking office in 2017. The policy prohibits federal dollars from going to any international organization that participates in or funds abortion.

He also will promote guidance specifying that states cannot refuse Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood and other providers and reverse the Trump Administration's rule preventing these organizations from obtaining Title X funds.

Biden probably will have sympathy towards Palestine and promote a covert disdain for Israel.

Under a Biden presidency there will be more illegal immigration, and because of that there will be an increase of criminals and traffickers coming across the border.

And the immigrant children will still be in cages, but the media won’t report it as they didn’t during the Obama administration, when the cages were built. The kids in cages will no longer be an issue and swept under the rug for the next four years, even if it is still happening.

Biden has promised harsher restrictions on the coal industry, fracking , increasing the country’s energy costs, such as for fuel, gas and electric. Beings our country’s supplies/food is delivered by trucks, trains, planes, etc all run by fuel, the higher fuel costs will increase the prices of almost everything. This will increase every American’s cost of living.

His plan has indicated higher taxes imposed on Americans. This will be highly detrimental to the middle class. The poor can receive government aid and the rich can afford the higher cost of living, but the middle class will suffer causing the economy to suffer.

Biden said he wants shut down the country and economy due to Covid, which will devastate the economy once, again.

Biden will take credit for the Covid vaccine, even though the vaccine wasn’t created during his time as president.

Biden will be the media darling and they will censor anything negative from the American people.

He probably will force religious organizations to violate their conscience concerning LGBTQ demands.

Biden has a history of war mongering and may take us to war.

He will continue being a racist, as he has been in the past, but we won’t hear about it in the mainstream media.

He will covertly be very disdainful towards past Trump supporters, revealed when he said, "If you don't support me 'then you ain't black', to a black man.

He will be smooth in presenting his lies. He will say he wants "unity", but that to is a lie.

Biden will continue to cover for his pedophile son.
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Re: Joe Biden Time Capsule

Post by Dan Z »

barnhart wrote:All in all, I say the next four years will be forgettable, but I could be wrong.
I hope you're right. I'm ready for some "forgettable" years after these last few. :)

Seriously, I think Biden will be a rather stable, predictable, conciliatory, diplomatic, and less activistic version of the Obama presidency.
  • He will undoubtedly start by undoing many of the Trump executive orders related to "America First" immigration and trade restrictions, and Trump environmental regulation rollbacks.
  • He will work at repairing damaged international relationships and moving American foreign policy back toward a place of engagement and global leadership.
  • He'll work at protecting and patching together what's left of Obamacare with little cooperation from the Senate.
  • He'll bring the US back into the Parris Climate Accord and promote green energy and climate change legislation.
  • Legislatively he'll have to find a way to work with McConnell to get a few legislative items moved forward...but won't be able to achieve much there.
  • Business and Wall Street will appreciate a more stable climate, which should offset their dislike of modest increases in taxation and regulation.
  • He'll also move the Whitehouse back toward the norms and decorum that have held sway until the Trump presidency.
  • He will attempt to cement some of the Obama-era civil rights zeitgeist related to gender and sexuality, which will put him at odds with religious liberty proponents.
  • He will certainly be more friendly to abortion, rolling back some of Trump's executive orders restricting abortion-related funding, but I doubt he will keep the issue front and center.
  • He will have the benefit of presiding over a post-pandemic economic recovery, and hopefully will help the dust settle a bit over a fractured and fatigued populace.
Finally, I don't think he'll serve two terms, but he will try to put VP Harris forward into the spotlight during the second half of his term in an attempt to tee up a Harris presidency for the 2024 election.
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Re: Joe Biden Time Capsule

Post by temporal1 »

Page 26 / ... &start=250
I also think referring to VP Biden as President-Elect Biden is premature and not helpful.
I heard Fox News do it several times last night.

He may become that, but without a concession and official vote tabulations, this is inaccurate.

Presumptive President-Elect would be acceptable, but calling him that and IF things go differently, it will create more conflict. Words matter.
This is a quote, but not about predictions. Maybe this thread is a bit premature?
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Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
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Re: Joe Biden Time Capsule

Post by temporal1 »

MaxPC wrote:
RZehr wrote:Maybe another war to feed the M.I.C.
Wouldn't surprise me to see him pass away before his first term is finished due to natural causes, or Covid.
Mild advancement of the homosexual agenda, since this cultural war is done anyway.
Mild environmental over reach again.
Higher income taxes.
Plus reduction in religious freedom through litigation forcing religious groups (against their belief systems) to support abortion, birth control and homosexual couples in their employee benefits. Biden has already said as much. Hopefully that can be stopped but he can still write executive orders.
Teachers unions will further avail themselves of the Public Treasury. ... devos.html

biden is readily forgettable. the DNC platform will not be.
not even for the DNC, in-fighting over how low to go, and how quickly. ... war-435799
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Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
with even modest attempt at presenting balanced facts from the start.

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