Which Plain Anabaptists vote?

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Re: Which Plain Anabaptists vote?

Post by Ken »

I got curious and did some online sleuthing into the Amish PAC because I had nothing better to do and they have to file public documents.

Here is their profile on Open Secrets: https://www.opensecrets.org/pacs/lookup ... cycle=2020 which shows that they have raised $118,997 this election cycle and spent $108,100 but spending can be on anything from office space to consulting fees to whatever. They aren't required to report what they actually spent on.

They address is listed as a PO Box in Arlington Virginia, so obviously a Washington DC beltway organization and not something organic or locally grown in Lancaster or Holmes Co. or any Menno place.

The head of the Amish PAC and sole listed officer as someone named Taylor O. Swindle (which is an interesting name for a political operative :lol: ) and who turns out to be this guy who's main job is to work for Newt Ginrich's new political organization called Ginrich360: https://www.gingrich360.com/meet-the-te ... %E2%80%AF/ and who is apparently is from Florida and lives in Florida.

Their most recent SEC filing is here: https://docquery.fec.gov/pdf/330/202007 ... navpanes=0 which lists their donors who are scattered across the country, none in Amish country.

And here is an article about their clumsy 2016 attempt to run a paid ad in the Budget that was not well received: https://www.fandm.edu/news/latest-news/ ... -community
“The Budget does have paid advertisements, and Amish PAC contacted The Budget and laid out an offer with a fairly aggressive advertising campaign with one sizable ad on Page 2 every week throughout the election,” he said.

The ad that ran featured candidate Trump and some statements about him that highlighted his background as a businessman who operates family businesses, who is not a politician, who would appoint conservative judges, and who does not drink alcohol

Professor Nolt, director of Elizabethtown's Young Center for Anabaptist and Pietist Studies, says an Amish-read newspaper took a hammering from its readers when it ran a political ad featuring a picture of candidate Trump.

“Within a day of this ad appearing, non-Amish editors at The Budget began receiving feedback from Amish readers [that was] uniformly negative,” Nolt said. “Within three days, the paper had received more negative feedback to this advertisement than to any advertisement it had ever run. So then, the editors of The Budget called the Amish PAC and canceled the rest of the advertising contract.”
So there you have it. The Amish PAC is the creation of one of Newt Ginrich's staffers who lives in Florida and raises money from across the country to spend in some unspecified way on getting out the Amish vote. And doesn't appear to really have any real connections to or knowledge of the Amish community based on their inept attempts so far.
Last edited by Ken on Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Which Plain Anabaptists vote?

Post by Neto »

Ernie wrote:
Neto wrote:
ABC 123 wrote:Wayne/Holmes has some real interest amongst the Amish and Mennonites to get out and vote. Someone, only identified as Anonymous Amishman from Wayne County, Ohio, sent out a mass mailing of voter registration forms and a letter explaining the urgency to vote this year. This is unprecedented.
I didn't see it, but my wife saw a copy of this that came in the mail to her dad. She said that it didn't sound like an Amishman writing it, because of the level or type of English grammar & wording used. It could be a fraud - a non-Amish person attempting to get real Amish people involved.
Here is a copy of the ad that was placed in the Lancaster Farming.
Doesn't sound like any Amishman I've ever talked to. Not the language used, the logic, or the manner of presentation (blame & intimidation). Not a single comment that deals with or interacts with an anabaptist point of view. I think it's FAKE NEWS. :shock:
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Re: Which Plain Anabaptists vote?

Post by Ken »

More on Taylor O. Swindle, who is the sole officer and operator of the Amish PAC in case anyone is interested in who is behind all of this

According to his public profile on Newt Ginrich's web site his is a Liberty University grad (which probably makes him think he is qualified to develop advertising campaigns directed at conservative Christians like the Amish, but results seem mixed): https://www.gingrich360.com/meet-the-te ... %E2%80%AF/
Taylor is the Chief Financial Officer for Gingrich 360. He manages all our financial and Human Resources operations. Prior to joining Gingrich 360, Taylor worked on Speaker Gingrich’s 2012 Presidential Campaign and coordinated grassroots fundraising for conservative issues. Before that, he worked for a trade association and National Public Radio. Taylor earned a Bachelor of Science in Finance from the University of West Florida and received an MBA from Liberty University. Outside of Gingrich 360, Taylor leads Political Action Committees and supports Everglades Conservation.   
According to Florida public records he is 31 years old registered Republican and lives in Naples Florida: https://www.floridaresidentsdirectory.c ... dle-taylor

He was sanctioned by the Federal Elections Commission in 2017 related to a fraudulent filing on behalf of another PAC called "The Committee" https://www.fec.gov/files/legal/murs/current/118471.pdf

Here is an easier to read summary of what the Amish PAC has spent money on in the last quarter. The next quarter will be the more interesting report as it will include the run-up to the November election: https://docquery.fec.gov/cgi-bin/forms/ ... 525/sb/ALL

So there you have it. That's who is behind all of these ads and billboard that are apparently appearing in Amish country. If Trump eeks out a narrow win in 2020 based in part on Ohio and PA and the Amish vote plays a part then Taylor O. Swindle will apparently be touted as a genius and rising star in the GOP consulting and elections world.
Last edited by Ken on Wed Sep 09, 2020 9:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Which Plain Anabaptists vote?

Post by Valerie »

Ken wrote:I'd be curious to see what you come up with.

I think it was George W. Bush who really made the first effort to attract Amish and CA votes in 2004, mainly in Ohio as it was the key swing state in that election. Before that I think the Amish at least were extremely a-political.

What are you seeing on the ground out there? Is the Trump Campaign or other local GOP candidates organizing outreach and get out the vote drives in Amish and CA communities in Ohio and PA?
We were told that the Amish in OH voted when the marriage amendment was on the ballot-

They don't seem to have a blanket practice, just when they see something that really means something to them, and how they feel God would see it- then many will take action.

Some Amish man in Mt. Hope (Holmes County) told a friend of mine that about half of the Amish vote (he was Old Order)
I found that difficult to see as accurate, and I believe he must have been guessing- not sure how he could possibly know that-
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Re: Which Plain Anabaptists vote?

Post by Ken »

Valerie wrote:Some Amish man in Mt. Hope (Holmes County) told a friend of mine that about half of the Amish vote (he was Old Order) I found that difficult to see as accurate, and I believe he must have been guessing- not sure how he could possibly know that-
It would be easy enough for someone to actually determine. Voting rolls are public and whether someone voted or not in a particular election is public information (not who they voted for which is private and not recorded). Anyone who knew what they are doing could go precinct by precinct through the voting rolls in Holmes County to see who voted and cross reference that information against denominations.

But that is a lot of work and whoever you talked to is probably just guessing.
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Re: Which Plain Anabaptists vote?

Post by Valerie »

Ken wrote:
Valerie wrote:Some Amish man in Mt. Hope (Holmes County) told a friend of mine that about half of the Amish vote (he was Old Order) I found that difficult to see as accurate, and I believe he must have been guessing- not sure how he could possibly know that-
It would be easy enough for someone to actually determine. Voting rolls are public and whether someone voted or not in a particular election is public information (not who they voted for which is private and not recorded). Anyone who knew what they are doing could go precinct by precinct through the voting rolls in Holmes County to see who voted and cross reference that information against denominations.

But that is a lot of work and whoever you talked to is probably just guessing.
Yes but he said this a few weeks ago- if he was going by the last election and did that leg work- well-
My former Amish friend who lives in Holmes County disagreed with his estimate so we may never know.
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Re: Which Plain Anabaptists vote?

Post by twinpines »

Valerie wrote:
Ken wrote:I'd be curious to see what you come up with.

I think it was George W. Bush who really made the first effort to attract Amish and CA votes in 2004, mainly in Ohio as it was the key swing state in that election. Before that I think the Amish at least were extremely a-political.

What are you seeing on the ground out there? Is the Trump Campaign or other local GOP candidates organizing outreach and get out the vote drives in Amish and CA communities in Ohio and PA?
We were told that the Amish in OH voted when the marriage amendment was on the ballot-

They don't seem to have a blanket practice, just when they see something that really means something to them, and how they feel God would see it- then many will take action.

Some Amish man in Mt. Hope (Holmes County) told a friend of mine that about half of the Amish vote (he was Old Order)
I found that difficult to see as accurate, and I believe he must have been guessing- not sure how he could possibly know that-
I can see that. I was chatting about voting to someone who used to be part of nationwide and now goes to a moderate conservative unaffiliated church. He said that even within nationwide, that many would have no problem voting on a local issue on a ballot such as something to do with farming practices and when I brought up abortion/gay marriage ballot issues, he saw no problem with that either. The line was voting for actual candidates.
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Re: Which Plain Anabaptists vote?

Post by RZehr »

I don’t have a huge problem with voting if that is the question. But I think I never will for various reasons. Just because a lot of conservatives have stronger convictions on other matters, hardly translates into voting. I think for many conservative Mennonites it is a huge step from not being to judgy about voting, to actually voting themselves.
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Re: Which Plain Anabaptists vote?

Post by steve-in-kville »

Around here, EPMC, Pilgrim, Hope and their various off-spring are out. Hornings, maybe. Amish, again maybe. KMF I would venture a few, although it would be on the fringe. No idea where BMA is at, but if their rockin' a Glock to church, why not? :mrgreen:

Conservative end of the brethren circles wouldn't. COB I think most would.
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Re: Which Plain Anabaptists vote?

Post by JimFoxvog »

Here is a copy of the ad that was placed in the Lancaster Farming.
Ernie wrote: I didn't see it, but my wife saw a copy of this that came in the mail to her dad. She said that it didn't sound like an Amishman writing it, because of the level or type of English grammar & wording used. It could be a fraud - a non-Amish person attempting to get real Amish people involved.
I note that Snopes does rate the Bible-burning reference that this ad starts out with as true. It also says that those burning the Bibles did not identify with any group.

Another interesting part that fits your theory:
A video clip of the Portland Bible burning circulated by the Kremlin-backed news agency Ruptly appeared to be among the first viral Russian disinformation campaigns in advance of the 2020 presidential election, according to an Aug. 10 report by The New York Times.
https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/portl ... rn-bibles/
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