The Balfour Declaration

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The Balfour Declaration

Post by JohnHurt »

The Balfour Declaration:


Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild,

I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.


Arthur James Balfour


1. Why was the Balfour Declaration issued by Britain during World War One? Is there a reason why the timing of November 2, 1917 is important?

2. Why was the Balfour Declaration addressed to Walter Rothchild, the head of the Rothchild Central Banking System? Why was it not addressed to Chaim Weizman, the leader of the Zionist movement?

3. What did the English Government receive in exchange from the Rothchilds for granting control of Palestine to the Zionists?

4. Is there any link between the British Balfour Declaration, and the German government allowing Vladimir Lenin to travel by "sealed train" through Germany to enter Russia and establish Communism there?


I have my own ideas about this, but your answers, theories, and opinions are appreciated.

John Hurt
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Re: The Balfour Declaration

Post by JohnHurt »

The"Anti-Zionist but Jewish" author Benjamin Freedman said that in October 1916, the Rothchild banks made two offers of assistance for winning WWI, one to Germany, and one to England:

1. If Germany would let Vladimir Lenin travel by train from Switzerland through Germany to Russia to establish Communism, the Rothchild agents would overthrow the Tsar and take Russia out of WWI, thus freeing up German troops to fight in France.

2. If England would give Palestine to the Zionists, then the Rothchilds would bring the United States into the war on the side of the Allies.

This is an explanation why the Balfour Declaration was written to the Rothchilds, and why Germany let Lenin travel to Russia. But is it true?

I compiled a timeline of WWI, which I will share in the next post.
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Re: The Balfour Declaration

Post by JohnHurt »

Balfour Timeline

Sept 1912. Woodrow Wilson elected President

December 1913. Wilson signs Federal Reserve Act, giving the Rothchild Central Banks control over the US Economy: Woodrow Wilson appears to be an agent of the Rothchild banks.

July 1914. World War One begins
USA declares that it is a neutral power, but trades only with England.

May 1st 1915. SS Lusitania is loaded with 173 tons of war ammunition and sails from New York to England. Winston Churchill is the "First Lord of the Admiralty". A week before the sinking of Lusitania, Winston Churchill wrote to Walter Runciman, the President of the Board of Trade, stating that it is "most important to attract neutral shipping to our shores, in the hope especially of embroiling the United States with Germany. ... troversies

May 7, 1915 Lusitania Sunk off Ireland, but USA still remains Neutral
This initial British effort by Churchill to involve the USA in WWI on the side of the British has failed.

September 1916. Woodrow Wilson reelected for 2nd term based on slogan "He Kept Us Out of War!" –

October 1916 – The Rothchild Banks make an offer of assistance to Germany and to England to help each side win World War One - in exchange for certain concessions.

For Germany, the Rothchilds offered to overthrow the Tsar and take Russia out of the War if Germany will allow Vladimir Lenin to travel through Germany from Switzerland to Russia to help install Communism there.

For the English, the Rothchilds offered to bring the United States into the War, in exchange for Britian giving Palestine to the Zionists. But Britian must first take Palestine from the Ottoman Empire.
Both offers are accepted. (see below). This appears to be the hidden turning point of WWI.

January 1917 Woodrow Wilson leads the USA to side with the Allies, and gives unrestricted aid to England. In return, German Unrestricted Submarine Warfare begins, with attacks on all ships going to England, including US ships. Wilson understands that unrestricted aid to Britain, and the subsequent sinking of US ships would draw the USA into the war. Woodrow Wilson appears to be acting on behalf of the Rothchilds.

January 17, 1917 German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmerman "supposedly misunderstands" the Pancho Villa Raid of March 1916 on New Mexico as an genuine attempt by Mexico to conquer the USA. Zimmerman writes the "Zimmerman Telegram" which promises that Germany will help Mexico reconquer Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico from the USA if Mexico will support Germany in WWI. This telegram hurts Germany, and gives the Rothchild owned newspapers the propaganda they need to encourage the USA to enter the war. Arthur Zimmerman appears to be an agent of the Rothchilds.

February 27, 1917 The February Revolution in Russia. This may benefit Germany, as it could take Russia out of WWI, which would free up German troops on the Eastern front. But Russia needs V.I. Lenin to create and lead a fully Communist state. So Russia will not drop out of WWI until Lenin arrives.

March 15, 1917 Tsar Nicholas of Russia abdicates

March 3, 1917 Zimmerman Speech confirms Telegram Authenticity.
(Why would German Foreign Minister Zimmerman confirm his telegram, as it was not in Germany's interests for the USA to enter the war? The only answer is that Zimmerman must be working as an agent of the Rothchilds.)

April 6, 1917 Wilson and the US declares war on Germany based on Zimmerman Telegram and 6 sunken ships. But, only 73,000 US soldiers volunteer for war. Many German people live in the USA and the average person is neutral to fighting a European war. The Rothchild newspapers begin to stoke anti-German sentiment in the USA.

April 9, 1917 - Just three days after US enters the war, Germany allows Lenin take a "sealed train" from Switzerland to Russia through Germany. Lenin openly supports Russian withdrawal from the war, and Communism. Both Rothchild offers are now in play.

April – October 1917 When the USA declares war on Germany, Britain keeps its part of the offer and provides troops for the Sinai Campaign to conquer Palestine.

May 1917 French Army begins to mutiny and desert. The Allies Western front may collapse.

May 1917 US Selective Service Act

June 5, 1917 US Men drafted 21 to 31

November 1917 - British Sinai Campaign picks up speed, the conquest of Palestine is now possible.

November 2, 1917 Balfour Declaration

November 8, 1917 Beersheba captured

November 17 – December 30, 1917 Jerusalem captured by British

November 17, 1917 Russian Revolution, Lenin and Bolsheviks take over Russia

December 1917 Armistice between Bolshevik Russia and Germany
German forces move from Eastern Front to fight on the Western front.

March, 1918 With forces from the Eastern Front, Germany begins to win World War One.
Germans within 75 miles of Paris, and shell the city with cannon fire.

US sends 10,000 fresh soldiers a month Summer, 1918
This tips the balance of the war back to the Allies.

Allied offensive starts August 1918

End of war November 11, 1918.

Versaille Treaty June 28, 1919

Major Outcomes of the Two Rothchild Offers that affect the rest of the 20th Century:
Communism established in Russia
Zionism Established in Palestine

Minor Outcomes that affect only Europe for a few years:
Allies win, Germany loses WWI
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Re: The Balfour Declaration

Post by JohnHurt »

Benjamin Freedman's hypothesis on the Rothchild influence over the return of Lenin to Russia by train through Germany - does not seem to hold water.

When WWI broke out in 1914, Lenin was arrested in Poland, but released when they found that he was against the Russian Tsar.

So Lenin spent the war in Bern Switzerland, and when the February revolution arrived and the Tsar abdicted, Lenin petitioned to rejoin the Mensheviks and Kerensky to install socialism with them. Trotsky could have headed up the Bolsheviks, but Lenin was the greatest thinker, writer, and had produced the newspapers that started the Communist party.

Could Communism have been installed without Lenin? Probably. The Tsarist government had so many problems, something had to break, either with or without V.I. Lenin.

The only real connection is the timing, that Lenin's train ride was granted by Germany just 3 days after the USA declared war on Germany. Correlation does not always prove causation. There were also 32 other people on the train.

And it was a smart move by Germany, and probably not considered until Lenin lobbied the Germany government for passage.

So I am not certain I agree with Freedman's hypothesis on the Rothchilds promising to take Russia out of the war if Lenin could be transported through Germany, and then Sweden and Finland to St. Petersburg, in disguise.

That is a bit much.
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Re: The Balfour Declaration

Post by Ken »

JohnHurt wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 6:32 pm Benjamin Freedman's hypothesis on the Rothchild influence over the return of Lenin to Russia by train through Germany - does not seem to hold water.

When WWI broke out in 1914, Lenin was arrested in Poland, but released when they found that he was against the Russian Tsar.

So Lenin spent the war in Bern Switzerland, and when the February revolution arrived and the Tsar abdicted, Lenin petitioned to rejoin the Mensheviks and Kerensky to install socialism with them. Trotsky could have headed up the Bolsheviks, but Lenin was the greatest thinker, writer, and had produced the newspapers that started the Communist party.

Could Communism have been installed without Lenin? Probably. The Tsarist government had so many problems, something had to break, either with or without V.I. Lenin.

The only real connection is the timing, that Lenin's train ride was granted by Germany just 3 days after the USA declared war on Germany. Correlation does not always prove causation. There were also 32 other people on the train.

And it was a smart move by Germany, and probably not considered until Lenin lobbied the Germany government for passage.

So I am not certain I agree with Freedman's hypothesis on the Rothchilds promising to take Russia out of the war if Lenin could be transported through Germany, and then Sweden and Finland to St. Petersburg, in disguise.

That is a bit much.
Germany was on the cusp of war with Russia.

The more conventional interpretation was that Germany was sending Lenin back to foment revolution in Russia. And 29 of the other passengers on the train were other Russian exiles who were also opponents of the Tsar. And it wasn't a train ride from Germany straight to Russia. Far from it. They smuggled themselves into Russia by horse-drawn sleighs: ... 180962127/
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, joined by 29 other Russian exiles, a Pole and a Swiss, was on his way to Russia to try to seize power from the government and declare a “dictatorship of the proletariat,” a phrase coined in the mid-19th century and adopted by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the founders of Marxism. Lenin and his fellow exiles, revolutionaries all, including his wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya, had boarded a train in Zurich, crossed Germany, traveled the Baltic Sea by ferry and ridden 17 hours by rail from Stockholm to this remote corner of Sweden.

They hired horse-drawn sleds to head across the frozen river to Finland. “I remember that it was night,” Grigory Zinoviev, one of the exiles traveling with Lenin, would write in a memoir. “There was a long thin ribbon of sledges. On each sledge were two people. Tension as [we] approached the Finnish border reached its maximum....Vladimir Ilyich was outwardly calm.” Eight days later, he would reach St. Petersburg, then Russia’s capital but known as Petrograd.
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Re: The Balfour Declaration

Post by JohnHurt »

But what does make sense?

That the Rothchild Banking System promised to bring the USA into WWI on the side of the Allies, in return for Britain promising to support a Jewish State in Palestine, that makes perfect sense.

Unlike any previous war, the United States would not gain any economic advantage by siding with the Allies against Germany in WWI. In the Spanish American War, the USA took Cuba and the Philippines from Spain, and installed a base at at Guantanamo in Cuba, and the Clark and Subic bases in the Philippines. Yellow journalism by the Hearst newspapers, like young American women being undressed by filthy Cuban men, blowing up the USS Maine in the Cuban harbor, and that we were "fighting for the freedom of the Philippine people" - when if fact, it was the Filipinos who kept fighting us for their freedom, just like they did the Spanish - we can see the role of the Establishment Newspaper media in getting us into war.

But for our involvement with Britain in WWI in Europe, for all of our young men being killed there, there was nothing to be gained for the USA. No bases, no economic concessions.

And why did the Wilson get the USA side with the British? Only a hundred years and two years earlier, in 1812, the British had attacked us and burned down our Capitol in Washington DC. It would be like today, if Britain had burned our US Capitol in 1921, our grandparents and many others would have told us how horrible Britain really was. Why not side with Germany? Or just remain neutral, like many other countries in the world?

Because the Rothchild banks were in control of the USA, and they could tell us when to go to war, and on what side we would fight.

Wilson introduced the military draft of all men, ages 21 to 31, to fight an unpopular war to tip the balance back to the Allies. This led to trouble for the rest of the 20th century.

If Wilson had not gotten the USA into WWI, the Germans would have made the French sue for peace. There would have been no Versailles treaty, no crushing reparations on Germany, and no need or support for someone like Adolph Hitler to come to power. Hitler was born at Versailles - he could have not been elected in a prosperous and undefeated Germany. The Germans came to the WWI Peace table under Wilson's 14 points which was somewhat reasonable, and then after capitulation, they were given the Versailles treaty - which stripped Germany of everything.

Germany lost WWI, and as a result, the whole world lost WWII, all because of the USA entering a European war that was totally unnecessary to the national security of the USA.

And the strangest outcome of WWI was the Balfour Declaration, which now makes more sense to me, after compiling a timeline.

Benjamin Freedman's hypothesis answers 3 of the 4 following questions, namely:

1. Why was the Balfour Declaration written to Lord Rothchild? Because that is the person that could get the USA to enter the war on the side of Britain, not Chaim Weizmann. Arthur Rothchild and his banks made this deal with Britain, and the Balfour Declaration was the necessary "public" response by Britain.

2. Why was the Balfour Declaration written on November 2, 1917? Because to fulfill the agreement, the British Army had spent the the last several months building its forces to take over Palestine, and so at this point, the British Foreign Office could deliver Palestine to the Zionists.

3. What did Britain receive in return? The entrance of the USA on the side of the Allies, which is something that the British had tried and failed with the sinking of Lusitania in 1915.

4. Is there any link between the Balfour Declaration, and Lenin's "sealed train"? I don't think so.

Before Zionism, there were many Jews living peaceably in Palestine with the Arab, and the Christian population there. There are many Jewish supporters of "Jews Against Zionism" even today.

Zionism originated in Palestine with the Irgun and Stern terrorist gangs, who blew up the King David Hotel in 1946. These terrorist members became the leaders of the modern Zionist "State of Israel". The "State of Israel" does not speak for every Jew, and you are not "anti-Semitic" for opposing Zionist violence.

But the Balfour Declaration tells us who is really behind Zionism, and it is the Rothchild Banking Cartel.

They rule over us all, by using "Divide and Conquer". That is, if they can make us hate each other because we are from a certain "group", instead of loving each other as humans, then they can control us. As Dr. King said, "I have a dream that a man will be judged by his character, and not by the color of his skin." Dr. King wanted all of us to come together as humans, and Dr. King was killed. They want us to fight each other, not them.

The Balfour Declaration also shows us that the Banking Elite is superior to any of our elected governments. They funded both sides of the US Civil war, and many other wars as well. They are the scourge of mankind.

If you want to know about the Rothchilds, look at Kubrick's "Eyes Wide Shut" (not safe for work). These people are Satanists, and are the driving force behind the LGBT, pedophilia, transgender, and every other perversion. They are not Jews at all, as Christ predicted in Rev 2;9 and Rev 3:9.

One day, when we can accept each other with love as fellow humans, when we refuse to fight in these endless wars, and when we realize that the Bible has a death penalty for usury banking (Ezekiel 18:13), we will overcome this banking elite through the power of Jesus Christ.

And God gives us hope that we won't be bothered with these usury bankers in heaven:
Psalms 15:1 LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? who shall dwell in thy holy hill?
(5) He that putteth not out his money to usury, nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved.
So yes, the Rothchilds may be a plague on us for the last 300 years, but they won't be dwelling with us in heaven.

Prior to Calvin, the Mennonites opposed usury:
When Christians ignore what the Bible teaches about usury - this is the reason why the Rothchilds are able to destroy our world.
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Re: The Balfour Declaration

Post by JohnHurt »

Ken wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 6:59 pm
JohnHurt wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 6:32 pm Benjamin Freedman's hypothesis on the Rothchild influence over the return of Lenin to Russia by train through Germany - does not seem to hold water.

When WWI broke out in 1914, Lenin was arrested in Poland, but released when they found that he was against the Russian Tsar.

So Lenin spent the war in Bern Switzerland, and when the February revolution arrived and the Tsar abdicted, Lenin petitioned to rejoin the Mensheviks and Kerensky to install socialism with them. Trotsky could have headed up the Bolsheviks, but Lenin was the greatest thinker, writer, and had produced the newspapers that started the Communist party.

Could Communism have been installed without Lenin? Probably. The Tsarist government had so many problems, something had to break, either with or without V.I. Lenin.

The only real connection is the timing, that Lenin's train ride was granted by Germany just 3 days after the USA declared war on Germany. Correlation does not always prove causation. There were also 32 other people on the train.

And it was a smart move by Germany, and probably not considered until Lenin lobbied the Germany government for passage.

So I am not certain I agree with Freedman's hypothesis on the Rothchilds promising to take Russia out of the war if Lenin could be transported through Germany, and then Sweden and Finland to St. Petersburg, in disguise.

That is a bit much.
Germany was on the cusp of war with Russia.

The more conventional interpretation was that Germany was sending Lenin back to foment revolution in Russia. And 29 of the other passengers on the train were other Russian exiles who were also opponents of the Tsar. And it wasn't a train ride from Germany straight to Russia. Far from it. They smuggled themselves into Russia by horse-drawn sleighs: ... 180962127/
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, joined by 29 other Russian exiles, a Pole and a Swiss, was on his way to Russia to try to seize power from the government and declare a “dictatorship of the proletariat,” a phrase coined in the mid-19th century and adopted by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the founders of Marxism. Lenin and his fellow exiles, revolutionaries all, including his wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya, had boarded a train in Zurich, crossed Germany, traveled the Baltic Sea by ferry and ridden 17 hours by rail from Stockholm to this remote corner of Sweden.

They hired horse-drawn sleds to head across the frozen river to Finland. “I remember that it was night,” Grigory Zinoviev, one of the exiles traveling with Lenin, would write in a memoir. “There was a long thin ribbon of sledges. On each sledge were two people. Tension as [we] approached the Finnish border reached its maximum....Vladimir Ilyich was outwardly calm.” Eight days later, he would reach St. Petersburg, then Russia’s capital but known as Petrograd.
Yes, it benefited Germany greatly to send Lenin back to Russia.
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Re: The Balfour Declaration

Post by Ken »

JohnHurt wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 7:49 pm
Ken wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 6:59 pm
JohnHurt wrote: Sat Nov 11, 2023 6:32 pm Benjamin Freedman's hypothesis on the Rothchild influence over the return of Lenin to Russia by train through Germany - does not seem to hold water.

When WWI broke out in 1914, Lenin was arrested in Poland, but released when they found that he was against the Russian Tsar.

So Lenin spent the war in Bern Switzerland, and when the February revolution arrived and the Tsar abdicted, Lenin petitioned to rejoin the Mensheviks and Kerensky to install socialism with them. Trotsky could have headed up the Bolsheviks, but Lenin was the greatest thinker, writer, and had produced the newspapers that started the Communist party.

Could Communism have been installed without Lenin? Probably. The Tsarist government had so many problems, something had to break, either with or without V.I. Lenin.

The only real connection is the timing, that Lenin's train ride was granted by Germany just 3 days after the USA declared war on Germany. Correlation does not always prove causation. There were also 32 other people on the train.

And it was a smart move by Germany, and probably not considered until Lenin lobbied the Germany government for passage.

So I am not certain I agree with Freedman's hypothesis on the Rothchilds promising to take Russia out of the war if Lenin could be transported through Germany, and then Sweden and Finland to St. Petersburg, in disguise.

That is a bit much.
Germany was on the cusp of war with Russia.

The more conventional interpretation was that Germany was sending Lenin back to foment revolution in Russia. And 29 of the other passengers on the train were other Russian exiles who were also opponents of the Tsar. And it wasn't a train ride from Germany straight to Russia. Far from it. They smuggled themselves into Russia by horse-drawn sleighs: ... 180962127/
Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, joined by 29 other Russian exiles, a Pole and a Swiss, was on his way to Russia to try to seize power from the government and declare a “dictatorship of the proletariat,” a phrase coined in the mid-19th century and adopted by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the founders of Marxism. Lenin and his fellow exiles, revolutionaries all, including his wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya, had boarded a train in Zurich, crossed Germany, traveled the Baltic Sea by ferry and ridden 17 hours by rail from Stockholm to this remote corner of Sweden.

They hired horse-drawn sleds to head across the frozen river to Finland. “I remember that it was night,” Grigory Zinoviev, one of the exiles traveling with Lenin, would write in a memoir. “There was a long thin ribbon of sledges. On each sledge were two people. Tension as [we] approached the Finnish border reached its maximum....Vladimir Ilyich was outwardly calm.” Eight days later, he would reach St. Petersburg, then Russia’s capital but known as Petrograd.
Yes, it benefited Germany greatly to send Lenin back to Russia.
Yep, and Lenin returned the favor 11 months later with the treaty of Brest-Litovsk in which the Soviets withdrew from the war.
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A fool can throw out more questions than a wise man can answer. -RZehr
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