Submission for unity?

Christian ethics and theology with an Anabaptist perspective
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Submission for unity?

Post by Soloist »


1: No debating/arguing in this thread

2: State your view on the question.

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4: Questions for clarifying positions are permitted.

What is your view on unity? compromise practice for group? compromise belief for group? break off?
What do you believe is God's will on unity in context of group practice/belief?
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Re: Submission for unity?

Post by Hats Off »

My affiliation is Old Order black car.

i believe unity does not mean having strictly regulated practices - unity is best achieved where there is an element of room for variation in practise, while maintaining respect for those who we consider more conservative/less conservative than ourselves. I maintain there should be a reasonable amount of room for compromise as long as it is not based on "respect of persons."

I assume by "break off" you are referring to a point where we no longer have unity. I believe there needs to be a working together by everyone in the group to avoid this situation. Individual break off happens when one stubbornly refuses to blend with the group - either by the individual removing himself or by the group agreeing that the individual is not interest in blending his will with the group's.

I am sure it is God's will that we strive for unity of spirit in practise - that we consider the group as opposed to the individual. I am also sure that where a member of the group holds incorrect beliefs, it is God's will that the group attempt to point out his error and only separate the individual from the group if no effort is made to accept the correction.
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Re: Submission for unity?

Post by Josh »

Church of God in Christ, Mennonite (commonly known as Holdeman)
What is your view on unity? compromise practice for group? compromise belief for group? break off?
What do you believe is God's will on unity in context of group practice/belief?
Our view and my own personal view is that unity is extremely important. One does not "compromise" beliefs or practices for the group, but rather uses the brotherhood, the leaders of the church, and past leadership decisions and writings to help us discern what our beliefs and practices need to be. Our foremost document is the New Testament, followed by writings of Anabaptists who had strong spiritual fruit, particularly Menno Simons and Dirk Philips.

Breaking off is a sign of spiritual disaster and is not something that has happened in our particular church since the original separation from the old Mennonite church (what is now the Mennonite Church USA) in the 1800s, other than a few groups here and there. The only notable congregation that separated from our church is one congregation in Colorado.

I believe God's will is that we follow him in the setting of a brotherhood and through reading the scriptures with other believers. I believe that sometimes, "there must be divisions that those who are approved are made evident". I test my own convictions and beliefs against that of the group to figure out if I really am right, or if I am just wanting my own way.
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Re: Submission for unity?

Post by Sudsy »

Mennonite Brethren Canada

I concur with Hats Off opening statement -
i believe unity does not mean having strictly regulated practices - unity is best achieved where there is an element of room for variation in practise, while maintaining respect for those who we consider more conservative/less conservative than ourselves.
I believe unity should be focused on a Christ centered life and to encourage one another in the next step in our faith journey and bringing others into the Kingdom way of life.

To me, trying to force everyone into a box of sanctification practises not explicitly defined in scripture to obtain unity and to develop spirituality is unscriptural. Sanctification regarding spiritual growth is allowing the Holy Spirit to work in each individual's life in His way and in His timing as He brings about spiritual maturity and unity within the fellowship. And when some have their own special ways of living unto the Lord, we respect this and not let it hinder fellowship and mission.

Jesus prayed for us to be one as He and the Father are one. His aim - John 17:23 "I in them and you in me, that they may become perfectly one, so that the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me." When we are unified as Jesus prayed, in a close relationship as Jesus had with the Father, we will be taking the same message that Jesus was sent out of the Father's love because He so loved the world He didn't want any of us to perish but to have eternal life. John 3:16 - “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." If not, then how else will ''the world may know that you sent me and loved them even as you loved me" ?

So, I think unity is more about mission to the unsaved who Jesus died for than it is attempting to get every believer having identical ways of looking like a certain brand of Christian. Jesus focus was on loving others and reaching out and meeting the needs of those He came to save.
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Re: Submission for unity?

Post by RZehr »

I am a member of a church that is part of the Western Fellowship of Mennonite Churches.

The NT is clear about the importance and need for unity in the church. And because we all think differently, submission for unity is going to be a real part. If we all thought exactly the same on every issue, then submission is extinct. However, if I find myself constantly out of agreement with the rest of the church on things that either myself or they think is very important, then the best thing for me to do is to peaceably find another group of believers that I can blend in with.
The work of the church should not be sidetracked by disunity. I believe this unity thins as affiliation thins. For example, I believe we should work extremely hard promoting submission and unity on the local church level, and maybe there is a little less importance on the fellowship or conference level, and less yet on a broad Christendom level.
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