Tips for Western Europeans with their gas shut off

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Tips for Western Europeans with their gas shut off

Post by Josh »

#1. Learn how to knit. Wool sweaters are very warm.

#2. Boiled potatoes put in the bottom of a bed can keep your feet very warm even on freezing nights.

#3. Invest in Milwaukee batteries and electric clothes - a single charge can last all day and keep your jacket warm.

#4. When it's raining or snowing, you need to keep the water out to stay warm. Keep your inner layers dry and have waterproof outer layers.

#5. Look into getting a mortgage refinance on your house now - taking out the cash could help pay 1 or 2 more months' worth of heating bills.

#6. Get that spray-foam stuff in a can and seal off as many windows and doorjams as you can. Limit yourself to just 1 door to go in and out of the house.

#7. Most heat loss comes from your head, feet, and hands, so remember to wear a wooly hat indoors and invest in wool socks.

#8. Remember, spring isn't THAT far away. Only 7 more months to go!
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