Information Rage?

Events occurring and how they relate/affect Anabaptist faith and culture.

Re: Information Rage?

Post by MaxPC »

Sudsy wrote:
MaxPC wrote:
Sudsy wrote:Truce ?
Sudsy, if not a truce, then at least a calming of these social media outbursts that not only erodes academic credibility; but also seeks to incite violence.

My colleagues who are still within the systems hope to restore the professional ethics training that has disappeared in the past few decades, particularly in the larger public institutions. Having a program designed and ready for presentation will make it easier for the BORs and administrations to implement.

Moving on, sounds like an interesting program you are into to bring about positive change. Keep us posted on how it is going. It is sad when so many in our culture look up to those who don't act in a 'political correct' way when they use that term to mean degrading comments to 'tell it like it is' are OK. James chapter 3 talks about the power of the tongue and how it cannot be tamed. Although man, to some extent, can be taught control, the ultimate answer is what James calls "wisdom from above" and as James describes this wisdom, I certainly need more of it.
I try to stay focused on topic and avoid bunny trails. No "friction" from my quarter, just focus. I'll try to update on the project as we make progress. Indeed, a study in James would edify every Christian.
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Re: Information Rage?

Post by Josh »

When I was working in a university system, there was a rather large amount of mandatory ethics training, ethics committees, and so forth. I would expect there is even more now.
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Re: Information Rage?

Post by MaxPC »

Update: we're going to try video conferencing to overcome distance. Those of us who are retired and those of us who are still on the job are scattered to the four winds so to speak. I'll need to travel to my nearest colleague as I don't have vid con capability. This should be interesting. I know how the first 10 minutes will transpire: ribbing each other about how old we look. :lol:
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Re: Information Rage?

Post by Bootstrap »

MaxPC wrote:Update: we're going to try video conferencing to overcome distance. Those of us who are retired and those of us who are still on the job are scattered to the four winds so to speak. I'll need to travel to my nearest colleague as I don't have vid con capability. This should be interesting. I know how the first 10 minutes will transpire: ribbing each other about how old we look. :lol:
I'd be very interested in any materials you produce, the name you come up with for your program, websites, and universities where you present this.
MaxPC wrote:My colleagues who are still within the systems hope to restore the professional ethics training that has disappeared in the past few decades, particularly in the larger public institutions. Having a program designed and ready for presentation will make it easier for the BORs and administrations to implement.
Has that kind of ethics training really disappeared? That's surprising. Can you tell us what specific universities once did and how that has changed?

What are they doing now, and what are you proposing to do differently? For instance, what kind of training does Trinity College give professors, how have they handled their situation, and what are you proposing to do differently? What about the other colleges you mention?
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Re: Information Rage?

Post by Bootstrap »

Sudsy wrote:Truce ?
MaxPC wrote:I try to stay focused on topic and avoid bunny trails. No "friction" from my quarter, just focus.
To be blunt, that basically means you are avoiding answering any question that would help us know if you are telling the truth or spinning grand tales. And given your past history, that's not promising. If you would answer relevant questions directly, I would have no need to bring up the past history or to be this blunt, I would very much prefer to leave past incidents in the past. If this is actually something you are doing, I'm very interested, and would be supportive of your goals.

Please do answer questions and provide the kind of details that make it possible to verify the things you say. And please do not be offended when we ask this kind of question. The questions I am asking are very much focused on the topic you say you are discussing.
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Re: Information Rage?

Post by MaxPC »

For those who requested to be kept abreast of the progress on the professional ethics program:
We had an excellent video conference today. We've outlined the direction and talking points we hope to cover. Now we'll fill in the details. Each of us has a talking point that we'll write and email to each other. Next vid con will go over each other's thesis and provide feedback.

I was mistaken: it took ~25 minutes to catch up with each other :lol:
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Re: Information Rage?

Post by Bootstrap »

MaxPC wrote:We've outlined the direction and talking points we hope to cover. Now we'll fill in the details. Each of us has a talking point that we'll write and email to each other.
What talking points and direction did you agree on? Which talking point are you working on?
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Re: Information Rage?

Post by MaxPC »

More happening: I spent a good part of the day on the phone yesterday as 3 more have joined this project. One still active and two retired professors, one of whom is a retired law professor who specialized in Constitutional law. All three are dedicated Christians.

Here I was thinking my academic projects were finished for my lifetime. Guess not. God has a robust sense of humor. :lol:
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Re: Information Rage?

Post by Bootstrap »

If this is true, more power to you. If this is true, I assume that we will be seeing some kind of program with a name and a website, some materials to look at, and some information about places it is being offered and with what effect. Please let us know as these things emerge. Any idea what kind of time frames you are working under?
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