War isn’t murder

Messages, Lectures and talks that relate, or connect to Anabapatist theology.
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Re: War isn’t murder

Post by Soloist »

Reminds me of a song I heard my patient listen to. Unfortunately, it’s historical.
Hear the sound of a machine gun
Hear it echo in the night
Mortals firing rains the scene
Scars the fields
That once were green
It's a stalemate at the front line
Where the soldiers rest in mud
Roads and houses
All is gone
There is no glory to be won
Know that many men will suffer
Know that many men will die
Half a million lives at stake
Ask the fields of Passchendaele
And as the night falls the general calls
And the battle carries on and on
How long?
What is the purpose of it all
What's the price of a mile?
Thousands of feet march to the beat
It's an army on the march
Long way from home
Paying the price in young men's lives
Thousands of feet march to the beat
It's an army in despair
Knee-deep in mud
Stuck in the trench with no way out
Thousands of machineguns
Kept on firing through the night
Mortars blazed and wrecked the scene
Guns in the fields that once were green
Still a deadlock at the front line
Where the soldiers die in mud
Roads and houses since long gone
Still no glory has been won
Know that many men has suffered
Know that many men has died
Six miles of ground has been won
Half a million men are gone
And as the men crawled the general called
And the killing carried on and on
How long?
What's the purpose of it all?
What's the price of a mile?
Thousands of feet march to the beat
It's an army on the march
Long way from home
Paying the price in young men's lives
Thousands of feet march to the beat
It's an army in despair
Knee-deep in mud
Stuck in the trench with no way out
Young men are dying
They pay the price
Oh how they suffer
So tell me what's the price of a mile
That's the price of a mile.
Thousands of feet march to the beat
It's an army on the march
Long way from home
Paying the price in young men's lives
Thousands of feet march to the beat
It's an army in despair
Knee-deep in mud
Stuck in the trench with no way out
0 x
Soloist, but I hate singing alone
Soloist, but my wife posts with me
Soloist, but I believe in community
Soloist, but I want God in the pilot seat
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Joined: Mon Nov 18, 2019 5:44 am
Location: Planting zone 7
Affiliation: MtValleyMenno/Faith

Re: War isn’t murder

Post by danfreed »

RZehr and Soloist,
Very sad lyrics about war.

But there is an alternative, found in the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ.

Jesus own words about the peace He would give (John 14:27)
"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled; do not be afraid."

I'm fixing my eyes on Jesus today. He makes all the difference.
I desire "the peace of Christ to rule in [my] heart-house"

"And over all these virtues put on love, which is the bond of perfect unity.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, for to this you were called as members of one body.
And be thankful.
Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God."
Col 3:14-16

Jesus love, peace, and power has changed (and is changing) my bitterness and selfishness to grace, peace and peacemaking.

Bonus - for anyone interested in quality Bible teaching on the change that Jesus brings, here is last Sunday's sermon from Colossians 3.
"Keep Putting on Christ"

And practical help to peace with God...
1 x
My spiritual perspectives are Jesus-centered, evangelical anabaptist, New Testament Bible based...
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