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Limiting Orthopraxy

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:41 pm
by Sudsy
It was mentioned elsewhere that we should be encouraging one another in our orthopraxy. Some see orthopraxy as basically what they abstain from doing that is worldly. But Jesus was also very keen on good deeds.

What are some practical things we can get involved in to shine our lights so the world will see our good deeds and will give God glory for how He is working in us ? We have to get past what may appear to be making ourselves look better at this than the next believer and share what we have experienced in this area. For me, that, sadly, will not be an issue.

What I mean by the title is - do you restrict yourself to primarily focus on your own personal holiness and/or only good deeds if it is somehow identified with your church or an organization like MCC ?

For instance, one of my few good deeds :oops: , is delivering hot, free meals to the needy in our city. One hour for the last 3 Thursdays. Although local churches provided some of the volunteers for this, it is not church related. It is one of many volunteer services the city provides. Here are a list of volunteer activities one can participate in -

- Adult Day Program Assistant
- Child Minder
- Coats for Kids Distribution Assistant
- Friendly Visitor
- Security Check Caller
- Event Volunteer
- Income Tax Clinic Volunteer
- Meals on Wheels Delivery Person
- Foot Care Clinic Receptionist
- SPARK After School Program Assistant
- Translator/Interpreter
- Volunteer Tutor
- Volunteer Mentor
- Youth Mentor

One can volunteer and be quickly trained to get involved. Where I see one of these the most is the friendly visitors at our local hospital to welcome and guide folks to where they need to go. Another very needful one is driving people to doctor's appointments. Many in our city have appointments 30 miles away in a bigger city. And these can take up many hours to drive and wait.

These kind of good deeds get a Christian exposed more to the world and relationships are often made for later spiritual conversations.

Since Anabaptists believe that orthopraxy is very important in being a Christ follower, would you share the kind of areas you get involved in as an unpaid volunteer. This may help those who need a little push in the area of good deeds. Jesus said this is how we shine our lights. Before men not hidden.

Re: Limiting Orthopraxy

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 6:51 am
by JimFoxvog
We sometimes produce more than we can sell at our fruit and vegetable farm. We often take excess to the local food pantry. Sometimes they even have a grant to pay us for some of it, which probably diminishes our spiritual brownie points, but allows us to take food we might be able to sell elsewhere.

Re: Limiting Orthopraxy

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 7:59 pm
by Sudsy
JimFoxvog wrote:We sometimes produce more than we can sell at our fruit and vegetable farm. We often take excess to the local food pantry. Sometimes they even have a grant to pay us for some of it, which probably diminishes our spiritual brownie points, but allows us to take food we might be able to sell elsewhere.
Yes, we have those kind of donations at our local food bank at the Salvation Army site. One day I saw a poor Mennonite man going through our waste bin with his two young daughters and they were fishing out some old potatoes we were throwing out. For some reason they didn't want to ask for help but we talked them into getting some supplies at the food bank. It is great when people like yourselves take that extra effort to make a difference in other's lives. I spent a year in the Salvation Army and helping pick things up for the food bank. A great experience to see some of the needs right in your own community. Years before I had worked part time driving taxi late at night into the morning hours and that is a job that really opens one's eyes to the sad effects of sin on people's lives. I could tell some pretty sad stories.

Re: Limiting Orthopraxy

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:35 pm
by Josh
When going dumpster diving I try to avoid bins that have already been raided by my Swartzentruber or Old Older Mennonite brethren—they'll be absolutely picked clean. I'm pretty sure some families are getting a majority of their nutrition from dumpsters behind Aldi, Beuhler's, etc. in Ashland and Wadsworth, particularly in the winter months.