Biden's New Border Policy

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Re: Biden's New Border Policy

Post by Ken »

ohio jones wrote: Fri Oct 06, 2023 2:02 am
Ken wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 5:56 pm Although one might argue that the current crisis at the border is really the cumulative result of decades of mismanagement, underfunding, and inaction by Congress.
This is the same Congress that Biden was a member of for over four decades, right?

Basically for his first two decades he was on the Senate Judiciary Committee and for his second two decades he was on the Senate Foreign Affairs committee.

So you can blame him for the state of the Federal judiciary and international relations/State Department if you want to and there would be some merit to that.

To my knowledge he was never on any committee that dealt with immigration policy or law. That would currently be the Homeland Security and Government Affairs committee since 9-11. I don’t know what it was before then.

The last major immigration reform that made it out of committee and into law was the Immigration Reform Act of 1986 which Biden voted for.

The next big major immigration reform bill to reach the Senate floor was the bipartisan immigration reform act of 2013 which passed the Senate during Biden’s 2nd term as VP but died in the House. So can’t hang that on him.
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Re: Biden's New Border Policy

Post by Grace »

Ken wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 10:43 pm
Grace wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 7:32 pm
Ken wrote: Thu Oct 05, 2023 5:56 pm

He has a choice.

It is politics.

Although one might argue that the current crisis at the border is really the cumulative result of decades of mismanagement, underfunding, and inaction by Congress. And not something that has much to do with the existence or absence of a wall at the border.
When Biden came into office he immediately got rid of every single policy at the border and the interior that stemmed the flow of illegal immigrants. Congress didn’t do that. That was all Biden's doings
In point of fact, when Biden came into office he changed very little and rolled most of the Trump-era policies forward unchanged. The only real exception was Title 42 which the Biden Administration was eventually forced to end due to the fact that the COVID public health emergency was ending.

There were some extra-legal things that the Trump Administration was doing that the Biden Administration ceased. But very little in the way of policy was actually changed and no laws were changed at all despite Democrats holding both houses of Congress during Biden's first two years.
The changes Biden did make by executive order, were monumental when it came to illegal immigration. On his first day in office Biden got rid of “Remain in Mexico”. That was an open invitation to come illegally. Congress had nothing to do with that and the blame falls all on Biden's shoulders.
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