Prayer Requests & Personal Testimonies

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Prayer Requests & Personal Testimonies

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Re: Poll: Prayer Requests & Personal Testimonies

Post by temporal1 »

Prayers for Brazil
'Uncontacted' Amazonian tribe allegedly massacred by gold prospectors in Brazil ... be/8894928

comments on this from another source:
Ron Venables wrote:
"This sort of thing is pretty routine in third world countries. Things like Democracy, Rule of Law, Empathy etc, are first world luxuries."

Ron - sad but true.
first world countries destroy through force of law more readily than physical violence.
but, it's the same dark heart.
first, i pray this is not true. that it did not happen.
i've read elsewhere, it might not be true, i.e., it might have been ("bar room bragging.")
then, prayers for all involved.
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Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
with even modest attempt at presenting balanced facts from the start.

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Re: Poll: Prayer Requests & Personal Testimonies

Post by KingdomBuilder »

The way the headline reads, you'd think that everyone was killed, but in reality it was about 20%. Undoubtedly tragic, but I just assumed the worst when I saw "massacre"

Isn't it sick? The ghastly industires people are so willingly turning a blind eye to for the pursuit of their own lusts? We know the dirty business behind all of the prestigious things to wear, but our culture continues to idolize those who adorn themselves in them.
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Re: Poll: Prayer Requests & Personal Testimonies

Post by temporal1 »

The way the headline reads, you'd think that everyone was killed, but in reality it was about 20%. Undoubtedly tragic, but I just assumed the worst when I saw "massacre"
at first, i read about this from several sources, my first impression was that all were murdered, but, reading more, saw that was not the case. however, a loss like this in such a small, vulnerable group, could quickly lead to total loss, i pray this will not happen.
Isn't it sick? The ghastly industires people are so willingly turning a blind eye to for the pursuit of their own lusts? We know the dirty business behind all of the prestigious things to wear, but our culture continues to idolize those who adorn themselves in them.
our culture isn't alone in desiring rare commodities. there are world markets without any standards. :(
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Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
with even modest attempt at presenting balanced facts from the start.

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Re: Poll: Prayer Requests & Personal Testimonies

Post by temporal1 »

i presume many are attending to this sad incident in Michigan.
Amish buggy hit by pickup truck, 3 fatalities, 6 critically injured ... riage.html

prayers for all impacted. :(
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Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
with even modest attempt at presenting balanced facts from the start.

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Re: Poll: Prayer Requests & Personal Testimonies

Post by temporal1 »

temporal1 wrote:i presume many are attending to this sad incident in Michigan.
Amish buggy hit by pickup truck, 3 fatalities, 6 critically injured ... riage.html

prayers for all impacted. :(
as i drive along, i think of these folks. most roads i drive on look just like this one, with farm equipment “always possible,” along the way. i don’t see buggies, but, can easily imagine them everywhere. one hazard i so dislike is sun in my eyes, sometimes blinding. i wonder if this was a factor. it was morning, they were all traveling east. ... ggy-crash/

continuing prayers.
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Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
with even modest attempt at presenting balanced facts from the start.

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Re: Poll: Prayer Requests & Personal Testimonies

Post by Wade »

When one works strange's shifts, long hours, tries to fix up an old house, has broken down vehicles, cares for a large family, scoops squirrels out of the well..., has to counteract ideas the children are learning at church, budget isn't happening, lacks sleep, and etc. physically the body starts to be run down...

People are starting to ask where my vibrancy went...
I'm tired...
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Re: Poll: Prayer Requests & Personal Testimonies

Post by temporal1 »

Wade wrote:When one works strange's shifts, long hours, tries to fix up an old house, has broken down vehicles, cares for a large family, scoops squirrels out of the well..., has to counteract ideas the children are learning at church, budget isn't happening, lacks sleep, and etc. physically the body starts to be run down...

People are starting to ask where my vibrancy went...
I'm tired...
for self-preservation, somehow, you must learn to pace yourself. in every way, including spiritually. there is a way. God promises He will provide a way. He does.

in our busiest times, days were l-o-n-g, and demanding. 7 days weekly. i woke before everyone, each morning i prayed for strength and guidance to meet THAT DAY. that ONE day. one day at a time.
like you, i believe, it was a labor of love .. that’s a tremendous gift and motivation to do it. with God’s help, to manage to do it. how do people manage without faith? it’s a wonder to me.

“Half an hour's prayer each day is essential, except when you are busy.
Then a full hour is needed.”
Saint Francis de Sales

i did not read this until years after our busiest years. but, just the same, it resonated.
0 x
Most or all of this drama, humiliation, wasted taxpayer money could be spared -
with even modest attempt at presenting balanced facts from the start.

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Re: Poll: Prayer Requests & Personal Testimonies

Post by Valerie »

Wade wrote:When one works strange's shifts, long hours, tries to fix up an old house, has broken down vehicles, cares for a large family, scoops squirrels out of the well..., has to counteract ideas the children are learning at church, budget isn't happening, lacks sleep, and etc. physically the body starts to be run down...

People are starting to ask where my vibrancy went...
I'm tired...
Father I ask you to remind Wade and his dear wife of this in your Holy Scriptures - Galatians 6:9:

6Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. 7Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. 8For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. 9And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. 10As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

Wade it will feel at times as though satan has been given permission to sift you as wheat-
This is for your growth, and God allows these trials as you seek to be conformed to Him-and raise your children in that hope and determination as well.

It's hard when you seem to be feeling like you're going it alone because you are not really in the supportive Church family that you longed for and feel like you are settling-

I really can relate to how you're feeling for there were so many years I was a single parent & had to be both mom & try to cover missing 'dad' as well- for 2 little ones and then work full time, & then had to work another part time job to support them, then school work to help with, get them to church 2x a week, try to teach them while others were undermining the Christian faith I was trying to raise them with, etc- I remember feeling like 'how much longer can I do this Lord?!?!" He will give you strength for 'the day'. This I know. I also know that the passage above is true- so hang on and keep persevering and praying your way through all the difficulties, and make sure to thank Him for the blessings, and the trials He gets you through. You're children are learning more than you realize, and more will sink in than you realize now. What they 'hear' opens the doors for opportunities to teach so be patient, maybe what YOU share, they will share-

Those that don't understand or have not lived with extremely difficult life challenges (but most people do at some time or another) will sometimes not get how downtrodden one can feel at times- especially if not surrounded by a Christian family who is supportive or a strong Christian community (likeminded) that comes along side you-

But God sees your situation and He is carrying you even if you don't feel it at times- you are familiar with "Footprints"? It just popped in my mind- sorry for my feeble attempt at comfort but I do understand and will pray-

One night I dreamed a dream.
As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to me and one to my Lord.

After the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that at many times along the path of my life,
especially at the very lowest and saddest times,
there was only one set of footprints.

This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,
You'd walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me."

He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you
Never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you."

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Re: Poll: Prayer Requests & Personal Testimonies

Post by Valerie »

temporal1 wrote:
Wade wrote:When one works strange's shifts, long hours, tries to fix up an old house, has broken down vehicles, cares for a large family, scoops squirrels out of the well..., has to counteract ideas the children are learning at church, budget isn't happening, lacks sleep, and etc. physically the body starts to be run down...

People are starting to ask where my vibrancy went...
I'm tired...
for self-preservation, somehow, you must learn to pace yourself. in every way, including spiritually. there is a way. God promises He will provide a way. He does.

in our busiest times, days were l-o-n-g, and demanding. 7 days weekly. i woke before everyone, each morning i prayed for strength and guidance to meet THAT DAY. that ONE day. one day at a time.
like you, i believe, it was a labor of love .. that’s a tremendous gift and motivation to do it. with God’s help, to manage to do it. how do people manage without faith? it’s a wonder to me.

“Half an hour's prayer each day is essential, except when you are busy.
Then a full hour is needed.”
Saint Francis de Sales

i did not read this until years after our busiest years. but, just the same, it resonated.
Amen to all this temp, I remember during those years I shared about being the single parent, making sure to start the day even earlier to spend time with the Lord- praying, reading His Word's you need that more than anything to face the day- and then throughout the day the Holy Spirit, the Comforter- brings that comfort- and we also, spending time in God's Word, read about how others suffered & gained strength-
I think it's great that Wade can feel comfortable to share here- I think of King David sharing his every thought & emotion- his joys, his sorrows, his weaknesses, his repentence - so human!

Yes pace yourself- I remember conveying feeling so overwhelmed, at church one time & a brother said "you need tenacity" and to "prioritize" and I remember thinking- NONE of the things on the to do list can go! But you we apparently were replyting to Wade the same time, and with same thought 'strength for THIS day, He gives- each day, to trust Him-

Physically too though- I know we need vitamins - at work so many people are buying those 'energy drinks'- there must be a lot of tired folks out there!
BUT- there is a need for enough essential vitamins to physically meet the days as well- but strange work shifts ARE hard on people- my son was on a 3 day rotation changing shifts every 3 days- one time driving home from work he fell asleep and hit a tree- thank the Lord it could have been worse- oncoming traffic would have been worse- wake up call!
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Re: Poll: Prayer Requests & Personal Testimonies

Post by Valerie »

temporal1 wrote:i presume many are attending to this sad incident in Michigan.
Amish buggy hit by pickup truck, 3 fatalities, 6 critically injured ... riage.html

prayers for all impacted. :(
I just read in some kind of internet news, that the parents (hospitalized) are not aware they lost 3 children yet-
I can't even read this, but they need prayers! There is an incredible faith from Amish to see everything as "God's will" and it is times like these that the world is amazed at their faith & acceptance of God's will but suffering over your children is probably the most painful suffering one can encounter-

Prayers needed!
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