Modern Day Pharisees

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Modern Day Pharisees

Post by Valerie »

I'm inclined to start this topic after Pharisees were brought up in another topic.

Not sure where to start with this but i do think it's worthy of discussion.


Today, "some" Christians while contending for the Truth are being compared and/or equated to Pharisees.

Who is a Pharisee today? (found this statement online)
In a Christian context, a modern day “Pharisee” is someone who follows the impulse to be seen as righteous by obeying certain laws, while ignoring more important matters of the heart.

Maybe we need to step back from that to see what a Pharisee actually was and "why" Jesus often rebuked them. Then perhaps it will help us understand why some may be seen as Pharisees for engaging in the spiritual warfare of contending for the faith, the truth-

Maybe posting some actual examples to see where we may be similar or make distinctions.

What faults do we read about Pharisees that we need to caution against?

Question: Does it SEEM like to anyone else that the enemy of our souls may be using people to label Christians as Pharisees so that they will be silenced?

Anyway, if no one else is interested in contributing to this topic I will just kind of use it as a homework page.
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Re: Modern Day Pharisees

Post by Valerie »

By definition: The Pharisees (/ˈfærəsiːz/; Hebrew: פְּרוּשִׁים, romanized: Pərūšīm) were a Jewish social movement and a school of thought in the Levant during the time of Second Temple Judaism. After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, Pharisaic beliefs became the foundational, liturgical, and ritualistic basis for Rabbinic Judaism.
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Re: Modern Day Pharisees

Post by Valerie »

Matthew 23 Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples,

2 Saying The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses' seat:

3 All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.

4 For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.

5 But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,

6 And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues,

7 And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.
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Re: Modern Day Pharisees

Post by Valerie »

So what real issue did our Lord have with the Pharisees that we may be accused pf the same? I'm asking this because these accusations are being said of Christians- and i hear this statement all the time "It was the religious people that Jesus was always angry at but he loved the sinners" In other words, Christians who are contending for the faith are seen as this way- unmerciful & unloving.

Another thing I've picked up on is accusations that Christians obeying Scriptures regarding "outward" appearances (i.e. head covering, modest apparel, avoidance of jewelry, make-up) use that as a cover-up to "appear" holy/pious even though "inside" they are not. As if to be hiding evil by way pf outward obedience.
Can that be true? The Pharisees seem to have been doing this- isn't that one reason that Jesus called them hypocrites?
Would that be a temptation then, to forsake that word obedience last one be accused of being a Pharisee with concern and adornment of the outside while hiding the evil on the inside? Knowing that people are judging some Christians this way?
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Re: Modern Day Pharisees

Post by Grace »

I think the reason Jesus condemned the Pharisees, was because they were prideful religious show offs and hypocrites.
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Re: Modern Day Pharisees

Post by Heirbyadoption »

I don't know if this would be relevant or of interest, but is a link to an .mp3 of a sermon shared in our congregation a few years ago on some identifying marks of a "Pharisee Heart". Be warned - it's about an hour long... If you DO try to access it and have trouble, let me know. ... _Heart.mp3
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Re: Modern Day Pharisees

Post by temporal1 »

Related discussion:

Ephesians 5 ..
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Re: Modern Day Pharisees

Post by Sudsy »

Valerie wrote: Thu May 25, 2023 6:33 am
Question: Does it SEEM like to anyone else that the enemy of our souls may be using people to label Christians as Pharisees so that they will be silenced?
Imo, this happens. It also happens that some professing Christians are play actors (Pharisees in that way) and appear to be keen in a holy, righteous war against certain sinning when they really are just into pointing a finger at another Christian with a 'holier-than-thou' attitude. We may fool one another with our warring against certain sinning as being a good Christian calling out sin but God knows what is really in our hearts and what we are up to. We don't fool God any time.

I think it is easy to see the latest trends in sinning and get all wound up in calling out these sins and in the process of doing this, lose a real compassion for those going down this road. The solution to all this sinning is what we are to share. As the Gospel is shared, the Holy Spirit convicts the sinner of their need for a Saviour from all their sins and then upon repentance, the Holy Spirit guides the new believer in a life long pursuit of less sinning and more of following Jesus.

When I look at how Jesus dealt with the Pharisees, the highly religious people in that day, He called them white washed tombs that their appearance on the outside was not reflective of the truth on the inside. By looking at these 'Woes' I become aware of how their heart issues are some of my own as I listen to the Holy Spirit. In my experience when I get caught up with other people's sinning I can develop a real dislike for them and not just the sin. Not an attitude that 'but for the grace of God there go I'. Real godly concern will produce compassion for those enslaved in sin.

I believe what we, especially me, need more of is the compassion of Christ. Instead of wanting to condemn the sinner as the Pharisees were going to do. In John 8, Jesus said whoever is without sin can cast the first stone and they were convicted of their own sin and walked away. Jesus then said that He would not condemn her either and that she should go and sin no more. I can be one who condemns or one who does not condemn but rather leads people to being forgiven and rescued from sin.

Modern day Phariseeism has the same basic flaws as it had in Jesus time here. One can be extremely religious in practise and yet be cold and indifferent towards those caught in sin.
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Re: Modern Day Pharisees

Post by Josh »

It’s rather obvious the trends in sin are gluttony, sloth, and apathy. Sadly, there is not much of a movement in any church right now to address this.
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Re: Modern Day Pharisees

Post by Franklin »

This video does an excellent job explaining what Pharisees are.

Valerie wrote: Thu May 25, 2023 6:33 am Question: Does it SEEM like to anyone else that the enemy of our souls may be using people to label Christians as Pharisees so that they will be silenced?
Of course. Modern "Christians" are evil and label traditional moral Christians as Pharisees as a way to attack morality.
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