Guidelines for posting in Politics

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Guidelines for posting in Politics

Post by Robert »

The English politics has its roots in the name of Aristotle's classic work, Politiká, which introduced the Greek term politiká (Πολιτικά, 'affairs of the cities'). In the mid-15th century, Aristotle's composition would be rendered in Early Modern English as Polettiques, which would become Politics in Modern English.

The singular politic first attested in English in 1430, coming from Middle French politique—itself taking from politicus, a Latinization of the Greek πολιτικός (politikos) from πολίτης (polites, 'citizen') and πόλις (polis, 'city').


In the view of Harold Lasswell, politics is "who gets what, when, how."

For David Easton, it is about "the authoritative allocation of values for a society."

To Vladimir Lenin, "politics is the most concentrated expression of economics."

Bernard Crick argued that "politics is a distinctive form of rule whereby people act together through institutionalized procedures to resolve differences, to conciliate diverse interests and values and to make public policies in the pursuit of common purposes.

According to Adrian Leftwich:
Politics comprises all the activities of co-operation, negotiation and conflict within and between societies, whereby people go about organizing the use, production or distribution of human, natural and other resources in the course of the production and reproduction of their biological and social life.
1. Try to keep the politics in the Politics section. The Mods reserve the right to move posts and threads as needed.
2. Remember that there are sincere siblings in Christ who will be on the opposite side of whatever issue you think dominates everything else. They are not evil. They are thoughtful and trying to live out the Gospel just as you are.
3. No one issue dominates everything else. We, and society, are a combination of many issues.
4. While political discussion is good to have, those who follow Jesus do serve a higher power and purpose.
5. As elections come and go, so does much of the fervor. Let us be careful not to burn too many bridges with each other. When we do, we are just like the world and no longer behaving like the body of Christ.
6. It is okay to disagree. Let us still love.
7. Let us talk to each other, not at each other. Better to ask questions then to throw attacks.

Added 2/18/2021
8. Constantly posting a or many political talking points without openness for discussion (hearing others view points) will get you a warning.
9. Questioning someone else's faith because of their stance in politics will get you a warning.
10. While politics are part of many aspects of life, constantly dragging it into all other areas of discussion will get you a warning.
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Re: Guidelines for posting in Politics

Post by Robert »

Politics is for discussion, that means a back and forth, not a place to post political talking points or not respond to questions or challenges.

"I" statements are strongly encouraged. Strong use of "you" statements may get you a warning. Speak for yourself, not for others. Speak to others, not about others.

It is OKAY TO DISAGREE. We MUST do it in a Christlike way. We have no Moneychangers here, so no need to overturn tables.

For every post in Politics, find another section to post in to help us all keep balance in our relationships with each other.

Mods will use the warning system. Each warning will age out after 30 days. If we don't get it cleared, let us know. It can be easy to miss since it may have to be done manually.

Anyone with 3 warnings will get a 3 day "break" from the forum. Once returned, if one gets 3 more, they will be removed from the forum completely. Bad jokes will not get warnings, or I would be gone in a few days.
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