Good things about the Trump presidency

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Re: Good things about the Trump presidency

Post by temporal1 »

A surprise in news today: :shock:
Pentagon fails its first-ever audit .. ... e=facebook

U.S. Government: Meet “Accountability.” :!: :?:
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Re: Good things about the Trump presidency

Post by Judas Maccabeus »

Valerie wrote:
Judas Maccabeus wrote:
Szdfan wrote:I think both Valerie and Jim are right. Bill Maher is an arrogant, self-important, atheist windbag who doesn’t understand religious people AND he’s correct that Trump has exposed the hypocrisy of evangelicals. Whether that’s a good thing of the Trump presidency, depends on one’s perspective, I guess.
Yes, it shows the evangelical church as a total sellout in order to get power. They sold their moral authority in exchange for a couple of Supreme Court appointments. It is sad to see where it has gone.

In all fairness, it seems you don't believe Christians should vote at all. NO ONE can assume what is in the heart & mind of those who vote- every last person- I think it is seems arrogant to know what all is in the heart of men-and ascribe things to them that may or may not be true. I know many Christians who wouldn't fit that broad brush about hypocrisy of evangelicals for voting for President Trump.

And in all fairness, most Mennonites then would believe the "Christian" thing to do was to abstain from voting at all.
For those who are trying to affect the laws of the land in a positive way while seeing the direction it was going under the last administration- and who care about Godly laws either being upheld or restored- it is their conviction to try to make a difference. It has didly squat to do with 'power' in an evil since at all.

So once we establish the implication here is that it was hypocritical to vote for Trump if one is a person of Christian faith- then it would not be hypocritical to vote for Clinton?
Not trying to examine the hearts of those who vote, but what their leader are saying themselves.

When Mitt Romney was running, he enjoyed widespread support form evangelicals. Now Mitt is a moral, upright man who could be trusted to “Do The Right” he is no Christian. Yet you saw considerable softening of the historic rhetoric that had been part of the evangelical church in its description of Mormonism, namely that it is satanic, and derives from the pit of hell (which I believe). Suddenly you saw considerable softening of that, to the point of some saying that Mormon are Christians, whic they certainly are not.

Forward to Trump, a man who’s only moral compass appears to be power. Unfaithful in marriage, a cheater in business, and a bald face liar. Yet the leadership of much of the evangelical Christian movement backed him, with some on the fringe even suggesting he is a Christian, which by his own words he cannot be.

To any fair observer, it appears that party affiliation is far more important than faith and works. It exposes what the movement is all about now, which is power over people. It will sell out truth for a few Supreme Court justices, it has, in fact, sold it’s soul. How can you preach that this man is a follower of Jesus, and expect anything out of seekers?

It is only a matter of time when true seekers will look at this and pronounce “Ichabod” for what glory it had, has truly departed.

We need to be ready when they start looking at us.

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Re: Good things about the Trump presidency

Post by Valerie »

I would not assume that President Trump has not repented and been sorry for his past. Those that believe he became a Christian did so by spending time with him and having talks with him- people like Franklin Graham and James Dobson. However- the fact that he chose a born again Christian as his running mate didn't hurt-

We didn't vote for a pastor, for sure.

We did vote for someone who unapologetically claims to be pro-life. He wants to 'undo' some of what the Obama administration had done (legalize gay marriage, transgender issues that were forced on others, etc)-
2 Supreme Court justices who are conservative pro-life is not 'selling ones soul' because it will hopefully save some souls.
In our Ohio Newspapers today- the "Heartbeat Bill" looks like it has a strong possibility of becoming law. This bill would make it illegal to get an abortion once a heartbeat is detected (by 6 weeks into pregnancy). Many believe it is because we now have a conservative government & more conservative Supreme Court, there is more hope in saving lives of the unborn.
I suppose if that is seen as 'selling our souls' people can say that about us, we will keep praying it eventually saves the lives of the unborn, that once again people will have the right (who own businesses) to not cater to a gay marriage (as in photographers, bakers, etc) because we have a government who is wanting to turn things back the right direction in these areas.
Had the American people voted Hillary Clinton, we know she is nicknamed "the queen of abortion" meaning such a strong advocate and now her daughter is the voice for abortion.

Well- I don't expect people here to agree with all this, but I know people by their fruit of the spirit who also supported Trump not because of his adulterous past, no one is casting a stone at him now. If he falls in this area 'while' he is President- I guess this is nothing new- we've been through it before with the Clinton administration-
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Re: Good things about the Trump presidency

Post by temporal1 »

i have questions for J.M., hopped-over to Page 22, Bunny Trails: :) ... &start=210

Something i like about President Trump: he’s not a lawyer.
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Re: Good things about the Trump presidency

Post by Dan Z »

Oh...another outcome I thought of about President Trump's presidency - if you consider political engagement a good thing, then the Trump effect is that people on all sides of the political spectrum have become active in politics. For example, voting rates for a mid-term election have skyrocketed.
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Re: Good things about the Trump presidency

Post by temporal1 »

Dan Z wrote:Oh...another outcome I thought of about President Trump's presidency - if you consider political engagement a good thing, then the Trump effect is that people on all sides of the political spectrum have become active in politics. For example, voting rates for a mid-term election have skyrocketed.
not a positive for me.
i mourned for the days when nobody knew there was a Primary.
added to that mourning was knowing, nothing would end, post-Primary.

one outcome of hillary’s bold rejection of the 2016 election results is, this sets the pace for others to not upstage her by taking the higher ground, and, conceeding losses. the penalty will be high, probably long-lived. the clintons have cost the U.S. for decades. (both armed with law degrees.) :P

strange how the clintons just-loved DJT before they didn’t.
bill probably hasn’t changed on that. but he owes hillary, so will not say much.
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Re: Good things about the Trump presidency

Post by temporal1 »

“Report says Trump administration nixed LGBT policy for 4-H, resulting in Iowa leader’s ouster” ... n=theblaze

some get a bit over-zealous about their interests.
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Re: Good things about the Trump presidency

Post by temporal1 »

One of my personal pet peeves that legal weasels seem to -L-O-V-E-, “bundling law.”
i have no idea when this began, but, in recent years, use seems “off the charts.”

This is when politicians promote/pass laws based on any sort of popular, or desirable law, but, fail to be forthcoming with the dreaded “fine print.” Later, people do not know, or understand, “how did that happen?!” It’s deliberately, and “professionally,” underhanded.

One old example in Illinois was when lawmakers invested heavily in promoting the Illinois Lottery.
All the chatter was about how revenues would well-fund IL public schools “forever.”
When Illinois schools needed additional funding, voters were ANNOYED, even years after, “We voted for the IL Lottery to generously fund public schools! What’s going on?!” Disgusted, to say the least.

Eventually, i read a statement from a RETIRED lawmaker on it. He admitted they “exaggerated,” misled, to get the bill passed. He knew it wasn’t right. A small percentage goes to public schools, no more.

So, now, about NAFTA: ... paign=WCDM

i’m glad to read this “wrong” use of legal tactics is being addressed.
it’s a bad habit that would be best ended.

Currently, in Illinois, “the political chatter” is about legalizing recreational marijuana. (and, expanding abortion, gambling.) All the good stuff. :roll:
Many are for it, after all, IL politicians are promising tax revenues will solve so many IL problems.
Here We Go Again. :-|

No specifics about accountability, nothing.
Just, blindly, “pass this law, it will be so good for IL!” rah.rah.
While corruption in IL government is historical, and, rampant, sure! Give them more!

i was convinced DJT had no sincere interest in being POTUS.
well, he is. i’m amazed at his energy and effectiveness on many matters.
i daresay, not many could keep up with his schedule. not many would try.

he has had a birds-eye-view of career politicians all his adult life.
he is not fooled, or put off, by their antics. interesting to witness.
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Re: Good things about the Trump presidency

Post by temporal1 »

Robert posted about these in another thread: :D

“Remarks by President Trump at Signing of an Executive Order
Establishing the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council”

Transcript: ... n-council/

i want to listen+read more, but, it’s encouraging.
much of it is based on private investment. that’s encouraging!
Robert wrote:And then things like this happen and I get sucked back in.
Personality or policy? Which to choose?
And, this: :D
Robert wrote:And then Trump stands in front of the nation and says this.

I continue to be bothered by many of his actions and "tweets." Yet, he stand sand makes statements like this. While I could see George W Bush doing such a thing, I would doubt that Obama would. He would be too worried about the special interests.

I also see Comey as a person who lied and leaked confidential info to make happen what he wanted. I actually think this is SOP for the FBI and DOJ. I think it is wrong and this makes me question much of what he does. I do not see him as honorable. I think he is self serving.
And, then, Robert added this. It sums up “the problem with Trump” very well. :)
Robert wrote: The challenge is nothing is ever that simple.
Many honorable servants do bad things and many bad servants do honorable things.

So, do you judge by what is done or what is said?
When both are present, it is easy to figure out.
What if one [or] the other is present?

That is the point I was focusing on.
“The problem with Trump” is the problem with mankind.
Only One Flawless One.
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Re: Good things about the Trump presidency

Post by MaxPC »

temporal1 wrote:Robert posted about these in another thread: :D

“Remarks by President Trump at Signing of an Executive Order
Establishing the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council”

Transcript: ... n-council/

i want to listen+read more, but, it’s encouraging.
much of it is based on private investment. that’s encouraging!
Robert wrote:And then things like this happen and I get sucked back in.
Personality or policy? Which to choose?
And, this: :D
Robert wrote:And then Trump stands in front of the nation and says this.

I continue to be bothered by many of his actions and "tweets." Yet, he stands and makes statements like this. While I could see George W Bush doing such a thing, I would doubt that Obama would. He would be too worried about the special interests.

I also see Comey as a person who lied and leaked confidential info to make happen what he wanted. I actually think this is SOP for the FBI and DOJ. I think it is wrong and this makes me question much of what he does. I do not see him as honorable. I think he is self serving.
And, then, Robert added this. It sums up “the problem with Trump” very well. :)
Robert wrote: The challenge is nothing is ever that simple.
Many honorable servants do bad things and many bad servants do honorable things.

So, do you judge by what is done or what is said?
When both are present, it is easy to figure out.
What if one [or] the other is present?

That is the point I was focusing on.
“The problem with Trump” is the problem with mankind.
Only One Flawless One.
I'm glad Robert pointed out Trump's EO for the establishment of the White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council. So few news sources carried it I never saw it mentioned. This is a good step forward though I think churches can do it better. I also received this in my news feed and which fits in the thread topic:
‘Victory for Victims’: Trump Signs Genocide Relief Act for Iraqi and Syrian Christians
The Iraq and Syria Genocide Relief and Accountability Act is hailed as a vital piece in keeping the Christian presence alive in ancestral homelands.
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Max (Plain Catholic)
Mt 24:35
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