Temporary Separation from Spouse

Christian ethics and theology with an Anabaptist perspective

Re: Temporary Separation from Spouse

Post by Bootstrap »

Soloist wrote: Tue Feb 13, 2024 11:09 pm I wouldn’t judge people who have those kind of jobs, especially because you need to pay the bills, but I do think it adds family complications and marital stress that would be better off avoided if possible, and if a church cares about it so much, they should try to put in the effort to help people in those situations find better jobs that will still provide for their family.
I think there are also ministries where this is simply part of the job. People in those ministries definitely need prayer and support, and so do their spouses.
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Re: Temporary Separation from Spouse

Post by Josh »

QuietlyListening wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 1:40 pm My original point was if someone has an occupation that takes them away from family from time to time- the church can be part of the support for the wife and children during that time.

Josh then said "The idea we should “support” people doing whatever they want is a distinctly non-Anabaptist doctrine, as is the idea we shouldn’t “judge” them."
I was responding to this- that I never said someone should do whatever they want as in there are occupations that are not anabaptist or not edifying to a person doing them but mentioned those particular occupations as ones that may have folks traveling but I see nothing wrong with them. And yes some churches don't want their folks going to college but others don't mind.

That was it.
You said,
Yes, not being away is the best but in this society if an occupation takes a person away- instead of judging we should - as a church- be there to support those who have to be away
Anabaptists feel comfortable judging as a church that some occupations aren’t acceptable, including if it takes a dad away from home frequently.

They will often be supportive of changing that situation such as helping find a different job or someone in church might even hire someone.

Most conservative Anabaptists churches will have a range of occupations they don’t find acceptable. When I joined my church, my occupation wasn’t really acceptable if I got married. The leadership’s approach was to be very encouraging about any steps I took to a slightly different kind of job.
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Re: Temporary Separation from Spouse

Post by ken_sylvania »

QuietlyListening wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 1:40 pm My original point was if someone has an occupation that takes them away from family from time to time- the church can be part of the support for the wife and children during that time.

Josh then said "The idea we should “support” people doing whatever they want is a distinctly non-Anabaptist doctrine, as is the idea we shouldn’t “judge” them."
I was responding to this- that I never said someone should do whatever they want as in there are occupations that are not anabaptist or not edifying to a person doing them but mentioned those particular occupations as ones that may have folks traveling but I see nothing wrong with them. And yes some churches don't want their folks going to college but others don't mind.

That was it.
OK sorry. I think I read more into it that what you were saying. I thought you were implying that it's "judgy" of a church to expect its members to select occupations that are conducive to healthy relationships and family life.
Sorry about that.
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Re: Temporary Separation from Spouse

Post by Josh »

The majority of plain/conservative Anabaptists expect men to have occupations either at home or very close to home and wouldn't tolerate overnight travel at all. (They might tolerate travel 2-3 hours away with a driver to remote construction sites, though, but they are still home by night.)

The groups that tolerate people gaining college degrees, moving away to go to a college and get a degree, or working e.g. as a flight attendant are a small fraction of the conservative/plain Anabaptist world.
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Re: Temporary Separation from Spouse

Post by Ken »

Josh wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:27 pm The majority of plain/conservative Anabaptists expect men to have occupations either at home or very close to home and wouldn't tolerate overnight travel at all. (They might tolerate travel 2-3 hours away with a driver to remote construction sites, though, but they are still home by night.)

The groups that tolerate people gaining college degrees, moving away to go to a college and get a degree, or working e.g. as a flight attendant are a small fraction of the conservative/plain Anabaptist world.
So I repeat my question.

Is there any BIBLICAL basis for this restriction or standard?

Because that certainly wasn't the kind of world that people lived in during Biblical times. Where travel away from home for long periods of time was part of life.
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr

Re: Temporary Separation from Spouse

Post by ken_sylvania »

Ken wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:37 pm
Josh wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:27 pm The majority of plain/conservative Anabaptists expect men to have occupations either at home or very close to home and wouldn't tolerate overnight travel at all. (They might tolerate travel 2-3 hours away with a driver to remote construction sites, though, but they are still home by night.)

The groups that tolerate people gaining college degrees, moving away to go to a college and get a degree, or working e.g. as a flight attendant are a small fraction of the conservative/plain Anabaptist world.
So I repeat my question.

Is there any BIBLICAL basis for this restriction or standard?

Because that certainly wasn't the kind of world that people lived in during Biblical times.
I think you're right, working as a flight attendant wasn't a generally accepted occupation during Biblical times.

I'm not aware of any direct Biblical injunction against married men working occupations in which they spend long periods of time away from home. If your theory of interpretation is, that anything not directly prohibited is allowed, you're not likely to agree with the CA position on the matter.
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Re: Temporary Separation from Spouse

Post by QuietlyListening »

I have no problem with a church saying they prefer or don't allow men to work in occupations that take them away from the home- that is their choice and if you join that church you agree to that. But to say that is not anabaptist is going too far- it may be a position many anabaptist churches take- but it isn't a defining characteristic of anabaptism.
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Re: Temporary Separation from Spouse

Post by Ken »

ken_sylvania wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:45 pm
Ken wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:37 pm
Josh wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:27 pm The majority of plain/conservative Anabaptists expect men to have occupations either at home or very close to home and wouldn't tolerate overnight travel at all. (They might tolerate travel 2-3 hours away with a driver to remote construction sites, though, but they are still home by night.)

The groups that tolerate people gaining college degrees, moving away to go to a college and get a degree, or working e.g. as a flight attendant are a small fraction of the conservative/plain Anabaptist world.
So I repeat my question.

Is there any BIBLICAL basis for this restriction or standard?

Because that certainly wasn't the kind of world that people lived in during Biblical times.
I think you're right, working as a flight attendant wasn't a generally accepted occupation during Biblical times.

I'm not aware of any direct Biblical injunction against married men working occupations in which they spend long periods of time away from home. If your theory of interpretation is, that anything not directly prohibited is allowed, you're not likely to agree with the CA position on the matter.
Obviously there were no flight attendants. But men joined the Roman legions and were gone for 20 years. A farmer or vineyard owner in the Galilee might have spent a month journeying by foot or donkey to Jerusalem and back to sell his goods or livestock. Goods traveled by camel caravans which took months to get places. Shepherds took their flocks into the mountains in summer and back to the home in winter. Men might be gone long periods of time to work in distant work sites in a world without cars, trains, buses, planes, etc. That was life in the ancient world.

Having worked remote and local jobs and having a family of my own, I certainly agree that having both parents home every night is conducive to family life. But I question whether it is any sort of Biblical standard. And in addition to the family issues, this prohibition on overnight travel that Josh describes is perhaps partly an issue of the church maintaining control over members which is easier if they are nearby.
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr

Re: Temporary Separation from Spouse

Post by ken_sylvania »

Ken wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:52 pm And in addition to the family issues, this prohibition on overnight travel that Josh describes is perhaps partly an issue of the church maintaining control over members which is easier if they are nearby.
I really doubt it.
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Re: Temporary Separation from Spouse

Post by Josh »

Ken wrote: Wed Feb 14, 2024 2:37 pmSo I repeat my question.

Is there any BIBLICAL basis for this restriction or standard?

Because that certainly wasn't the kind of world that people lived in during Biblical times. Where travel away from home for long periods of time was part of life.
Most Anabaptists are not fundamentalists; there is not a very good fundamentalist case for claiming husbands shouldn't be away from their families for long periods of times. (Hence, the denominations where you will find people working as flight attendants, etc. would be BMA and so forth.)

Most Anabaptists feel they can apply principles and then make rules for common life based on what they feel is best and what ultimately leads to a strong church, which is composed of strong families.
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