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Re: Church good at evangelization

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:24 pm
by Ken
Ernie wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 4:48 pmCould you provide examples from this thread in which someone asserts that evangelism needs to be done OVERTLY with words.
as requested....


Re: Church good at evangelization

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:41 pm
by barnhart
I think the early church was effective at evangelism. They did not have the benefit of law, at times it was illegal to simply believe.

Re: Church good at evangelization

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:44 pm
by temporal1
barnhart wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:41 pm I think the early church was effective at evangelism. They did not have the benefit of law, at times it was illegal to simply believe.
yes. from what i’ve read, they sometimes evangelized to their grisly dying breaths. miraculous, in my view.

Re: Church good at evangelization

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:52 pm
by barnhart
The early church had a word for evangelism that we don't use in that way anymore. Martyr.

Re: Church good at evangelization

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:47 pm
by plain
temporal1 wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 3:37 pm
Josh wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 2:07 pm I wasn't aware plain's evangelisation scope was limited to canned conversations or sermons.
It may have been, then it took a good turn and expanded. plain hasn’t commented, yay or nay.
It's not limited. As I did write, we need many different kinds of evangelisation, and, I think, we need to (also) use words. Not towards customers, clients, and subordinates. But when we have a chance, when it is "wisely" to say something, to a colleague, friend, someone we meet etc.

Now some posts have been about what did not work.

But try to share what has worked for your church and for you.
temporal1 wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 3:37 pmi’m interested in learning more about plain’s background and experience in Sweden.
it might help guide responses.
I've tried to evangelize for many years. Trying to talk about prayer answers, the gospel, the bible. I also tried to get the church to become more active in evangelism. We tried, me and some others, that we gonna stand on the square and talk about Jesus, one day biweekly. We had a start-up meeting in the church, there were a good amount of people that wanted to do this, but after we did start, many of those never did show up. We did it for a couple of years, but people did leave one by one, and soon we were so few that it was the same few people each time. And after some time it was hard to make it. We had a concept I did like, a "small tent", something to eat, new testaments to give out, tables to sit at. But people in the church did prioritize to be home or do other things. And sermons and church concerts etc was more important. But also less and less people did show up on these. I was, and am, longing for a church that has evangelism as a top priority. Today I'm not going to church at all, and has not been to over a year. And nearly no one has called or said anything. The church did felt dead. See if I found something else. Or maybe I'm to different to belong in a church.

Re: Church good at evangelization

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 7:04 pm
by Ernie
Ken wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:24 pm
Ernie wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 4:48 pmCould you provide examples from this thread in which someone asserts that evangelism needs to be done OVERTLY with words.
as requested....
Ok. That does not imply overtly to me, but I'll let that up to you and them I guess.

Re: Church good at evangelization

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 7:12 pm
by Ernie
I think it is possible to ask questions of customers, fellow employees, and supervisors when the timing is right without it being a problem.
A friend of mine took homemade cookies in his lunch, and read the Bible silently in the lunch room. His fellow employees wanted some of his homemade cookies. So he made a deal with them. He would bring homemade cookies for each of them if they would allow him to read a Bible story aloud. The deal was carried out the following day. My friend read the story of the prodigal son. He read with such meaning and inflection that at least one man was crying by the end of the story. The man said, "That is the first time I have heard a Bible story."

If a person goes to work, sure that he will get fired if he evangelizes verbally, and wants to make sure he doesn't get fired, he probably won't take opportunities the Lord gives him. If a person goes to work looking for opportunities, the Lord has often opened doors to do so.

Re: Church good at evangelization

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:14 pm
by temporal1
plain wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:47 pm
temporal1 wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 3:37 pm
Josh wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 2:07 pm I wasn't aware plain's evangelisation scope was limited to canned conversations or sermons.
It may have been, then it took a good turn and expanded. plain hasn’t commented, yay or nay.
It's not limited. As I did write, we need many different kinds of evangelisation, and, I think, we need to (also) use words. Not towards customers, clients, and subordinates. But when we have a chance, when it is "wisely" to say something, to a colleague, friend, someone we meet etc.

Now some posts have been about what did not work.

But try to share what has worked for your church and for you.
temporal1 wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 3:37 pmi’m interested in learning more about plain’s background and experience in Sweden.
it might help guide responses.
I've tried to evangelize for many years. Trying to talk about prayer answers, the gospel, the bible. I also tried to get the church to become more active in evangelism. We tried, me and some others, that we gonna stand on the square and talk about Jesus, one day biweekly. We had a start-up meeting in the church, there were a good amount of people that wanted to do this, but after we did start, many of those never did show up. We did it for a couple of years, but people did leave one by one, and soon we were so few that it was the same few people each time. And after some time it was hard to make it. We had a concept I did like, a "small tent", something to eat, new testaments to give out, tables to sit at. But people in the church did prioritize to be home or do other things. And sermons and church concerts etc was more important. But also less and less people did show up on these. I was, and am, longing for a church that has evangelism as a top priority. Today I'm not going to church at all, and has not been to over a year. And nearly no one has called or said anything. The church did felt dead. See if I found something else. Or maybe I'm to different to belong in a church.
Thank you, plain. i’m so glad you found this forum.

It’s very possible you might find some tangible help here, i suggest you pray for the Holy Spirit to guide+protect you on your journey, and, pray for God’s will in everything you do and say. That sort of prayer helped me get through some (otherwise) rough times in my life, and helps me today, decades on. There are excellent, godly people present on this forum, i’m sure praying for you, whether they write their thoughts out online or not.

(i believe) God answers all prayers, not always as we want or understand, but in His way, His time.
His will, not ours.

i would like to say i’m surprised at your church experience. i’m so sorry, i’m not.
in the U.S., we get so little news of/from other countries! even our close neighbors, Canada+Mexico! i first noticed decades ago when i was very young. The internet has helped, as far as general news, not superb! - and, personal interactions, like this forum, offer ways for individuals to interact. Folks who would not otherwise meet or speak.

From the little i’ve read about Sweden and other European countries, Christianity is not having great times.

Not to intrude, i have another question.
How did you happen to find your path? i believe everything you descibe about what you’re experiencing, it could happen in the U.S., what prompted you to want to pursue evangelism?

One thing on which i don’t agree: you’re NOT too different to belong to Jesus’ church! (i believe) you belong, whether you know it or not, whether you have a building or not.

Be encouraged. God sees all, He knows our hearts. If you are 1 in 1 thousand, He knows who you are, where you are.

i’m looking forward to reading more from you. Welcome to MN. :D

- - - - - - -

i apologize about adding line spacing, etc.
not meant to “correct” - my vision isn’t great, my reading is slow. i add spaces and bold to help me with vision+reading.
i’ve always been a slow reader. i try to compensate by reading carefully, and repeatedly. that habit helps, a lot!
it’s extra work, but, i find it’s worth it. to try to understand what is written.

Re: Church good at evangelization

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:28 pm
by temporal1
Matthew 24:40
39And they were oblivious, until the flood came and swept them all away.
So will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.

40 Two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left.

41Two women will be grinding at the mill: one will be taken and the other left.…
It’s best to read in full context of the chapter.

Re: Church good at evangelization

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 8:49 pm
by NedFlanders
plain wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 6:47 pm
temporal1 wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 3:37 pm
Josh wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 2:07 pm I wasn't aware plain's evangelisation scope was limited to canned conversations or sermons.
It may have been, then it took a good turn and expanded. plain hasn’t commented, yay or nay.
It's not limited. As I did write, we need many different kinds of evangelisation, and, I think, we need to (also) use words. Not towards customers, clients, and subordinates. But when we have a chance, when it is "wisely" to say something, to a colleague, friend, someone we meet etc.

Now some posts have been about what did not work.

But try to share what has worked for your church and for you.
temporal1 wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 3:37 pmi’m interested in learning more about plain’s background and experience in Sweden.
it might help guide responses.
I've tried to evangelize for many years. Trying to talk about prayer answers, the gospel, the bible. I also tried to get the church to become more active in evangelism. We tried, me and some others, that we gonna stand on the square and talk about Jesus, one day biweekly. We had a start-up meeting in the church, there were a good amount of people that wanted to do this, but after we did start, many of those never did show up. We did it for a couple of years, but people did leave one by one, and soon we were so few that it was the same few people each time. And after some time it was hard to make it. We had a concept I did like, a "small tent", something to eat, new testaments to give out, tables to sit at. But people in the church did prioritize to be home or do other things. And sermons and church concerts etc was more important. But also less and less people did show up on these. I was, and am, longing for a church that has evangelism as a top priority. Today I'm not going to church at all, and has not been to over a year. And nearly no one has called or said anything. The church did felt dead. See if I found something else. Or maybe I'm to different to belong in a church.
Everybody belongs in a church. It is the body of Christ. If we aren’t submitted I don’t think we are likely to succeed in efforts of trying to get others to submit their lives to Christ either.

With that said I believe I know what you are talking about. I think so many Mennonites grow up with good teaching and examples that really the choice needs to be left up to them and I get letting the Spirit work. But for those of us who never grew up with good teaching and have a conscience that developed wrongly the Spirit often isn’t going to just lead us to church without some serious challenges to our thought processes by some Christians challenging us with truth! Mennonites typically just don’t do this. But the way many Protestants do it is also very appalling…

Develop relationships, show others you care, and challenge them in a loving way - a way that they know you are there to support them through the fears of loss of friends, job, houses, and etc. that comes with letting go and forsaking all.

I’ve seen a number of people become believers I’ve related to. A bunch of them have come to church for a time or even a period of time, and some are still sporadicly coming. There is still a flow of new visitors with these efforts. But no one steady.

Be part of the body to be where God needs you and then don’t give up or focus on the churches short comings - maybe God has given you that burden to lead the way as that person to encourage the others. Sadly walking away from the church after you put all those efforts in can make them feel justified for not participating with you…