In what way/ways is Jesus the Prince of Peace

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In what way/ways is Jesus the Prince of Peace

Post by barnhart »

In looking over the carols this Christmas season, I noticed many references to Jesus as the Prince of Peace. What does this mean to you.
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Re: In what way/ways is Jesus the Prince of Peace

Post by mike »

Peace is essential to the existence of humanity. Stability and normal relations are rooted in principles such as restraint, deescalation of violence, and the forgiveness of wrongs. Even the world's armed forces must operate by these principles to a certain extent or else mankind would experience mutually assured destruction. Every human struggles to abide by the principles of peace; see many of the discussions on this forum for examples. Jesus, on the other hand, is the Prince of Peace. He exemplifies perfectly all the principles of peace which he himself taught us. His relationships with friends, enemies, and all others are the benchmark for all who wish to be at peace with themselves and with the world.
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Re: In what way/ways is Jesus the Prince of Peace

Post by MaxPC »

mike wrote:Peace is essential to the existence of humanity. Stability and normal relations are rooted in principles such as restraint, deescalation of violence, and the forgiveness of wrongs. Even the world's armed forces must operate by these principles to a certain extent or else mankind would experience mutually assured destruction. Every human struggles to abide by the principles of peace; see many of the discussions on this forum for examples. Jesus, on the other hand, is the Prince of Peace. He exemplifies perfectly all the principles of peace which he himself taught us. His relationships with friends, enemies, and all others are the benchmark for all who wish to be at peace with themselves and with the world.
I agree with Mike's assessment. I would also add that I have always seen that title as having two dimensions. The external manifestation of peace as expressed by Mike. There is also the internal peace within each person who believes completely in Jesus. That internal peace is the motivator of outward actions of peace. One does not seek destruction because internally one is at peace with self and others.
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Re: In what way/ways is Jesus the Prince of Peace

Post by Neto »

During the time in my life when I was experiencing the struggle between deep patriotism and a growing understanding of Jesus' will in respect to his own kingdom, I remember coming across that verse where Jesus' words are recorded: "I give MY peace to you. I don't give peace the way the world does." An image came to my mind which I had treasured - the raising of the flag at Iwo Jima. Only then I saw, instead of the flag, the cross being raised, the Christ of God hanging there, suspended in space, and the men below struggling with the weight of it. Not that I thought that the American soldiers were the ones who crucified him, but just the contrast. "Peace" through war and political dominance, or Peace through death & suffering, a life given for others, instead of lives taken. I still see that image in my mind, an unpainted painting.
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Re: In what way/ways is Jesus the Prince of Peace

Post by Robert »

He brings peace with God. We are no longer held at a distance or separated from God because of our sinful nature. We can advance to the throne of God with confidence.

Once we have peace with God, peace with others is a by product because we are no longer at war. We can relax and enjoy the lion walking with the lamb.
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Re: In what way/ways is Jesus the Prince of Peace

Post by Valerie »

Ephesians 2:11-17 supports Roberts:

11"Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by what is called the circumcision made in the flesh by hands that at that time you were without Christ being aliens from the Commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been made near by the blood of Christ. for he himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of division between us, having abolished in his flesh the enmity that is the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace, and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the Cross, thereby putting to death the enmity. And he came and preached peace to you who were afar off and to those who were near.

Don't you love that?!?
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Re: In what way/ways is Jesus the Prince of Peace

Post by barnhart »

So far the idea is that Jesus brings internal peace which spills over into individual life expressions of peacefulness. I'm not sure this what the carol writers had in mind. It's interesting to see how interpretation shifts.
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Re: In what way/ways is Jesus the Prince of Peace

Post by temporal1 »

barnhart wrote:So far the idea is that Jesus brings internal peace which spills over into individual life expressions of peacefulness. I'm not sure this what the carol writers had in mind. It's interesting to see how interpretation shifts.
You asked what the meaning is “to you;” but, what do you think the meaning was to carol writers? :)
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Re: In what way/ways is Jesus the Prince of Peace

Post by Sudsy »

barnhart wrote:In looking over the carols this Christmas season, I noticed many references to Jesus as the Prince of Peace. What does this mean to you.
This means to me that I am no longer an enemy of God (Romans 5:10) but have been brought into relationship with God as my heavenly Father through Jesus (God's Son spoken of by Isaiah as a Prince of Peace), through His death and resurrection.

As far as those not yet in relationship with God, Jesus said we will not be at peace with them (Mathew 10:34-36) as being born again causes those to see us as enemies and this is one of the costs of discipleship. James says in James 4:4 that being a friend of the world makes us an enemy of God.

Still in Romans 12:18, Paul says, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." 'The quiet in the land' not raising up and/or provoking others. I believe this is very important that we get along peaceably with other Christians. If we are in close relationship with God we will be living in peace with our brothers and sisters. I think one of the times scripture says that this reconciliation is to be done is prior to taking communion (the Lord's table). But we can do this restoring peace with one another whenever the Spirit leads us to do so.

I also believe living in the peace of God is living a life where we turn any anxious thoughts and fears about this life over into God's hands and rest in Him. He gives a peace beyond all understanding. (Philippians 4:7). But we have a part to play also (Philippians 4: 8-9). If we want to experience that peace we are to think about certain things. We can't let the world control what we set our minds on.

Jesus living in us, in the power of the Holy Spirit, is the source of this peace. Peace with God and peace with one another. Our warring is not to be with flesh and blood but a spiritual battle with the forces of evil in this world and in the heavenly realm.

"Oh what peace we often forfeit, Oh what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer "
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Re: In what way/ways is Jesus the Prince of Peace

Post by cmbl »

barnhart wrote:So far the idea is that Jesus brings internal peace which spills over into individual life expressions of peacefulness. I'm not sure this what the carol writers had in mind. It's interesting to see how interpretation shifts.
Can you expand on this? (I'm not disagreeing, just would be interested to read your thoughts on how the interpretation may have shifted.)
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