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A Tale of Two Doctors and How They Resolved Joint Stiffness

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2024 8:57 am
by JohnHurt
The Iridologist Doctor:

A few years ago, my joints started stiffening so much that I could not play piano or violin. I did not want to go to an allopathic doctor as they would just give me a steroid that would make things worse.

A friend recommended that I go to an Amish doctor that practiced Iridology. I was very skeptical. The Amish doctor does not take payment for this free service, so there is no regulation by outside entities.

At the Amish doctor's "office", I filled out a form with my just my name, but never told the Amish doctor my problem.

He looked at the iris of my eyes and told me that I had joint problems. I could not believe it. He recommended Cortaflex for my joints, which worked very well. He also told me that I needed to quit drinking spring water and drink distilled water, as the minerals in the spring water were causing my joint issues. I followed his advice and resolved my health problem. I am still free of it today.

He also diagnosed that I have to get up to the bathroom at night, as I had an enlarged prostate, which I never mentioned, and he was right on this too. He recommended saw palmetto and magnesium, which has helped. He could have guessed this from my age but he knew regardless.

Then he told me I had intestinal parasites and recommended "Paracleanse" to get rid of them. I had been eating a lot of sushi before this, and yes, you can get parasites from sushi. I did the Paracleanse over several weeks and got a lot of my energy back. I would have never known I had this problem, without his help.

I never told the Amish doctor about any of my health problems, and he diagnosed them perfectly. I have since taken several friends to see him and told them not to tell him anything about their health problems, and yet he would diagnose them correctly each time. I did not believe in Iridology, but this cannot be "chance" that he was correct every time.

When I sat in the waiting room, I found that people from all over the world were coming to see this Iridologist. The people sitting next to me the last time I was there were from Czechoslovakia. And he doesn't' charge a dime.

The Allopathic Doctor:

My friend, Darrell, is a great guy that runs a bamboo farm and lives by himself. But I noticed that when Darrell looks at you, he turns his whole body and never turns his neck.

I asked Darrell about this, and he said that his joints were locking up on him, and he could not turn his neck. He drinks spring water from his farm, which he really likes.

Darrell went to the local Allopathic "mainstream medicine" doctor this summer, and they gave him some very expensive pills for his joint stiffness. Darrell said that as long as he kept taking these pills, he was not as stiff, so they did work. But they had a side effect that affected his lungs, and he started getting to where he could not breathe. The side effect that the pills hurt your lungs was on the "warning label" of the drug, so the problem of Darrell not being able to breathe is not the drug manufacturer or the doctor's fault. Darrell should have read the label.

Now Darrell has even more problems.

Each year, when everyone gets their yearly flu shot, many of these "flu vaccinated" people shed the flu virus to other people, which starts the flu season on everyone else. Regardless of how the flu season starts, Darrell caught the flu in December, and with his compromised lungs from the pills, he ended up in the emergency room as he could not breathe at all.

When Darrell was in the hospital, the allopathic doctors ran tests on him and found that he now had a problem with the valve in his heart. I wonder if the pills caused that too? So they have scheduled Darrell for heart surgery on Feb 13th.

The allopathic doctors said that if his arteries are not clogged, they can do the heart surgery by orthoscopic means, by going to the heart through one of his arteries. But if his arteries are clogged, then they will have to open up his chest and do the surgery that way. Or they might have to do a full quadruple bypass and take arteries out of his legs and reattach them around his heart.

Darrell is a little scared of all of this, as they said he had a 90% chance of survival. I don't like those odds either.

I told Darrell how I beat my CRVO (Central Retinal Vein Occlusion - which is a stroke in my eye) and cleared out all of my arteries by using Japanese Natto I made in a Smart Pot, Nattokinese and EDTA chelation, plus juice fasting for about a month. Darrell is not "fully onboard" with all of that, but he is taking Nattokinese capsules.

I told Darrell about Elmer Cranton's book "Bypassing Bypass" which talks about EDTA chelation. And I asked him to consider using distilled water for drinking, but we will see. He really likes his spring water.

Darrell is a great guy. He was so healthy and vigorous just a few months ago before he starting taking the pills for joint stiffness. Now my son and I have to help him stack his own firewood. He can't do anything without getting out of breath. He cannot run his farm anymore.


If you have had any personal experiences with Iridology, EDTA, Natto, Nattokinease, or other alternative medicine, let me know.

If you or your family have had a bad experience with the mainstream "allopathic" doctors, I would be interested in your story.

Both of my parents died cancer, because they trusted in these doctors. Mom got breast cancer from the estrogen pills the doctor gave her. The cancer then went to her liver and killed her. Dad died from colon cancer, which was misdiagnosed by the doctors as something else for several months until it was too late. I was with my parents as they both died slow, horrible, and agonizing deaths. I would like to prevent that from happening to other people.

