Peacemaking in Rough Seas

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Peacemaking in Rough Seas

Post by temporal1 »

This thread is a continuation (no well-adjusted person) would have wanted to foresee -
of DanZ’s attempt at a constructive Anabaptist (politics) thread in November 2016:

“Peacemaking after the Election”
OP, November 4, 2016, a few days prior to the election, Page 1
Dan wrote:
I've been around for a number of these elections...and I don't remember one with this much rancor, mudslinging, emotion...and yes, even hate. Frankly, it concerns me. Relational bridges are already burning...and the burning might continue literally after the election, because someone is going to loose...and some people are going to be hugely disappointing - and very angry (both sides have framed this election as either saving or damning the democracy).

Jesus calls us to be peacemakers.

So...for us as Anabaptist Christians, representatives of the way of Peace and the triumph of the Kingdom of Love...

How are we going to respond post-election in light of the relational harm already done, and in the midst of all of the potential incivility and hate that might lie ahead?

(Thought: In preparation, many of us have been sucked in, and we may need to begin with repentance for the feelings of bitterness we have harbored and the ways we have contributed to the rancor and ugliness).

I think we need to be ready to respond to the sickness and dysfunction that this election had brought out.
Recall. On November 4, most believed Hillary was certain to win. ^^^

i did not view the election night, i went to bed. :mrgreen:
surprise in the morning. :shock:
it took me days/weeks to realize what happened. there were all sorts of surprised responses.

- - - - - - -

2019. :(
January of 2019 has brought EVEN MORE RANCOR than ever before.

It’s been turned into an official way of life. Lots of people are now EMPLOYED in media and politics for no greater purpose than rancor. Obsessive rancor.

Personally, TV “news” and “entertainment” became so politically biased in the campaign year of 2016, i turned it all off, have not gone back. 2019 is beginning SO BADLY, i’m considering unplugging from the internet.

First thing this mornng, an email daily reading that touched me. 8-)
i have followed/read different sources for daily devotions or readings, in my life.
always valuable, some days the messages hit home in special ways. as today:
Reading 1 Heb13:1-8
“Let brotherly love continue.
Do not neglect hospitality,
for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.
Be mindful of prisoners as if sharing their imprisonment,
and of the ill-treated as of yourselves,
for you also are in the body.
Let marriage be honored among all
and the marriage bed be kept undefiled,
for God will judge the immoral and adulterers.
Let your life be free from love of money
but be content with what you have,
for he has said, I will never forsake you or abandon you.
Thus we may say with confidence:

The Lord is my helper,
and I will not be afraid.
What can anyone do to me?”

“Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you.
Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”
The very next thing i saw (in my newsfeed) was this: :(
What an utter contrast.
”Democratic Rep. Al Green calls for impeachment of Trump a 3rd time” ... p-3rd-time
It’s not that this call is unusual, thus, the headline; it’s that it’s now daily+expected. Routine.

For some reason, i decided prayer was the only response i could muster.
Many are in need of prayer. This sad politician is one. i suggested prayer.
i wrote in news comments: :-|
This man, and all who live with hearts filled with hate, is in need of serious prayer.
So, now in February 2019, in response to Dan’s 2016 OP, my suggestion is, prayer.
Jesus has a goal media and many politicians have no interest in. The goals are not the same.

i hope for this thread to be a continuation of Dan’s thread, with a general Christian perspective. :)
Faith is powerful. Prayer is powerful. Truth is eternal.

That’s why Jesus was such a threat, and continues to be. Just as He warned.
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Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
with even modest attempt at presenting balanced facts from the start.

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Re: Peacemaking in Rough Seas

Post by EJM »

I believe we have only seen the tip of the iceberg Temp.
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (2 Tim 3)
Sound familiar?
If you look at the agenda of some of the younger politicians, (AOC, and disgustingly some old ones too) America has some
serious trouble ahead, and the judgement of God too.
Luke 21:28:
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
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Re: Peacemaking in Rough Seas

Post by steve-in-kville »

I don't follow the latest in the entertainment world. I am a big youtube fanatic, when time allows. Its all the rage for comedians and late-night talk show hosts to make fun of politicians, especially Trump.

I just watched an interview of an "old-school" comedian, who has since retired, comment that it is poor taste to mock politicians. Back in "his day" it just didn't happen.
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Re: Peacemaking in Rough Seas

Post by temporal1 »

steve-in-kville wrote:I don't follow the latest in the entertainment world. I am a big youtube fanatic, when time allows. Its all the rage for comedians and late-night talk show hosts to make fun of politicians, especially Trump.

I just watched an interview of an "old-school" comedian, who has since retired, comment that it is poor taste to mock politicians. Back in "his day" it just didn't happen.
my impression is, in history, politicians, and lawyers, have always been (problematic) - even in scriptures. it’s found in writings from Ancient Greece, forward.

when i think of comedians and politics, often, Mark Twain comes to mind. Will Rogers. Red Skelton. Bob Hope. Darrell Hammond, SNL, had a field day (of years) with Bill Clinton.

but, somehow, it was centered on comedic entertainment. teasing. tongue-in-cheek, etc.

the twist today is, entertainment has been replaced with vicious intent to unseat a sitting POTUS;
well, first starting with attempting to never allow him to be POTUS.

this is where i unplugged from all of it. it’s not news, it’s not entertainment. it’s blatant propaganda.

saddest of all, it’s so widespread, those indulging seem unable to see what they are doing.
well, maybe some are opening their eyes. Robert just posted a piece from CBS’s Laura Logan on it. she used the word, “propaganda,” too. pretty risky for one in her shoes right now.

hopefully, Nick Sandmann’s lawsuits naming some entertainers and news people, will have a sobering effect. i’m not one for litigation, but, the situation has become extreme.

overall, in the past, my perception of politics+comedy has been, it’s been used to help people laugh at and ignore politics that are pretty much beyond the individual’s control:
“we’re all in this together, ‘may as well laugh about it.”

today, it seems to be about organizing factions to throw elections.
that’s a “horse of a different color.” that future does not look bright.
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Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
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Re: Peacemaking in Rough Seas

Post by temporal1 »

2019: MONTHS before the pandemic! i have a hard time remembering “Before Pandemic” :shock:
EJM wrote: Sat Feb 09, 2019 2:03 pm I believe we have only seen the tip of the iceberg Temp.

But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. (2 Tim 3)
Sound familiar?

If you look at the agenda of some of the younger politicians, (AOC, and disgustingly some old ones too) America has some
serious trouble ahead, and the judgement of God too.

Luke 21:28:
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.
0 x
Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
with even modest attempt at presenting balanced facts from the start.

”We’re all just walking each other home.”
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