Blessing and Cursing

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Re: Blessing and Cursing

Post by Valerie »

Ernie wrote:
Neto wrote:Skimmed it, so maybe the stated conclusion is not the gist of the article, but the idea to say something good about a person before saying something critical will generally, in my opinion, come across as getting the person's attention by saying the good thing, so that they are listening when they get blasted. I do not think it is good to mix positive & negative comments. If we often compliment people, then maybe we have the 'right' to make corrective comments, because they will understand that we are 'for them'.
Yes, I have never enjoyed flattery ahead of a scolding or rebuke.

I think it depends on how the compliment is given. Saying something like, "I have something I want to talk to you about today. Before I say that, I want you to know that I do appreciate you as a person and I like your..." might be a good thing?
Why do we not consider Jesus used this very approach when addressing the 7 churches in Asia, in Revelation 2 & 3? I don't think Jesus was usiing flattery, He was bringing up the good first, then addressing the areas needing repentance- I always thought His pattern was best!
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Re: Blessing and Cursing

Post by Aaron »

hmmmm..... example made up >>>

Simon barjona, you are a chosen messenger of the Creator, chosen to die a martyrs death for your faith, to be a faithful follower of Me , The Messiah.....

now then, get behind me satan !


Would that be nice ?

Did the Father in Heaven, The Creator Himself, Direct Jesus to be nice ? (no)
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Re: Blessing and Cursing

Post by Josh »

Aaron wrote:hmmmm..... example made up >>>

Simon barjona, you are a chosen messenger of the Creator, chosen to die a martyrs death for your faith, to be a faithful follower of Me , The Messiah.....

now then, get behind me satan !


Would that be nice ?

Did the Father in Heaven, The Creator Himself, Direct Jesus to be nice ? (no)
Good point.
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Re: Blessing and Cursing

Post by Wade »

One of my friends is quite upset that his second wife recently left him. I said to him that it was good. Some people might take that as a cursing or not nice.
But I think blessing always carries an eternal perspective even if it doesn't look nice or a blessing to some people.
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Re: Blessing and Cursing

Post by Aaron »

"I have an idea that I would like to try out in my life and I would like to pass on to you. I remember a friend telling me about a rehab program he was involved in where the participants were asked to provide constructive criticism to their fellow program participants. However, they needed to preface each critical statement with an expression of their appreciation for the person that was to be “criticized.” I want to try something similar in my conversation. Every time I say something critical about a person or group, I intend to include a positive statement saying something that is to be appreciated about them. I want every statement that I make about someone else to bless (promote the well-being of) both those hearing and the one who is being discussed. I want to do my part in redeeming this broken world that we live in. I anticipate it being a struggle, but I don’t want to be at fault for promoting the downfall of anyone. I invite you to join me in this challenge!~ Category: Public" (from the link in the op)

Well, let's look at a Scriptural example - Remember the bad guy who wanted to buy power from the Apostles ?
Did they say ANYTHING good about him ?

And the serpents Jesus spoke to face to face ? Did Jesus say ANYTHING GOOD about them ?

And the ones who bring a false gospel ? Are born again ones supposed to even greet them!? (no)

And many other examples in Timothy, Revelation, Galatians, Ephesians - people who have nothing good, not one bit of good in them, in the flesh ....

(like/as we all once were..... (are?) ) ....... when walking in darkness as sons of disobedience, subject to the 'dark prince' - the "prince of the power of the air" ..... )

How can anyone in the world KNOW the TRUTH ? And speak the TRUTH ?

Jesus shows HOW. He Trained and Taught all of His disciples (who remain with Him) how.

Jesus still leads His Sheep Today. (in the midst of dangerous wolves all around) .....
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