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Judas Maccabeus
Posts: 4157
Joined: Fri Nov 04, 2016 11:13 am
Location: Maryland
Affiliation: Con. Menno.

Re: website.

Post by Judas Maccabeus »

Erika wrote:
Judas Maccabeus wrote:
Erika wrote:I have decided to leave this website as it is one of the nastiest forums I have encountered.
The website seems to has the function of an inquisitor. Inquisitors simply are not Christian and who are more concerned about conforming to the mob rule rather than practicing Christian love. I think the martyrs would be ashamed of this website and it is no wonder American Anabaptists have had so many divisions, splits, railings, and hate. I bet this post gets removed. I will check later.
"Second, as far as the "born this way" argument that has appeared in much of the media, the evidence to support it is much less than conclusive. MRI may be able to show a "gay" brain physiology pattern, but know that neuroanatomy is not fixed for life, it changes due to time and stimulus. For the record, there is also an alcoholic brain and a drug addicted brain. We would not have the willingness to excuse sin (as the Bible describes it) in these cases, neither should we for this. While such a person may be extremely tempted in these areas, it still does not mean we should accept that lifelong habitual sin is the absolute consequence. Genetics is not destiny, at least through the grace of God".

This a rather rambling response which makes no sense.
What does gay have to do with intersex?
What has alcoholic and drug addicted brain got to do with intersex?
I don't excuse sin. Where did that come from?
Intersex people ARE born this way. It doesn't mean they are gay, lesbian or any sexual orientation. Being intersex is not about sexual orientation. It would appear you are very confused and uninformed.

Are you endocrinologist that you can afford to make such claims?

"Now to your issue. I am assuming by your description you are affected by some sort of Chimera type syndrome".
?????????????????????? I don't have an issue. I do have an issue of you badgering me with insane ideas. You are the one with an issue .
The church is not a medical establishment. It has no business invading a person's privacy to investigate such matters. Intersex matters, or any medical condition isn't any business of a church. This would an invasion of privacy. Would you like a church to examine your medical records? It doesn't matter what the church has seen. A person's medical history is no business of the church.
"I could not find any hard and fast rate of occurrence for this, I can only find single case reports. This means that it is quite rare. The average church has never seen this occur. To expect that the diverse group on this forum could produce any hard and fast position is way beyond anyone's competence here, especially since we don't know you, your background, and what your walk with God has been like in the past. I only understand this because of a Radiobiology course some 35 years ago".
???????????What on earth are you rambling on about?????????????????
I am not answerable to you. And it is none of your business. Mind your own business.

"This sort of issue can only be decided by a church"

Bullshit, the church doesn't get to decide if someone has a medical condition that can exclude them from fellowship
"I would assume they would hear you out, try to come to the best understanding of your situation they could, and spend some time in prayer for discernment. If such a thing occurred in my church, this is what I would expect to happen. I would not even want to guess the outcome, but submission to the leadership that God has put in place, and to the church is part of being a Mennonite"

I have already been baptized in a Mennonite church.

I suggest you take your own advice and let the church invade your privacy and determine, by your medical records, whether you are human enough to be a member of a church congregation.
The Pastor who baptized me into his Mennonite congregation didn't have an issue with me as you seem to be rabbiting on about. Yes, I have a Mennonite baptismal certificate in my name. My only problem/ issue is that I am now interstate away from the congregation and I don't have Mennonite congregation to fellowship with. This website is the best I can do for the time being. You see what you can learn when you don't make assumptions about someone? I have already been baptized into a conservative Mennonite congregation previously.

"I wish you the best, and really hope you follow Wayne and my advice".

Your advice is not needed. And I wouldn't take advice from somebody who doesn't seem to know what he is talking about.

No, you are not answerable to me, or anyone else here, and yes, as I said above, you are most certainly not answerable to anyone here. But, as I suggested above, you are answerable to whatever church you are wishing to join. Consul with them.

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